The knife struck down from above! ! !

Everyone was stunned and stared blankly at the King of Time in front of them. What kind of energy was that? ?

At that moment, they didn't know why, but they had a vague feeling...

This blow seemed to be a sure-hit attack, unable to be avoided or counterattacked! ! !

boom! ! ! !

The old demon King of Time crossed his arms and tried his best to resist the angry blow from King of Time, Level 3! ! !

【drink! ! ! ! ! 】

At this moment, it became a struggle between the two sides! ! !

The next second! !

Rumble, rumble! ! !

The ground started to shake! ! !

Many powerful people watching were stunned.

what happened? ?

Why did the ground suddenly start shaking? ? ?

Some powerful men had a cold light flashing in their eyes!

They saw the clue! !

In the wrestling between the two, the main force confrontation was transmitted to the ground through their bodies! !

And the ground could not withstand such terrifying power from the two of them, so the ground began to shake violently! ! !

Right now!


Shi Wang·Third Order suddenly raised his sword! !

The old demon king was stunned. This sudden feeling of losing control of his center of gravity exposed his flaw! !

【hehe! 】

The third level of King of Time turns the chop into a thorn, and the target is the abdomen of the old demon King of Time! ! !

Next moment, turn the dial! !

[Level 3·World shattering·Explosion, explosion! 】

At this moment, all the terrifying energy poured out from the Sword of the Third-Level Time King.

It directly bombarded Lao Feng Moshi King's abdomen! !

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

this moment!

The world changes color! !

The already dark sky seemed to collapse at this moment! ! !

The wind is blowing! !

This is the prelude to the coming storm! ! !

boom! ! ! !

At this moment, Lao Feng Mo Shi Wang was knocked away by the powerful energy and hit the mountains in the distance! !

Under the terrible impact!

The old demon king fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassed state!

And the mountains behind him were split into two! ! !

The old Demon King of Time climbed up with difficulty, raised his head and looked at the Third Level of Time King in front of him.

[I didn’t have such a strong power when I was young! ! ! 】

At this moment, Lao Feng Mo Shi Wang was a little doubtful about his life. He suspected that there was something wrong with his memory.


Why do I have no impression of how powerful I was when I was young? ?

I don’t know why, when the powerful people from all over the world who watched the video heard the King of Demon Time say these words, there seemed to be unwillingness and anger in his tone?

Could it be that……

When the old demon King was young...

What have you experienced? ? ?

[This is not my power, it is the power of my companions! 】

Tokiwa Shougo shook his head and said to the old Enma Tokio.

[Maybe you are me in the future, but there is a little difference between us! 】

Tokiwa Shougo was silent for two seconds, his tone full of pride.

【That means I have a companion! ! 】

When the old demon Tokio heard Tokiwa Shougo's words, he immediately understood what the other party meant.

He felt a little ridiculous and helpless towards his younger self.

Because he is his younger self, he understands himself...

Now that the other party has made a decision, it will never be changed easily, even...not by force!

[I see, you are planning to sacrifice your life for these companions of yours! 】

King Lao Feng Mo Shi said with a sneer.

In his eyes, this is stupid and naive!

But he knew that in his young eyes, this was his trust and respect for his companions.

[In that case, I will help you. 】

The old demon Tokio looked at Tokiwa Shogo who had released his transformation, shook his head and sighed.

[I hope you won’t regret your decision]

After Lao Feng Mo Shi Wang finished speaking, the scene suddenly dimmed again.

【impossible! ! There is no more Kamen Rider in this world! ! How could there still be a Kamen Rider? ! ! 】

Swaruz's voice suddenly came from the dark screen.

Everyone watching the video was stunned.

what happened! ?

The next second, the screen gradually became brighter.

A huge alien imperial knight appeared in front of everyone.

This is Swaruz who has captured the power of the Imperial Cavalry! ! !

And his angry roar before came from Tokiwa Shougo in front of him.

He obviously...

Clearly using the power of Imperial Cavalry and Tsukuyomi! !

History has been rewritten! !

Create a world without any Kamen Riders! !

But why! ! !

Why! ! !

Why does this guy Shi Wang still exist! ! !

Swaruz couldn't understand, but that didn't stop him from deciding to kill the King of Time! ! !

【No matter how much history is destroyed! ! Kamen Rider won't disappear either! ! ! 】

Tokiwa Shougo looked at Swaruz in front of him and yelled angrily.

The next second, he inserted the Zhizhi (Chonghuang) dial into his belt! !

【Transformation! ! ! 】

[Kamen Rider Tokio·Sou Huang Moment! ! ! 】

Gold coins flying all over the sky!

With Tokio as the center, statues of Kamen Riders appeared behind him! !

As all the statues lit up, the lime on their bodies slowly fell off, revealing the colors of these knights themselves! !

Then, space gates appeared from behind them, sucking them into the space gates one by one.

Then, King Toki, who gathered the power of twenty Kamen Riders, turned into a Kamen Rider with the power of twenty knights at this moment! !

Moment of worshiping the emperor! ! !

Kamen Rider: Lord Chonghuang! ! !

Come on stage! ! !

Assassin Wu Liuqi World.

Ah Qi's eyes widened, and he exclaimed: "Wow wow wow wow wow!!! Did you see it in Ji Dabao?! The Chonghuang Shi Wang is so handsome!!! The transformation special effects are so cool! ! People seem to want it too!!!"

Chicken Dabao was being rocked back and forth by Ah Qi. The whole chicken was really unbearable! ! !

A huge ‘ # ’ slowly appeared on his forehead! !


Duang! ! ! !

"If you don't watch quietly, don't watch anymore!!! Bastard Ah Qi!!!"

On the other side, the king of time and space...

Gates stared blankly at King Shi in the picture. He was stunned and looked at the picture in disbelief.

This is completely different from the King of Time in his impression...

The king of Chonghuang...

What is it? ? ? .

Chapter 224: Be angry! ! Hate it! ! Be desperate! ! Encounter the Demonic King of Time! ! (Please customize)

"What happened to the king during the Chonghuang period!? It has never appeared in historical records!!!"

Gates looked at all the unfamiliar pictures on the screen in confusion. First, Tsukuyomi appeared in 2020 inexplicably, and then Tokiwa Shogo actually went to the future and stabbed his future self.

All of this is very illogical compared to his cognition.

This left Gates confused.

In the end what happened? ?

Will history change so much? ?

Tsukuyomi said nothing. She looked directly at the video screen, as if she wanted to find some clues from the video.

But unfortunately, she stared at it for a long time, and her eyes ached, but she didn't find any valuable information.

Yes, it was just that when he worshiped the emperor, the king stood quietly and looked at his opponent in a prepared manner! !

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