He stood up suddenly.

Qi's father and Qi's mother were originally on either side of Qi Kusuo, showing off their affection.

Saiki Kusuo suddenly stood up.

The two hugged each other.

He looked blankly at Saiki Kusuo who suddenly stood up.

I saw him silent, walked aside, picked up his schoolbag, and left the room.

The purpose is self-evident.

go to school.

It was almost time for school, and he didn't want to be late for school because of this idiotic loving couple.

"Really, Kusuo, we haven't finished watching the video yet."

Father Qi complained.

"After all, the children have to go to school."

Qi's mother did understand Qi Kusuo's behavior.

"Well, that's true. Then let Kusuo use his super powers to show us the subsequent videos." Qi's father said matter-of-factly.

If Kusuo knew that his father had such thoughts, Kusuo might want to punch his shameless father into the wall.


The world of A Certain Magical Index.

At this time, the world is still dark.

With white hair and red eyes, Accelerator looked like a delinquent standing in front of the vending machine.

The video light curtain suspended in front of him was glowing with fluorescence. There was also a faint light coming from the vending machine, illuminating the surrounding area. Make where he is not so dark.

He looked at the video light screen expressionlessly.

Then, there was a "bang" sound.

"What an unpleasant smell."

"Boy, please borrow some money and treat some of my brothers to a drink?"

Several gangsters surrounded Accelerator.

They held out their hands to him.

The meaning is self-evident.


Accelerator glanced at the gangsters impatiently.

"Get out of here while I don't want to kill anyone."

"Haha, boy, your tone is quite loud."

"It seems there is a lack of lessons."

"Let you buy us a drink because I think highly of you."

Accelerator suddenly showed a cruel smile.

"I'm unhappy."

"Since you have brought it to my door, I won't be polite!"

Several bursts of electric light lit up.

Then, fit is restored again.

The vending machine that was originally operating normally was also destroyed.

Several gangsters fell to the ground.

Electricity flashed all over his body.

Accelerator regulated the bioelectric energy in their bodies. Knocking these gangsters to the ground in an instant.

"Scumbag. It's not even enough for entertainment."

Accelerator made a sound, turned around and left with the drink.

The few people who fell to the ground had fear and pain on their faces.

"Who...is this guy..."

"It turns out to be a person with super powers..."

"Wait a minute, this guy with white hair and red eyes, could he be Accelerator?"

"Academy City's most powerful person!?"

"No...it can't be right?"

Someone swallowed hard.

"There's no mistake, it must be Accelerator!"

They were deeply grateful at this moment that Accelerator did not kill them.

"Sure enough, I'm still unhappy."

Accelerator looked at the dark aura of the Dark Fruit filling the screen, and stretched out his hand to grab the screen.

But it came to nothing.

There is no way to turn the video light curtain off.

There was no way he could crush Blackbeard who was shouting inside.

His face became more and more manic.


Death world.

Kurosaki Ichigo's face was serious.

"This aura is really ominous."

It made him very uncomfortable.

Ishida Uryu felt the same way.

He pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said nothing.

At this time, he was secretly glad in his heart.

Fortunately, such a powerful person is not from their world.

From the video, we know that Blackbeard is not a kind person.

If Blackbeard were from their world, he might stand on their opposite side.

Such a strong man.

He was not sure of winning at all.


In the video, facing the power of Blackbeard's Dark Fruit, Ace exploded with the power of the Burning Fruit.

[Great Flame Ring: Emperor Yan! 】

Circles of scorching flames began to erupt from the ground beneath Ace's feet, and then rose into the sky.

It turned into a cylindrical wall of orange-red flames.


The flame began to gather.

Ace raised his hand.

Gather all the fire into the palm of your hand.

The ground was still burning with flames.

Ace seemed to be on top of flames.

Holding a huge fireball.

The fireball is hot.

The dazzling light coupled with its huge shape.

It's like the blazing sun is held in Ace's hand!

At this time, Ace was dazzling.

Like a god who controls fire!


In the world of Fairy Tail.

Within the guild.

"So strong! This guy is so strong!"

Natsu looked at the fireball in Ace's hand, and the flames began to gather in his mouth, "Lucy, look, look quickly!!"

He shook Lucy next to him.

"Wait! What are you doing!!"

"Don't spit fire!!"

Lucy was shocked.

"Haha, this guy is so strong! I really want to fight this guy!!!"

"What an idiot."

Gray said.

Chapter 241 Ace VS Blackbeard ends! The outcome is unknown? (Please customize)

Erza looked at Gray who was quickly taking off his clothes and couldn't help but raise his forehead, "You are the least qualified to say this here."

“The atmosphere is really good.”

Mirajane smiled brightly.

She has long white hair, bangs combed to the top of her head, and brown-blue eyes. Wearing a dark red and pink hemmed dress, the dress has a bow-like decoration on the chest. Wearing a blue gem around her neck, she wore dark red high heels.

She was holding a tray in her hand, and on the tray were huge wine glasses.

"Here's your drink."

“We want wine here too!!”

"I want it here too! Please!!"

Inside the guild, others sitting at the table shouted.

"Yes! Come soon!"

Mirajane responded with a smile as bright as the sun.


It is also the world of Fairy Tail.

In a forest.

Zeref walked aimlessly in the woods.

He has short black hair and wears a jet black robe on his upper body, with the collar of the robe standing up. Wear a pendant on your chest.

Outside the robe, there is a long black tie. Wearing black boots.

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