He heard Xiaolan's question and felt happy in his thoughts.

Then he was stunned for a moment.

Then he pretended to be innocent.

"Well, I think Blackbeard should win."

"Why? The two of them seem to be about the same strength."

Xiaolan showed doubts.

"Tsk, what does this kid know? I think Ace can win."

Mouri Kogoro mocked, walked to the refrigerator, and took out a can of beer.

"Really, Dad, you're drinking again. What will you do if guests come to your door later?"

Xiaolan complained.

There was dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Don't worry, no matter what the case is, my detective Mouri Kogoro can solve it."

With a "pop" sound, Mouri Kogoro opened the beer cap. Foam bubbled out of the beer cap and was about to pop out from the edge of the beer can. Moori Kogoro hurriedly drank the bubbles that popped up.

Conan's eyes twitched.

"Uncle Maoli is still as unreliable as ever."

"I guess Blackbeard will win because, from the outside, Blackbeard's injuries are lighter than Ace's. And judging from the conversation just now, Ace fights the opponent with a will to die, while Blackbeard seems to be able to do it with ease."

"There was a conversation in which Blackbeard gave Ace a choice to give up Whitebeard and join his fleet, but Ace refused."

"It can be seen that Blackbeard has a greater chance of winning, so I calculated that Blackbeard can win."

When Conan calculated, he was as calm as a little adult. It was as if there was an adult's soul hidden in his body. Xiaolan saw the shadow of Kudo Shinichi in him.

"Conan, you..."

Xiaolan hesitated to speak.

Conan raised his head and tilted his head, "Sister Xiaolan, what's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing."

Xiaolan felt ridiculous in her heart, wondering what on earth she was thinking randomly.

"It's all that guy Shinichi's fault. He disappeared for so long and didn't even give me any news."

She complained to herself.

"Ah sneeze!"

Conan sneezed inexplicably.

"Strange, has the weather gotten colder?"


Dragon Ball World.

Beerus was lying on the stone bed, chewing food in his mouth.

He looked at the dark video nonchalantly.

He was a little concerned about the dark aura emanating from Blackbeard just now.

However, the power of that dark aura is nothing more than that for it.

"Wes, the new food isn't ready yet?"

it shouted.

For it, watching videos with delicious food is delicious.

The next video will be available soon.

However, delicious food has yet to come, and it can’t wait.

Weiss walked in with the food.

"This is a tribute food from a small planet."

The food floated around Weiss out of thin air, like a hill.

These foods are colorful, like a garbage dump of expired food. From the appearance, you can see fish heads with dead fish eyes, fish bones, and bones and meat of unknown creatures.

"These things are slimy, can they be eaten?"

Beerus looked disgusted.

"Master Beerus, won't you know if you try it?"

Weiss smiled as usual.

The food slowly floated in front of Beerus.

Beerus picked up the spoon and took a sip.

His complexion suddenly changed.

"Bah! Bah! Can these things be considered food?"

"I will destroy the planet that provides such food!"

Beerus' figure suddenly disappeared.

"Oh my, Lord Beerus is really anxious."

Weiss' body flashed and disappeared.

In the vast universe.

Beerus and Whis suddenly appeared outside a planet.

Beerus raised a finger.

The fingers began to gather powerful spherical energy waves, which were about the size of marbles. The spherical energy turned into a beam of light and shot toward the planet. The planet exploded directly, like fireworks suddenly exploding in the night sky. Fireworks bloomed, and the hot breath swept across, illuminating Beerus' expressionless face.

"Wes, next time you have such unpalatable food, don't bring it to me."

"Oh my God, Lord Beerus, how can I know whether the food is delicious or not?"

Weiss covered her mouth and laughed evilly.

Beerus glanced at Whis.

He knew that this guy Weiss must be using it as a test object.


The world of One Piece.

Whitebeard's boat.

The video has ended.

The light curtain became pitch black again.

His face was expressionless.

Judging from the video, Ace's situation is not good.

As the former Blackbeard's father, and Ace's current father.

He is still very clear about the strength of the two of them.

After Blackbeard took the Dark Fruit, his strength improved a lot. Ace is still too immature to be Blackbeard's opponent.

Otherwise, Whitebeard wouldn't stop Ace from chasing Blackbeard.

He stood up.

Pull out the bottle needle from your body.

"I will personally come forward to hunt down Blackbeard."

His body is very tall.

With the clothes open on his chest, you can see his strong muscles and old injuries.

As soon as Whitebeard said this, everyone was stunned and shocked.

"Dad wants to take action himself?!"

Whitebeard said to the others in a deep voice.

"Everyone, go hunt down Blackbeard!!"

He originally let Blackbeard go because he thought Blackbeard was his former godson.

However, after Blackbeard killed the second division captain Thatch, he actually wanted to take action against Ace.


He will not forgive the guy who hurt his godson! !

Everyone was stunned for a moment.


they said in unison.

"Yes! Dad!!!"

The sound was like gongs and drums, soaring into the sky.

The Whitebeard Pirates began to make their next move.


Navy Headquarters.

Garp, who was originally careless, sat in his seat and said nothing.

Ace is Roger's son.

Before Roger surrendered, he gave Ace to him to raise. Roger had hoped that Ace would have a new path in life, but things were unpredictable. Ace followed Roger's old path.

Judging from the video, Ace was caught by Blackbeard.

You can imagine the outcome, and it won't be good.

In addition, Blackbeard has recently been closely connected with the World Government, and Blackbeard continues to capture pirates and deliver them to the World Government. To show his loyalty, Ace may also be given to the government by Blackbeard.

"Could this be fate?"

Garp sighed.

Then, his eyes became sharp.

He is Ace's grandfather!

He would never allow Ace to follow Roger's path!

Garp made up his mind.

Ace must be caught before the video happens!

Even if he is put in jail, he will not hesitate!

At least Ace's life can be saved!

Warring States disagreed with the video.

To him, the battle between Blackbeard and Ace was like a bunch of dogs biting each other.

He was delighted to see it.

General He and Warring States' thoughts coincided with each other.


Onboard the Golden Melly.

Luffy clenched his fists.

He didn't expect that Ace would be defeated if he was so strong.

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