
Dragon Ball World.

A large expanse of farmland with endless views.

Sun Wukong drives a plow machine.

Let the tiller drive automatically.

The tiller was plowing randomly on this huge piece of land.

A piece of land was plowed in the east, and then a piece was plowed in the west.

The whole field was plowed.

Sun Wukong was watching the video with his eyes tightly at this time.

"What a powerful attack energy!"

"How can it be resolved so easily!"

"What a strong recovery ability!"

"This ability is probably as effective as the fairy beans!"

"It would be great if I had such strong recovery abilities."

"In this way, no matter how hard you fight, your injuries will recover instantly."

Sun Wukong’s exclamations kept coming and going!

He was filled with envy.

Put your hands behind your head.

Looking up at the cloudless blue sky.

"I really want to compete with others."

But there was no other way, Qiqi asked him to plow the fields.

"I don't know what's going on with Immortal Carlin."

Thinking of fairy beans, he couldn't help but think of Carlin.


Kalin Tower soars into the sky.

It's impossible to see what's at the top of Kalin Tower from below.

Clouds hid Kalin Tower.

And above the Kalin Tower.

There is a fat white cat with a cane in hand and a similarly chubby man with long hair and a katana hanging from his waist.

The former is Karin Cat Sage, and the latter is Yajirobei.

The top of Kalin Tower looks like a pavilion. There are many pillars around the edges to support the roof above. Karin Sage and Yajirobei live in this pavilion-like place.

Yajirobei held a jar in his hand.

He ate the fairy beans from the jar one by one while watching the video.

Karin Sage is also watching the video.

"This ability to recover is amazing."

Yajirobei disagreed.

"This recovery ability is similar to the effect of eating fairy beans."

Karin Sennin glanced at Yajirobei.

"I said, did you eat too much?"

"What does it matter? Don't you have a lot of these beans here? If you don't have any anymore, just plant them again."

Kalin Rishi ignored him.

Continue watching the video.

Anyway, there are still a lot of fairy beans.

None of them knew that Yajirobei had eaten all the senbeans, and that it was difficult for the senbeans to grow and the yield was very low. This resulted in Sun Wukong and others having to save eating fairy beans when fighting the enemy.


The world of the exorcist boy.

The world resembles Europe in the 19th century.

The age of steam and coal.


The whine of the train, the black smoke, and the smell of burning coal hit your nostrils. Very pungent.

There was the sound of wheels clicking on the track.

The train slowly entered the station.

Men wearing black coats and gentleman's hats and women in fluffy skirts walked into the train one after another carrying luggage. Some people enter the train, and naturally some people get out of the train.

Arianne Walker, wearing a brown coat and white hair, stepped off the train.

A city shrouded in thick fog.

The bell tower tolled.

"Dang Dang Dang..."

In thick fog.

A carriage drove slowly.

There was a golden creature lying on Ya Lian's head.

It has bird-like wings, a body like a golden ball, and a tail.

It is Yalian's pet.


At this time, a video light curtain was suspended in front of Ya Lian.

The video light curtain is emitting a glowing light.

It seems to be able to dispel the darkness and coldness of this world.

Marco's voice was revealed in the video light screen, and the green flames wrapped around his body, and his injuries recovered quickly.

Ya Lian looked surprised.

"It's amazing, the flames can actually heal injuries."

"I've never seen such ability..."

The dark curtain of the carriage was suddenly lifted.

A woman appears wearing a clown costume and a pink bunny mask on her head.

The man in clown costume handed over a croissant.

"If you don't mind, I'll give this to you."

The sudden move startled Ya Lian, but Ya Lian found that neither of them could see the video light screen suspended in front of him, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"thank you."

Allen took the bread with both hands.

"Are you here for a trip?"

The girl wearing a pink bunny mask, bunny girl clothes, and a bottomless ravine pushed the clown away.

"No, just came to say hello..."

"To the exorcist's headquarters."

Allen smiled gently at the two of them.

He is about to go to the exorcist headquarters.

But, midway, this video light curtain suddenly appeared.

He didn't know what to do for a while.

But it seemed that the video light curtain was harmless, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

The dark clouds in the sky covered the round moon, and even the moonlight disappeared from the ground.

Yalian watched the video.

"Never heard of this."

"so amazing."

"The people in the video are also very capable."

"Devil Fruit..."

"Bird Bird Fruit."

"Sparkling fruit."

"They're all so awesome!"

"Especially the Bird Fruit, it can recover from injuries instantly. It would be great if I also had such ability."

Yalian was very envious.



"Qing Yan is recovering from his injuries."

"What an interesting ability."


The Millennium Earl sat on the throne.

It has a round body.

Wearing a white suit.

Wearing a pitch black hat.

The hat is also decorated with various flowers.

Long ears.

Wearing round rimless glasses.

Show your white teeth.

The third apostle, Tichi Mik, is wearing a suit and has a straight and slender figure. Wearing a gentleman's hat. Dark skin, wearing white gloves. He is like a gentleman.

"What a mysterious existence. There are also humans in other worlds in the videos on the Wanjie Video Network."

Rod Camme sat at the table.

Holding lollipop in hand.

A short blue hair.

There is the same scar as Tiqi on his forehead. Like a scar sewn up with needle and thread.

Fair skin.

She smiled brightly.

"It's not from our world anyway, and it has nothing to do with us."

"The most important thing is to exterminate the human race in this world, isn't it?"

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