"Head to war!"

"This again!!"

The previous video was a war on top.

And now, here again? !

The people fighting in the title turned out to be Akainu and Whitebeard!

Akainu is one of the three great generals of the navy!

Whitebeard is equally difficult to mess with!

In a battle between the two sides, who loses and who wins? !

Lieutenant General He was extremely calm.

"Let's watch the video first and then make a decision."

Others agree.

The naval base was depressing.


the other side.

In a small town.

Inside the tavern.

Ace was wearing a brown hat and was shirtless, showing off his strong muscles. There is a string of red rosary beads around his neck. He also has a black tattoo on his side arm. He was wearing black pants that reached his knees.

He sat at the bar.

Collecting information about Blackbeard.

A glass of wine in hand.

The tavern was noisy.

There were shouts, punches, laughter, chairs being pulled, tables being hammered, and other sounds that could be heard all the time. Noisy and chaotic.

A sly-looking guy walked into the tavern. He sat next to Ace and handed him a note.

"Blackbeard has left here. According to the latest news, he may have gone to this place."

Ace tossed him a bag of Baileys. He took it, pressed the hat on his head, and left quickly.

"Found it, found it!"

There was a noise at the door.

A man with blond hair, wearing an unbuttoned purple shirt and looking a little listless, walked in. Behind him was a group of menacing pirates.

The joking in the tavern suddenly became much quieter.

Ace glanced at it.

There was doubt in his eyes.

"Why are you here?"

The person who came was none other than the pirates from the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates. Marco et al.

Marco and the others sat down next to Ace.

"Dad doesn't trust you, so he asked us to come find you."

"Have a glass of wine!"

Marco said something, and then shouted to the waiter.

"You've seen the video, right?"

"Dad asked us to call you back."

Ace was unmoved.

"Blackbeard is my crew member. It is my responsibility to bring him back to Dad for disposal, or, as the captain of the second team, I will execute him on the spot. I must give the other crew members and the dead captain Sage a chance. Explain."

"What a headache."

Marco scratched his head.

"I know you have a stubborn temper. Anyway, I don't intend to persuade you to go back. Let me tell you, dad issued a wanted notice for Blackbeard not long ago."

Ace was shocked!

Marco drank the wine in one gulp.

Patted him on the shoulder.

"Be careful. Don't show off if you lose."

He turned and left.

Ace looked complicated.

Unexpectedly, Whitebeard issued a wanted notice for Blackbeard because of the video incident.

At this moment.

The video light curtain appears again.

Or go to war!

The opponents are Akainu and Whitebeard! .

Chapter 252: One man can’t stop ten thousand men! Whitebeard wants to clear out the stray fish, but Akainu stops him! (Please customize)


Ace frowned as he watched the video.

In the previous battle on the top, the Whitebeard Pirates appeared, Marco and Kizaru fought, but now, it turns out to be Akainu fighting Whitebeard.

He vaguely felt something was wrong.

"Why did Future Dad attack the naval base?"

"The navy is huge. Although dad is not afraid of the navy, he will not provoke the navy like this..."

Ace's eyes showed confusion.


Tutor reborn world.

"Who is Akainu?"

Sawada Tsunayoshi was a little confused.

He knew Whitebeard.

In the first few videos, there are his battles. And it seems that the character Akainu appears for the first time?

Tsuna watched the video as he walked towards the school.


A passionate shout suddenly came from behind.

He looked back.

I saw Gokudera Shuren, Takeshi Yamamoto, Ryohei Sasakawa, Kyoko Sasakawa and others.

"Yo, Gang!"

"Good morning!"

"Sawada-kun, good morning."

Others said hello one after another.

Tsuna couldn't help but smile when he saw them.

"good morning everyone."


He saw a strange figure around the corner.


Black lines appeared on Tsuna's forehead.

Xiaochun, here we go again.

The girl hiding in the corner is named Haru Miura.

They are students from other schools.

I really like children like Reborn.

But he seems very shy.

Miura Haru saw that Tsuna had discovered him and simply walked out.

She is wearing a student uniform. A sleeveless light yellow sweater, a white shirt underneath, and a black skirt underneath. She has black hair tied into a ponytail. See reborn. Her eyes glowed.

"so cute!"

She picked up Reborn and ravaged him vigorously.

"Did you watch yesterday's video?"

General Yamamoto put his hands behind his head and walked forward.

"Yesterday's battle video was really exciting!"

Sasakawa Ryohei clenched his fists excitedly.

He made a fist-pumping stance and punched forward a few times.

"But it's a pity that the video ended before the battle was over." Sasakawa Kyoko expressed regret.

"Are there any new videos?"

Sasakawa Kyoko couldn't help but ask when she saw the title on the video screen in front of Tsunayoshi. They looked at the video title and couldn't help but talk about it.

"White beard?"

"Is it the white beard in the last video?"

"But that man is really amazing, he is so old and has such a strong body!"

"Who is Akainu? Is he a new character?"

"The battle between the strong men in the One Piece world is really awesome..."


the other side.

On a flight to Japan.

A group of vicious people took over the entire plane.

Most of them were wearing Valia uniforms.

The leading man had messy black hair, wild red eyes, and a large number of frostbite marks on his face and chest inside the open collar.

He is XANXUS, the adopted son of the ninth generation of Vongola.

"How come that brat can become the Judaiime?"

"Judaime, it's me!"

"Only I can become Vongola's tenth generation!!"

There was a video light curtain suspended in front of him.

He has also seen the contents of the video light curtain.

He marveled at the strength of the people inside.

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