The eyebrows are like brown clouds.

Two huge lower teeth poked out of the mouth.

The ears are pointed.

He wears a red cape.

[Brother Luffy, please. 】

Jinbei ordered to the others.

【Jinbei, what are you going to do? 】

[I have decided to die here! 】

Jinbei said this with extremely firm eyes.

The video rotates again.

Back to the battle between Akainu and Whitebeard.

Akainu raised his fist, forming a huge fist of red magma. The huge magma fist, mixed with flames and terrifying heat, struck Whitebeard.

Whitebeard holds a long-handled knife in his left hand, raises his fist in his right hand, and moves his left body backward. Then he hit the giant magma fist hard.

【drink! ! 】

Accompanied by a low shout from Whitebeard.

His small fist smashed together with the magma giant fist.


It's like two invisible forces colliding.

The place where the huge magma fist and Whitebeard's fist met formed an invisible wall of power. On the wall of power, dense cracks appeared with Whitebeard's fist as the center.

The strength of the two exploded.

One side is the black-red magma flame power, and the other side is the sky-blue power. With them as the center, the nearby floor tiles were knocked flying by the force of the confrontation. It was like losing gravity and flying.

The collision of these two forces is spreading. As terrifying as a tornado.

Marines wearing "Justice" capes and navy hats. Watching the collision of these two terrifying forces in horror. They now realize their insignificance.

【Disperse quickly! 】

【You will be involved! 】

The marines shouted in horror.

They all scattered and fled.

The power of the confrontation between the two is really terrifying.

Exploded all around.

Floor tiles were blown apart.

The water flow exploded.

Huge waterfalls exploded around the semicircular wall of power surrounding the two of them.

The scene was spectacular for a while.


Kamen Rider Kuuga Sekai.

Inside the "PorePore" cafe.


"The impact of this power is probably comparable to the battle between Blackbeard and Ace."

"No, these two people are probably stronger than Ace and Blackbeard. In the last video, Ace and Blackbeard obviously used their full strength to cause the aftermath of such a momentum. But these two people don't seem to have the impact yet. Use all your strength!"

"These two people are too strong!"

Godai Yusuke's face was full of excitement.

Watch the video closely.

"Godai, we have guests!"

shouted the store manager.

Godai Yusuke looked up and saw Officer Kaoru Ichijo in a suit walking into the cafe.

Kaoru Ichijo went straight to the bar and sat down.

His eyes fell on the video light screen in front of Godai Yusuke.

In the video light curtain, Akainu and Whitebeard are wrestling. The coercion of the two people spread from the video. Let Ichijo Kaoru feel great pressure.

Officer Kaoru Ichijo looked serious.

"Wanjie Video Network, whose battle is being played now?"

Yusuke Godai introduced the combatants on both sides.

"What! More powerful than Ace and Blackbeard before!?"

Kaoru Ichijo looked shocked.

He found it incredible.

The battle between Ace and Blackbeard shocked him for a long time, but he didn't expect that there was a more powerful existence in that world!

"Officer Ichijo, what kind of coffee do you want?"

Godai Yusuke did not forget his identity and asked with a smile.

"No, I'm not here to drink coffee."

A police officer stared at the video and waved his hand.

Number of people watching the video +1.


The world of Kamen Rider Akita.

Misugi's home.

"Shoichi, are you okay yet?"

Misugi Taichi walked into the kitchen and asked.

Taiyi is a primary school student with a watermelon head. His cheeks were bulging and he still had baby fat. He is only as tall as Shoichi Tsugami's belly.

"Ah, ah! It'll be ready soon!"

Tsugami Sho came to his senses.

He looked away from the video screen.


"I was just watching the video and forgot to cook!"

"It seems I can only make do with it today."

Tsugami Shoichi was making today's breakfast while thinking about the content in the video.

"The white beard is too handsome."

"What's that sentence called..."

"Is this old man ambitious for a thousand miles? No, no, it should be, one man can guard against ten thousand men!"

"It's so cool to fight against tens of millions of navy with one person's power!"

Tsugami Shoichi was so excited that he was holding the soy sauce and dancing.

As soon as Feng Guzhenyu entered the kitchen, he saw this scene.

"Shoichi, how about I help make breakfast?"

"Ah, ah, well, I'm sorry to bother you."

"No, no, I'm here to trouble you."

The real fish replied politely.

Time is urgent.

They can only cook some simple food.

"Xiang Yi, did you watch some good videos? Why are you so excited?"

Real Fish asked while helping to cut the cabbage.

Click, click, click, the sound of chopping vegetables came.

"Ah, this. I did see a very good video!"

"A new video has been released on the Bankai Video Network. This video is the battle between Whitebeard and Akainu."

"Whitebeard? Is he the powerful old man in the last video?"

The real fish remembers Whitebeard. Whitebeard looks a lot older, but when it comes to fighting, he is no worse than a young man, so she still has some fresh memories.

"Yes, that's the old man! He's super powerful!"

"You don't know, he and Akainu just fought casually, and it caused a terrifying impact! Look at the video! They are even more powerful than Ace and Blackbeard before!"

When he mentioned Whitebeard, his face was filled with excitement.

It seems that he has become a fan of Whitebeard.

The real fish looked over.

I happened to see the semicircular power barrier created by the battle between Whitebeard and Akainu.


The real fish covered its mouth.

Eyes wide open.


Tsugami Shoichi showed a bright smile.

Chapter 254 Hawkeye Mihawk appears! Your Majesty Shichibukai!

Tsugami Shoichi described the power of Whitebeard.

"Just now Whitebeard was holding a long-handled knife, and one man was trying to stop ten thousand men from opening it!"

"All those navies were intimidated by him!"

"Super awesome!"

As he spoke, the work in his hands stopped.

His face was full of excitement.

When Makoto felt a little helpless, Professor Misugi and Taichi came to the door of the kitchen. Two people, one tall and one short, opened the kitchen door and looked inside.

"Breakfast, are you ready yet?"

Professor Misugi looked at the somewhat helpless Maho and the excited Tsugami Shoichi with confusion.


"Forgot again!"

"It'll be ready soon! Go wait outside first!"

Tsugami Shoichi said quickly, speeding up the progress of cooking in his hands.

The breakfast menu is simple. A large vegetable salad made fresh from the vegetable garden, and a vegetable sandwich made with breaded vegetables, eggs and bacon!

The kitchen is busy.

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