However, he boarded another warship.

Akainu pulled the navy hat on his head.

The brim of his hat covered most of his face.

"Justice should defeat evil!"

"The Straw Hats are too presumptuous!"

Although it was dog eating dog, he was happy to see it, but no matter what, Doflamingo was still a member of their world government. The Straw Hat boy is hostile to Doflamingo, so he is targeting their world government and navy.

First, they made a fuss on Judiciary Island, then made a fuss at the Marine Headquarters, Marine Fando, and now they are fighting against Doflamingo.

Akainu immediately raised Luffy's threat to the Navy and the World Government to Ace level, no, plus Luffy's potential. Maybe we need to raise his threat level even higher! !

"Overlord color and domineering..."

"The Straw Hat boy can learn the domineering power so quickly. If this boy continues to grow, I am afraid that his threat to the world government will be comparable to the next Roger!"

"He must be killed in the cradle before he grows up!!"

Akainu was filled with murderous aura.

"What a terrible murderous aura!"

"This power fluctuation! You are worthy of being a general!"

The marines all backed away from Akainu.

Afraid of being affected by the power emitted by Akainu!


In the meeting room of the Navy Headquarters.

"The Straw Hat boy has actually learned the domineering and domineering spirit!"

Sengoku opened his mouth in shock.

Lieutenant General He next to him also looked shocked.

None of them expected that Garp's grandson Luffy would be so powerful!

If Luffy didn't master the Overlord's Haki, he might not be a threat to them. But if he mastered Overlord Color Haki, everything would be different.

After Warring States was shocked, he had a headache.

Covering his forehead.

"Things are troublesome."

First Ace, then Luffy.

The two reliable grandsons are not fuel efficient.

After this video is played, he may be held accountable by the Five Old Stars. At the same time, the Five Old Stars will never allow a threat like Luffy to exist. They may give orders and send an admiral to hunt down the Straw Hats.

Now, even he couldn't protect Garp.

General He glanced at him from the corner of his eye.

"The emergence of the Wanjie Video Network is a disaster or a blessing for us."

Able to understand the past and present.

Is this really good?

If you accidentally expose the history that has been hidden for a hundred years. Then, everything their world government has worked so hard to hide will be in vain.

I'm afraid Wulaoxing is having a hard time, too, right?

Lieutenant General He thought silently.


Holy Land Marie Joa.

The supreme power of world government.

Five old stars.

Four of the five men were wearing black suits and had beards. There was only one person wearing a white kimono, bald and beardless, holding a katana in his hand.

A video light curtain hung in front of them.

Previously, they did not pay much attention to the content exposed in the video light curtain.

Because the content exposed in the video is irrelevant to them.

Even if it's the battle between Roger and Whitebeard, the battle between Ace and Blackbeard, or the battle on top, or even Luffy in the video today learns the domineering Haki and fights against Doflamingo.

None of them cared.

What they care about is whether the video will expose the history that has disappeared for a hundred years. If the history they have worked so hard to hide is exposed, it will be a very troublesome thing for their world government and them.

in addition.

The Devil Fruit Luffy ate...

"Could the fruit that the Straw Hat boy ate be the legendary fruit that has not been awakened for 800 years, the Nika fruit?"

"It's impossible. We've been searching hard for so long and still haven't found it. How could the Straw Hat boy get the legendary fruit?"

They have always wanted to find legendary fruits. However, the more they searched, the less they could find it. It was as if those legendary fruits were hiding from them.

They don't look good.

This Bankai Video is not under their control, and the Devil Fruit that Luffy ate is most likely the legendary fruit Nika Fruit.

These two things are not good for them.


The video continues.

Luffy yelled. Shocked Doflamingo away.

The armed Haki hardened into jet black legs and kicked Doflamingo hard.

Doflamingo's armed color and domineering strength hardened his arms to act as a barrier.

The two collide.

Makes a dull sound.

Luffy bypassed Doflamingo, jumped high into the air, and then used his armed and domineering arm to hit Doflamingo behind.


The ground is dusty!

Cover up Doflamingo's figure.

But he saw a figure rushing out of the dust.

Chapter 262 Justice will prevail! Because the winner is just! ! (Please customize)

It's Doflamingo!

He was unscathed!

The two exchanged punches and kicks.



There was an explosion-like sound!

The aftermath spreads in all directions!

Create a huge air current.

Luo and Torebol, who were closer, were blown away by the air current.

At this time, the figures of the two people seemed to disappear quickly. There was only a loud sound from the collision of fists and feet.

Both of them covered their bodies with armed haki.

The battle seemed to be evenly divided for a while.

After blocking the barrier with one blow.

Five colored threads appeared in Doflamingo's hand.

Five fingers created thin, almost transparent threads. He controlled the threads and cut them towards Luffy. The five-color thread is extremely sharp. If you touch the five-color thread, your body will be cut or even severed!

Luffy jumped up and dodged across the five colored lines,

【Jet·Bazooka! 】

After using the rubber machine gun with hardened hands, Luffy's hands suddenly stretched, grabbed Doflamingo's body, and threw him deeply. There was a burst of smoke.

However, Doflamingo was not seriously hurt.

He raised his index finger.

The fingertips create thin lines and shoot them out at high speed like a gun.

Groups of white bullets burst out.

Make a sound that breaks through the sky.

Luffy quickly dodged.

The bullet line failed.

Bricks hitting the ground.

There are more holes in the bricks.

I don't know when flames started to burn all around.

Flames surrounded them both.

The two of them completely ignored the flames.

This flame had no impact on their battle at all.

【Rubber machine gun! 】

The hardened and armed hands used the rubber machine gun again, and punched out with dense fists. Doflamingo crossed his arms in front of his head. The huge force pushed him back.

After the rubber machine gun ended, Doflamingo rushed towards Luffy, but Luffy jumped to dodge. At this time, it was as if countless white threads were rising from the ground. These white threads were entangled together to form a giant line like white waves. The two giant lines of white waves were like two sharp teeth, biting towards Luffy in the air.

【Shield white line! 】

[Where did these lines attack from? 】

Luffy gritted his teeth.

Dodging in the air.

However, there are more and more of those giant lines like white waves.

People from all directions wanted to surround him.

Luffy was one step faster and escaped from the encirclement, then stepped on the huge line like white waves, as if skiing. Follow the giant line of white waves and rush towards Doflamingo!

【rubber! 】

【Red Eagle! ! ! 】

His right fist continued to lengthen and gain strength.

Layers of flames burned on his arms. The flames rippled in circles, like red clouds filling the sky. The appearance of this flame instantly increased the surrounding temperature!

Luffy roared, carrying huge flames and hitting Doflamingo hard.

The flames exploded!

Like a giant red flame ball.

Both figures were engulfed in flames!


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