The soul flame in the eyes is burning and jumping.

He looked extremely serious.

The boss-level monsters below couldn't help but look up at their king.

"Is the king thinking about destroying other countries, or destroying the world?"

"As expected of a king."

"It's completely different from our narrow-minded thinking."




In their imagination, the image and majesty of the Bone King became more majestic and majestic.

Their eyes were filled with respect and admiration.


Bone King: "This move is quite awesome. It can be combined with forbidden spells and a big one will definitely scare the enemy!"

"This is not a bad move."

"It's a pity that there is no Devil Fruit, otherwise maybe I could still have the power of Devil Fruit..."

The Bone King thought that if his skeletal body could stretch back and forth like rubber, it would definitely scare the enemy. He couldn't help but laugh.

Smiling like the villain boss.


Inside the cemetery.

The Bone King spent another day being brainstormed by his subordinates.

Skeletons and other undead creatures continue to wander around the cemetery.


The world of cultivation chat groups.

Senior Bai wears a white shirt, has long hair as black as a waterfall, and has a face that is as beautiful as any male.

He stared at the video.

Slender fingers pinched her chin.

“Can humans really stretch like plasticine?”

"What an amazing and interesting ability."

Senior Bai became very interested.

"Shuhang, come here."

He waved to Song Shuhang.

"Senior Bai, what's the matter?"

Song Shuhang placed a plate of scrambled eggs with green onions on the dining table. The wonderful smell of the combination of green onions and eggs spread to every corner of the house.

The golden color, mixed with the emerald green of spring onions, looks alluring to you. You can tell it is a delicious dish at a glance.

Senior Bai glanced at Lady Onion, who fell asleep after falling into a violent state, and then looked away.

Song Shuhang wiped his hands and came to Senior Bai. He saw Senior Bai saying seriously, "Shuhang, do you want to try this?"

Senior Bai pointed at Luffy in the video who was wielding a rubber machine gun.

Song Shuhang:? ?

Finally...Senior Bai is going to use another method to torment him?

First it was a one-time flying sword, and then this...

Song Shuhang was extremely frightened when he thought about it carefully.

Senior Bai's smile is as bright as a flower, and is extremely deceptive.

"Shuhang, don't worry, there is only a trace of danger and risk in this experiment. But as long as I am here, you will definitely not die."

Song Shuhang swallowed hard.

"Senior Bai, what exactly are you going to do?"

"Nothing, I just want to try the limits of human beings."

"Then why don't you use yourself as a test subject, Senior Bai?"

"Haha, Shuhang, you really like to joke. If I were a test subject, how would I observe it? Therefore, only you, Shuhang, can bear this important task."

Senior Bai pressed Song Shuhang's shoulder solemnly.

Song Shuhang was silent.

If he takes on this important task, he will undoubtedly seek death.

Don't know the risks.

The danger is unknown.

It's very likely to be ruined.


"Senior Bai, then, please give me your advice next time!"

Song Shuhang looked solemn.

He likes to commit suicide the most...

No, it must have been infected by the Three Waves of Crazy Blade and the others.

Otherwise, my normal self would never make such a death-seeking choice.

Senior Bai's experiment begins...

Screams came from inside the house...

"Sure enough, the human body cannot be stretched...the body is not soft enough, Shuhang..."


"No need to apologize, I'll try again..."

The screams came again.

Lady Onion, who had been sleeping heavily, woke up and saw this horrific scene at a glance.

Her face was filled with horror.

Spread your fingers in front of your eyes.

Peep the scene through your fingers.

"Is it a dream?"

"Is it a dream?"

"Two hundred special skills that fairies need to survive tenaciously" told her, and she decided to continue sleeping.

Lady Onion, whose head was dizzy and her body was extremely heavy, happily decided to continue sleeping.


Demons destroy the world.

"So fast!"

"It's impossible to capture the figure at all!"

Tanjiro is faced with a problem at this time.

The power of Buddhist temple ghosts is immense.

The speed is extremely fast.

He is no match at all!

"Hahaha, kid, just be obedient and eat it for me!"

The Buddhist temple ghost slapped the ax in Tanjiro's hand away with his palm.


From the corner of his eye, Tanjiro saw the ax spinning and flying to the side, before being inserted into the ground. And the sharp melon seeds of the Buddhist temple ghost are approaching.

He was about to be torn apart by the ghosts in the temple.

A foot appears.

He kicked the temple ghost hard in the head.

The head and body of the temple ghost were separated instantly.

His head was kicked out.

"Eh? Eh!!!"

"Head, gone!!?"


Tanjiro's pupils were shaking.

He sat down on the ground.

Nezuko actually kicked this ghost's head away!

He didn't expect Nezuko, who seemed so small, to be so powerful! .

Chapter 264 Three-speed rubber grizzly gun! (Please customize)

Tanjiro got up from the ground.

He breathed a sigh of relief.


Damn it, solved.

"Thank you, Nezuko, you saved my life."

Nezuko blinked.

"Smelly brat!!"

"A surprise attack!!"

"I'm going to kill you!!!"

The yelling was loud at night.



"The head has spoken!!!!"

Tanjiro looked in panic at the Buddhist temple demon's head that fell to the ground.

Ghost, not dead yet! ! ! ! !

"You brats, I'm going to kill you!!"

The headless body of the temple ghost started to move. He grabbed Tanjiro by the collar and lifted him up.

"So strong!!!"

"Can't break free!!!"

Tanjiro pressed his hands on the Buddhist temple ghost's hands, trying to struggle.

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