Liu Bei is planning...

I want to fool some rich and powerful people.

The main victims were Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.

On the way to marry him in Taoyuan...


The demon Azazel is summoned into your world.

The Akube Detective Agency was as calm as ever.


Starting yesterday, Aabibe will be on a business trip for several days.

in the corner.

Azazel and Besib whispered.

Azazel looks like a pug, with a pair of bat-like purple wings on his back, short brown hair on his head, and two horns growing on his forehead. Wearing a skull collar around his neck. There is also a devil's tail on the butt, and the tip of the tail is triangular like an arrow. The lower body has sheep's hooves.

"That guy Akube is not here, should we work together to teach that guy Zuokuma?"

It dripped from his mouth.

Besib behaved like an elegant prince.

He looks like a penguin. Wearing a crown and golden curly hair. Wearing a suit and red bow tie. His eyes seemed to contain contempt.

Chapter 265 Azazel seeks death! (Please customize)

"When Aabibe comes back, what do you think will happen if he knows what you did to Zuo Kuma?" Besib said lightly.

"Don't you want to teach that cousin a lesson? That cousin has become more and more arrogant recently, and now that devil in Mustard has finally gone out. It's a rare opportunity!"

Azazel continued to persuade.

Besib looked like he was looking for death.

"If you want to go, just go."

"But let me tell you in advance, I will not participate, and of course, I will not help Zuokuma."

Azazel's original intention was not to want Besib to interfere.

Anyway, Besib is just a fly. His ability is to make people excrete, so he has no other use at all!

While Azazel was plotting, Reiko Zuokuma sat on the sofa and watched the video.

She has brown hair tied back and wears a pair of oval glasses. She looks like an ordinary female college student.


"The people in the pirate world are really awesome."

"I don't know if Mr. Akube is stronger or Luffy and the others are stronger..."

"No, no, Mr. Abasbe can suppress demons like Azazel with one hand, but no matter what, he can't be as strong as the people in the video..."

"Little devils like Azazel can't even defeat Mr. Kabebe, let alone the people in the video..."

Zuokuma muttered to himself.

Azazel's ability is "Running", while Besib's ability is "Exposed". The abilities of these two people are very bad. If they are really compared with Luffy, I am afraid that Luffy can defeat him with just one blow like this. Smash them to a pulp.


Zuo Kuma felt something.

She remained calm.

Pretend to pick up the water on the table.

"Hehehe... stinky woman, I'm going to train you to become Bichi..."

Vulgar words kept coming out of Azazel's mouth.

Just want to use your ability.


The contract was slammed down hard.

Brains and blood splattered everywhere.

It splashed onto Zuokuma's face.

Zuokuma took out the contract that was smashed into Azazel's head, his face expressionless and his eyes as cold as a dead fish.

"what do you want to do?"

Azazel's head was dented.

The eyes can no longer see.

Only one mouth remains.

"Zakuma, I just want to be close to you. Are you too cold-blooded and ruthless?"

It said as it approached.


Azazel wants to use his ability again.

Zuokuma had no expression on his face, flipping over the blood-stained contract and reciting a spell.

Azazel's expression suddenly changed.


"I was just kidding you."


Zuokuma ignored it.

"You just wanted to use your power on me, right?"

If a man is affected by the ability to "run wildly", that aspect may become stronger or wane. If a woman is hit, she will go into heat.

Zuokuma continued to chant the mantra.

A magic five-star pattern appeared at Azazel's feet.

The light bloomed.

next moment.


Azazel exploded.

Blood and flesh were everywhere.

Zuokuma closed the devil's contract, glanced at Besib coldly, and ordered Azazel, "Take away the dirty meat on the ground."

After that, leave directly.

Besib shuddered.

He flaps his wings.

Come to Azazel.

"Zakuma and Akube look more and more alike, you'd better avoid provoking her less."

Azazel picked up pieces of meat with his lower body and smeared it on his body. His mouth opened and closed, "This guy Zuokuma is more evil than a devil!"


A world where summer returns.



"Can humans really make their hands so huge?"

Xiao Zhouchao looked at the video screen with glowing eyes.

She was sitting cross-legged in Amidai Shinpei's room, wearing only a thin black one-piece swimsuit. Long golden hair that shines like the sun. Even the eyelashes are golden. Those emerald green eyes were like fine gems.

Amidai Shinpei has long black hair tied into a short ponytail. A pair of sky blue emerald eyes. He looked at Xiao Zhouchao with a complicated expression.


Xiao Zhouchao is dead.

He had just attended Xiao Zhouchao's funeral not long ago...

"What exactly are you..."


Xiao Zhouchao looked up at him with a puzzled look on his face.

"Shenping, what are you talking about?"

"I am Xiao Zhouchao."

Shinpei Netdai: ....

Looking at the "shadow" in front of him that was exactly the same as Xiao Zhouchao, and looking at her vivid appearance, he was speechless.

How he wished.

She is Xiao Zhouchao herself.

rather than "shadow".

"Shenping, come and see, Luffy is so awesome!"

"This guy named Doflamingo is so powerful!!"

Xiao Zhouchao pulled Shen Ping to sit down.

Shenping stumbled.

Almost fell.

He could only follow the tide of small boats.

Then, he was attracted by the video light curtain.

His face was serious. awesome!

The fists of both hands can become so huge, and the strong wall is as fragile as tofu.


the other side.

In the jungle.

Nezu Ginjiro wiped the shotgun in his hand.

He wears a red baseball cap and has a white beard on his upper and lower chin. He wears a black eyepatch over his left eye.

He is about sixty or seventy years old.

Wearing blue work clothes.

The body looks very strong.

In front of him, there was also a video light curtain.

"I didn't expect you to come back."

Next to him, there was a person hanging upside down.

She is Southern Hizuru.

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