Another bang.

White clouds emerged.

His legs, along with the pointed leather shoes, also turned into a dark armed domineering color.

The cloud-like fog quickly dissipated.

Luffy raised his fist and charged towards Doflamingo.

Doflamingo refused to give in.

He also raised his fist filled with armed Haki.

The two fists collided!

Doflamingo's hand retreated.

The two fists collided, and after they separated, Doflamingo's armed and domineering hand was trembling.

Luffy raised his fist and struck again.

Doflamingo didn't dare to confront him head-on this time.

He dodged Luffy's fist and smashed it towards Luffy.

After a few exchanges, Luffy suddenly hit Doflamingo with his head. Knocking Doflamingo away, Luffy followed suit.

【rubber! 】

【Big Snake Cannon! ! 】

Luffy's fist aimed at Doflamingo, who was knocked away, and Doflamingo, who was knocked away, quickly adjusted his body shape and dived towards Luffy.

Luffy's attack failed, and Doflamingo came to Luffy's side, attached his armed-colored domineering pointed leather shoes, and kicked Luffy hard in the abdomen.

【Foot shave line! 】

There are five colored threads connecting his feet.

Luffy's armed and domineering abdomen was kicked so hard that it was dented.

[It’s not disarming, it’s still rubber! 】

[That kind of attack doesn’t work at all! 】

Luffy raised his head and glared at Doflamingo.

He stretched his body vigorously.

The body swells.

Doflamingo was ejected.

【How could such a thing happen? 】

Doflamingo steadied himself and shouted in disbelief.

[I won’t let you escape, Brother Ming. 】

【I'm going to blow you away! 】

Luffy shouted.

He was armed with a domineering black-red fist and shot towards Doflamingo. Doflamingo turned sideways and hid. However, Luffy did not retract his fist. It continued to fly in a "Z" shape in the air.

【Why! 】

【He won’t shrink back this time! 】

Doflamingo watched as Luffy's fist continued to grow.

He couldn't help but grit his teeth.


Unfortunately, I hid too slowly this time.

He was struck in the abdomen.

The force caused blood to splash out from his mouth.

[Keep chasing, big snake! 】

After Luffy's fist came back, he used the same attack again. Luffy was armed with domineering fists and kept chasing Doflamingo in the air.

【hateful! 】

【It will extend wherever it goes! 】

Doflamingo relied on his "Sky Path" ability to use thin threads to help the clouds in the sky, allowing him to quickly dodge in the air.

Luffy's fist chased Doflamingo relentlessly.

【hateful! You annoying thing, get out of my way! 】

[Super hit whip! 】

Doflamingo fired a thick orange ball of thread from his palm and hit Luffy's fist hard.

【rubber! 】

【Big Snake Cannon! ! 】

Luffy's fist collided with Doflamingo's super whip.

The super attack whip collapsed instantly!

Luffy's attached black and red fist was like a cannonball, hitting the side of Doflamingo's face hard. The side of Doflamingo's face was collapsed and blood spattered from his mouth!

Doflamingo falls from the sky.

Luffy takes advantage of the victory and pursues it.

His huge palm faced Doflamingo.

Open your mouth wide and take a deep breath.

Then, he puffed up his cheeks and blew into the bulging red and black arms.

Luffy's arms began to swell again!

His arm was now like a huge battering ram!

Luffy raised his huge black and red arms.

In front of Doflamingo, there was a giant web made of five-color threads. This giant web was like a spider web.

Chapter 267 The fall of Doflamingo? The navy and pirates are chasing you! (Please customize)

【Spider's Nest! 】

[If you don’t obey, I will kill you. 】

Doflamingo looked up at Luffy.

Sixteen rounds of sacred bullets and divine killing were beside him, eager to try.

This is his trick.

He is confident.

No one can resist this move.

Even Luffy in gear 4!

Luffy raised his huge fist.

[Sixteen sacred bullets! 】

【God kills! 】

The gray line around Doflamingo attacked Luffy's fist. He wanted to equip Luffy with his domineering giant fist and crush Luffy himself together!

The giant fist collided with Doflamingo's attack.

The whole island was shaking.

The originally calm sea surface stirred up waves.

From a distance, the sky is gloomy and covered with dark clouds.

Doflamingo's line is like a spire. sparkling with light!

The intersection of the two attacks.

There seemed to be flashes of lightning-like energy!

A strong wind arose on the island.

Luffy opened his mouth wide and roared.

Doflamingo bared his white teeth and curled up the corners of his mouth.

Veins appeared on my forehead!

The strength of the two is competing!

【I want to destroy everything! 】

Doflamingo's sixteen rounds of holy bullets, Divine Killing, withstood Luffy's huge black-red armed domineering fist, and seemed to be drilling into Luffy's fist.

Luffy gritted his teeth.

Eyes bulge.

The face is ferocious!

【Don’t even think about it! ! ! 】

Luffy yelled.

More steam erupted from his body.

Put all the strength of your body into your fists.

【boom! ! 】

There seemed to be some broken sound.

Immediately afterwards, sixteen rounds of the holy bullets, God's Killing, shattered like glass, and Doflamingo's spider nest also collapsed and torn into pieces!

The surging power in his fist swept towards Doflamingo crazily.

There was blood coming out of his forehead.

There was also blood coming out of the corners of his mouth.

His orange glasses were broken.

At this moment, the camera zooms out.

Luffy's huge fist smashed through the spider's nest that was glowing with light! Smash sixteen rounds of sacred bullets and kill them with God. Doflamingo's body collapsed.

at the same time.

The aftermath of the two people's power spread.

The island collapses.

Break open.

Those buildings collapsed one after another.

Falling down!

Doflamingo was also falling at this time.

and his kingdom fell into the abyss.


Doflamingo lost.

It was a miserable loss.

And the final winner is Luffy!

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