
More than ten crisp sounds sounded.

This group of pirates and marines fell to the ground one after another.

"very scary!!"

"These women and tanuki are so scary!"

"Wuwuwu...I don't want to fight, I want to go home..."


"The fighting power of these guys is so abnormal..."

"We can't be their opponent!"


Akainu's warship arrives at the battle site.

They looked at the mess at the port with shock on their faces.

"How is this going!"

"What a heroic battle..."

Countless navy and pirates fell.

Not a single navy or pirate stood.

"Where are the Straw Hats!"

Akainu picked up a marine and scolded him.

"Fuck... Straw Hat boy, let's go..."

"How long have they been gone?"

"At least...more than an hour..."

"Damn it! You actually let them run away! What are you doing for food!"

Akainu had a scowl on his face.

"General Sakaski, what should we do now?" The navy stepped forward and asked in a low voice.

Akainu looked at the mess at the port with a cold expression, "Catch all the pirates back!"


At this time, the Golden Merli has sailed into the sea.

"We barely asked about Ace's traces, let's move on!"

Luffy grinned, showing his brilliant white teeth.

"Hey, the video has started?"

"Hahaha, it's my video again!"


"who is it?"

"This guy looks so strong!"

"Is this the overlord color and domineering spirit?"

Luffy gradually became serious.


The world of battle-suited girls.

Mataro is wearing "blood", which looks like a jet black midriff-baring dress. She has medium-to-short dark cyan hair, with a streak of red highlights in her medium-to-short hair. Eye color is cyan.

She sat in the classroom, holding her face in one hand and staring at the video.

"Liuzi, do you feel it?"

Xue looked at the video with a serious face.


"Overlord and domineering!"

"A very powerful breath!"

Liuzi's face was also extremely serious.


Sitting next to her was Mako Mankanshi, dressed in a sailor uniform. Brown watermelon head, dark orange pupils. She was eating food made from unknown ingredients, fried in flour, and she could barely see the fish heads, fish bones, and bones of unknown animals inside.

She ate until her cheeks bulged.

His face was full of joy.

There is also a video light curtain in front of her.


Standing on the podium, Mikisugi Aikuro introduced himself, with short and medium blue hair, square-rimmed glasses, unshaven beard, wearing a shirt and tie. He looks like an honest and ordinary person.

"Ah... I will be your class teacher from now on... If you have anything in the future, you can come to me..."

He secretly observed Mariuko sitting behind him, his eyes falling on her and the video screen in front of her.

"Could this thing be the work of Ghost Dragon Academy..."

"It can't be Ghost Dragon Institute... Ghost Dragon Institute will directly control humans through life fibers..."


In the student union.

Ghost Ryūin Satsuki wears the "Purity" divine garment and wears the "Binding Sword" on his waist. She has long black hair and thick eyebrows. Fair skin. His whole body seemed to be shining.

Sitting below are the four heavenly kings of the student union: Jiajun Ke, Sarutou Shanwhii, Snake Benoyin, Inumuta Hohu, and the heads of the instinctive characters department.

Chapter 272 The invincible Katakuri! Fourth gear snake man! Fierce battle! (Please customize)

There is also a video light curtain in front of Ghost Dragon Academy Satsuki.

"Inumuta, have you found out what this video light curtain is?"

Snake Benoin asked Inumuta Hoho who was typing on the computer keyboard quickly, looking like an otaku.

Hot sweat broke out on Inumuda Hoka's forehead.

His eyes were glued to his laptop screen.

"There's no word on this thing at all."

"This thing is probably not a product of this world!"

He used REVOCS's information channels to investigate, but he couldn't find any information. REVOCS is the largest company in the world.

If even REVOCS can't find it, then it's very likely that this thing is not a product of this world at all!

"Inumuta, are you kidding!"

The performance baton in Snake Benoin's hand was pointed directly at Inumuta's treasure fire.

Inumuta Hoho crossed his arms and looked at her coldly.

"If you don't believe my investigation, you can investigate it yourself."


Snake Beng Naiyin's face turned red with annoyance, and he raised the pink baton in his hand high, ready to wave it down!


Kiryuin Satsuki stood up.

The light condensed on her body in an instant.

"Binding Slash" was leaning on the ground, and Oni Ryūin pressed his hands on the handle of "Binding Slash".

She exudes the aura of a king.

The whole body is shining with dazzling light!

All eyes were focused on her.

"It doesn't matter whether the video light curtain is a product of other worlds!"

"As long as it's not from my mother's side, that's enough!"

"The plan goes on as normal!"


The members of the student union, headed by Zong Junyan, stood up straight.

Place your hand over your heart.

Full of respect.


Video continues.

The overlord's domineering aura dissipated.

Luffy raised his fist and started fighting Katakuri. Luffy was defeated and was kicked in the face by Katakuri, causing Luffy's face to collapse.

The camera turned.

The huge, armed and domineering jet-black fist occupied the entire video screen. Katakuri's figure was revealed in the lens. His arms grew in size. The punch he threw had the effect of breaking the air!

Luffy's armed and domineering fist met Katakuri's fist.

The domineering domineering and armed domineering powers of both sides collide with each other!

The dark power spread like dark thunder and lightning.

A strong wind arose.

The strong wind blew Katakuri's hair and the fluff on the white scarf around her neck.

Katakuri's face was expressionless.

Luffy was knocked away by Katakuri!

[The glutinous dough ball stabs! 】

Katakuri's fist turned into a high-speed rotating drill and attacked Luffy.

Luffy's pupils dilated and his mouth opened wide, standing there in shock. There was no response.

Seeing that the sharp drill was about to penetrate his body, Luffy finally reacted and leaned back. Katakuri's glutinous ball thrust missed and penetrated the wall behind Luffy!


Luffy, who was covered in cuts and bruises, and Katakuri, who was also covered in cuts and bruises, with his scarf and shirt missing, both roared, raised their fists, and charged towards each other.

Blue and red power gathered on the fists of the two men.

It's like a duel between ice and fire!

The power in Luffy's fist is gathering, and the space seems to be shaking because of it!

he roared.

He was one step ahead of Katakuri and smashed out.

However, Katakuri's punch speed is even faster!

Although he was one step slower than Luffy, his fist containing terrifying power hit Luffy's face hard, and Luffy's fist failed.

That ultimate power exploded at this moment.

The domineering and domineering nature of these two people formed two realms!

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