Aqua was already half drunk at this time. Cheeks flushed. Performing banquet talents.

She had one foot on the long chair and was performing her talent with both hands. Flowers bloom on the left hand, and spring water gushes on the right hand.


"What a talent!"

"Aqua is the best!!"

The adventurer uncles who were drinking around him were generous in their praise.

"Hahaha... I am the goddess of water, so of course I am powerful!"

"Look at me!"

"This is the Blessed Fountain of Water!"



Aqua's excited performance was like a circus monkey.

The adventurers clapped their hands and cheered loudly!

Kazuma held his head. I thought to myself, it’s really sad that she was a goddess, and she ended up like this...

He retracted his gaze and placed it on the video light curtain.

"However, the two people in the video are really amazing."

"It's a pity that they are not from this world. Otherwise, as teammates, they would definitely be more reliable than these three people."


Megumin is the explosion magician of the Crimson Demon Clan.

Wearing a magic hat, a magician's cloak, and a red dress underneath. Dress to thigh length. There were one black and one white bandage wrapped around the thighs. He has a slightly middle-of-the-road personality and believes in the most powerful explosive magic.

In addition, she is a mean-spirited lolita.

"What a powerful force!"

"However, my explosion magic is even more powerful!"

Megumin's chin lifted slightly.

Full of pride.

"You, a one-hit explosion magician, have nothing to be proud of..."

Kazuma complained silently.

This guy will be so exhausted that he can't fight if he uses explosive magic.


Darkness is a knight. Wearing silver-white armor, a long sword hangs from his waist. She has long golden hair and blue eyes like clear spring water. Fair skin. Look dignified. Like a noble knight.

Regardless of her personality, she is a complete beauty.

"Ah~~This power is really strong."

"I don't know if I can defend myself."

"If you can't defend..."

Darkness's cheeks flushed.

She clamped her legs together, squirmed all over, and made an unpleasant sound.


"I almost forgot that this guy is a knight with full defense..."

Kazuma looked at the three of them speechlessly.

to be honest.

At first, he refused to team up with them...

He has an ordinary appearance, ordinary personality, and ordinary abilities. How can He De and team up with these three great gods?

"Why isn't my goddess Eris..."

"Even if it's not Eris, just give me a reliable teammate like in the video light curtain..."

Kazuma lamented sincerely in his heart.


"Hahaha... Eris's evil moon was created as a substitute!"

The drunken Aqua yelled.

The adventurers in the tavern raised their huge wine glasses and shouted in unison.

"The evil moon of Eris was created!"

The tavern is filled with the aroma of food and wine, as well as a joyful atmosphere.


One Piece World.

In the marshal's office.

"It seems that Straw Hat is no match for Katakuri."

Warring States breathed a sigh of relief.

He lay back and leaned on the back of the chair.

Fortunately Luffy didn't win this time...

Otherwise, the top would not be able to sit still.

He will definitely be asked to send an admiral-level navy to capture Straw Hat Luffy.

The video did not reveal at the end who won.

However, from the perspective of the Warring States Period, the two people seemed to be evenly matched in strength.

The best outcome would definitely be a tie.


General He looked at the video that had gone dark.

A hint of shrewdness flashed through his cloudy eyes.

She looked thoughtful.

She disagreed with Sengoku's statement that "Straw Hat Boy is no match for Katakuri."

In the early stages of the video, the Straw Hat boy is indeed no match for Katakuri, but it can be seen that as time goes by, the battle between the two becomes more and more intense. By the end of the video, Straw Hat and Katakuri even had a 50-50 fight.

In the end, both of them used their strongest move.

Although the video didn't reveal who actually won, years of experience and intuition told her that it couldn't be the Straw Hat Kid who lost!

"Who knows."

General Hezhong looked at the scenery outside the window.

blue sea, blue sky.

Seagulls fly.

It's really nice weather.


In this blue sea and sky, several warships are sailing forward against the wind and waves. In the power room under the cabin, densely packed naval forces were working to power the warships, pushing huge oars "hey, hey, hey, hey". Each oar required at least dozens of sailors as power.

They pushed the oars to move the warship forward.

Akainu stood on the deck.

He was holding a telescope and looking in all directions of the sea.

Take a look at it.

There was no sign of the Straw Hats at all.

"Damn pirate, he can run so fast!"

Akainu was a little reluctant.

It's so close to catching the Straw Hats and enforcing their justice!

Akainu waved his hand!

"Keep chasing!"

"We must not let the Straw Hats escape!"

"Yes, General Sakaski!!"


The world of demon slayer.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!!"

Tanjiro was holding his hands empty, breathing heavily.

On the trunk of the huge tree in front of him, the head of the Buddhist temple ghost with arms growing out was stuck on it with an axe. He was able to breathe.

"You brat! Let me go! I'm going to eat you!!"

"Smelly brat!"

"When I get out, I will definitely skin you alive!"

"Ghosts helping humans? Are you kidding!"

"I must kill that alien and you, a human brat!"

The ghost in the Buddhist hall cursed loudly.

The two arms full of muscles tried to break free from the axe, but the ax just jammed its arms, making it unable to exert force. Veins popped out of its forehead.

All I can do is curse incompetently.

"Kid! Let me go!!"

"A mere brat!"

"Sorry, I can't let go of you."

Tanjiro looked apologetic.

The body of the Buddhist temple ghost has fallen into the cliff. Now, what he has to do is to kill the Buddhist temple ghost's head. Tanjiro didn't expect that the Buddhist temple ghost who died physically was not dead yet!

He pulled out the dagger tremblingly.

"This kind of knife cannot kill ghosts."

A sudden voice sounded, and a calloused, old hand pressed his shoulder.


Tanjiro was startled.

He turned to look and was startled again.

Wearing a red crow tengu mask, a stranger with invisible face and gray hair appeared next to him.

"If the short sword doesn't work..."

Tanjiro hesitated and picked up a stone as big as a basketball.

"Although it is a ghost, it was once a human being..."

"Am I really going to kill it?"

"Can I really kill it?"

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