The roof breaks.

Shanyi flew out.

The light of thunder and lightning remained.

It was like a beam of light falling from the sky.

The spider also flew out of the wooden house and fell down...

The wooden house was in pieces.

Behind Zenitsu is a huge full moon.

The moon is bright and clear. The sky was gray and inky, with only a few thin clouds surrounding the moon.


The screen turned again, showing Zenitsu with blood on his face and ridiculous makeup.

He closed his eyes.

He pulled out the Nichirin Sword in his hand.

The blue and white lightning was accompanied by the water breathing move used by Tanjiro beside him. Thunder and lightning and water waves complement each other!

The two of them rushed out.

Zenitsu turned into lightning in the shape of a "Z", while Tanjiro was like a wave of waves.

And Inosuke Kubihira, wearing a wild boar headband, with his upper body naked, and holding a pair of swords, also rushed out!


Dazzling electric lights and water splashes fill the interface!


Zenitsu's figure suddenly appeared behind Kubihira Inosuke, and at this time Kubihira Inosuke was tied up by Feng Ji's belt. Zenitsu closed his eyes tightly, and a huge lightning burst out from his body!

He turned into a bolt of lightning.

Wherever the electric light passed, Fallen Princess's belt was cut off!

The severed strap fell, Zenitsu put the sword back into the scabbard, and then fell.

The word [End] appears in the video.


The video is not long.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the video finished playing.

Everyone in the world was attracted by Zenitsu's gorgeous Thunder Breath, One Type, and Thunderbolt Flash.

"What a gorgeous move!"

"Did you notice that when Zenitsu used this move, he kept his eyes closed the entire time."

"Does this move require you to close your eyes?"

"It's so powerful. Even through the video light curtain, you can feel the power of this move."

"Zhenyi's makeup is quite funny."

"I didn't expect that he actually coveted my wife!"

"Nonsense! The cute Nezuko is my wife!"


Demons destroy the world.

Infinite city.

Zhu Yue's face was cold.

Very ugly.

He is Kuwashima Jigoro's disciple who turned into a ghost.

Zhuo Yue's skin was pale, with black tiger stripes on his face. The ears are pointed and fangs sprout out. He was wearing a ninja's jet-black clothes and carried a knife on his back.

"Master has always refused to give me the One Type Thunderbolt Flash...This guy is obviously a waste...waste!!"

He hammered the ground hard, and the huge force caused the ground to dent, creating spider-like cracks. At the same time, debris from the floor tiles and stones were blown up!

The loser and crybaby he had always looked down on was actually able to use such an amazing form of Thunder Breath One. He was dissatisfied and unwilling to accept it!

On the second quarter of the Twelve Ghost Moon, Tong Mo, he opened the golden iron fan and covered the lower half of his face. The upper half of his face was exposed, and his eyes were full of teasing.

He wore a patriarchal hat and a black cloak. He has white oak hair and a rainbow-like pupil color. The words "Shangxian" and "二" are engraved in the left and right pupils respectively. He looks like a very frivolous nobleman.

"I remember that when you were still a human, you learned the Breath of Thunder, right?"

"Is this human being your junior brother or senior brother?"

"Oh my, that's a coincidence."

"It's a pity that he is not a woman, otherwise I really want to taste him."

Tong Mo's face showed regret.

Zhuo Yue's face was ashen.

He doesn't speak.

Leave Infinite City directly.

Tongmo is the second string.

He is the winding land.

He can't afford to mess with children.


Tong Mo's laughter came from behind.

It was as if he was mocking his timidity and cowardice.

Zhuo Yue clenched his fists.

"It's all that guy Zenitsu's fault!"

"That guy is nothing but a waste!"

"Originally, all the moves I could practice with Thunder Breath were all useless!"


Ubuyashiki mansion.

"I didn't expect Lord Ji Wulang to have such a powerful apprentice..."

Ubuyashiki Yōya sighed.

If it weren't for Kuang Yue, Kuang Dao's apprentice, who betrayed him and became a ghost. Jigoro Kuwashima would not commit suicide to apologize.

"If this person can join the Demon Slayer Corps, maybe this person can inherit Lord Jigoro's legacy..."

"Tianyin, has this person joined the Demon Slayer Squad?"

Although he knows the names of every person who joins the Demon Slayer Corps by heart, if they are new members of the Demon Slayer Corps, they may be forgotten because of his increasingly poor memory.

"My health is getting worse and worse."

Ubuyashiki Yaoya said in his heart.

Ubuyashiki Amane shook his head.

"My lord, this person has not yet joined the Demon Slayer Squad."

"However, he has already signed up for the next round of final selection for the Demon Slayer Team."

"That's very good. If Sir Ci Wulang has a spirit in heaven, I'm afraid he will also be happy..."

"Such a strong person should not be buried..."

In the courtyard.

The breeze blows.

Ubuya Shiki Yaoya couldn't stop coughing.

He put his hand to his lips.

Yin Hong seeped from the five fingers.

"My lord!"

Tianyin was shocked.

Ubuyashiki Yōya waved his hand.

"No problem."

The curse on his body was getting stronger and stronger.

I am afraid that, like his ancestors, he will not live past thirty.

Not enough, he has left enough heirs and arranged everything.

Even if something happens to him, the Demon Slayer Squad can continue.

Sooner or later, the entanglement between their family and Oniitsuji Mumei will be cut off!


"Eh! Eh!??"

"that's me!?"

Zenitsu's face was filled with disbelief.

He didn't expect that he could be so handsome in the video!

He can also cast such a powerful Thunder Breath·One Type.

"Is it someone who looks like me?"

"But he also has the same type. Grandpa never told me that I have an older brother or younger brother..."

Zenitsu was confused.

He couldn't believe it was him in the video.

Because, he is just a weak crybaby.

Because of this, grandpa died.

Because of this, he could not prevent his senior brother Yue Yue from turning into a ghost.


The world of visible girls.

The lightning flashes in the video.

Light up Miko's face.

Her pupils reflected Zenitsu's handsome use of Thunder Breath, One Type.

"How handsome!"

"Can this kill ghosts?"


She became depressed.

If the requirements are so high.

As an ordinary person, she simply cannot do it.

She is just a very ordinary girl.

Moreover, in the video, the moves used by Zenitsu are not something ordinary people can perform. It was as fast as lightning. If an ordinary person were to reach such a high speed, their legs would probably be unable to bear it and be scrapped.

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