Hei Shimo only left these words and turned around to leave.

He had forgotten his identity as a human a long time ago.

Now he is a black man.


Ubuyashiki mansion.

The pillars are in awe of the sound pillar Uzuki Tengen who is fighting for his life with the prostitute Taro in the video.

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan is a person truly worthy of respect and admiration.

He even sacrificed his life to kill ghosts!

At the same time, they also had a much changed view of the unfamiliar Tanjiro.

They clearly saw that Tanjiro's chin was penetrated by the prostitute Taro's "blood sickle". In this situation, ordinary people would definitely be in pain and could no longer swing the sword. However, Tanjiro endured the pain and used water With his breath, he killed the prostitute Taro.

Tanjiro's perseverance is worthy of admiration.

"Did the kid's face have strange markings just now? And that flame, is it really not the breath of fire?"

Immortal Kawa Saneya frowned slightly.

Purgatory Anjuro denied it again.

"It's not the breath of fire."

"As for the markings on his face, they are indeed weird. When the markings appeared on his face, his strength seemed to surge, which allowed him to cut off the ghost's head."

"Well... we might investigate some ancient books and we might be able to find something, or we might ask the previous pillars and they might know something."

Muichiro Tokitoru suggested weakly.

Purgatory Anjuro thought of his father. The father who has been an alcoholic since his mother died. He was also the pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Maybe, he knows something.

If they can awaken their stripes, it will be of great help to their strength!

In the video light screen, the strength of the Shangxian ghosts is clearly shown. The ghost ranked sixth in the last place is so powerful, so the other Shangxian ghosts are probably even more powerful!

The strength between their pillars is mutually understood. Everyone's strength is about the same. In the video light screen, Yu Zhuan Tianyuan was struggling to kill a ghost that was at the bottom of the string. He needed help from others. I was afraid that if they encountered the ghost on the string alone, they would be in trouble!


They want to become stronger.

Otherwise, they will definitely die if they encounter the winding ghost!


Samagiri Mountain, outside the cabin at the foot of the mountain.

Ningtaki Sakonji looked up at the twinkling starry sky, thoughtfully.

The stripes... and the flames that resemble the breath of fire...

He remembered the legend he heard told by the old man a long time ago.

Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a group of ghost hunters with striped faces, and the leader was named Jiguo Enichi. He used the breath of the sun... That existence improved his breathing, and then he had other ghosts. Breathwork...The Breath of the Sun is the source of all Breathwork...

"Could it be that..."

"If it is true, maybe the hope of destroying ghosts lies with him..."

For the last time, Rintagisa looked at the dark Saagiri Mountain.

"It should be almost done."

As his voice fell, a figure appeared. This figure staggered towards this side, breathing rapidly.

"I...I'm back."

Tanjiro put his hands on his knees and gasped for air.

He sets out in the early morning and returns at night.

Much better than before.

In the past, he could only return at least late at night, and he would immediately collapse.

"Tomorrow, I will teach you how to breathe."

Rintaki Sakonji said something and turned back to the cabin.

Tanjiro was stunned.

He stared blankly at the back of Nintaki Sakonji leaving.

"How to breathe?"

He also knew how to breathe from the video light curtain and tried breathing. However, he was unable to display flames like the video.

And now, Kintaki Sakonji actually started to teach him how to breathe. He was very happy inside!

Has the formal training finally begun?


The visible world of girls.

"The ghosts in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba's world are so scary!"

From the corner of her eye, she spotted a ghost at a bus stop nearby.

I thought: Although the ghosts in this world are very scary, their lethality seems to be far inferior to the ghosts in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

“It’s really great to grow up in such a peaceful world.”

A sigh from the heart when I see my son.

Xiaohua next to me:? ?

She always felt that the recent meeting was a bit strange.

"Jianzi, we have agreed to meet you at the pedestrian street tomorrow."

Xiaohua gave instructions before getting on the bus.

"Yes, I remember. Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, pedestrian street." Miko waved goodbye to her. Watching the bus door close, the car slowly drove away.

A figure seemed to be approaching her. Jianzi thought that she had occupied the seat at the bus stop, so she subconsciously moved to the side. Looking out of the corner of her eye, she saw a dark mass, with her eyes and mouth a bottomless whirlpool. The ghost stood beside her.

Jianzi's whole body immediately tensed up.

After the ghost got on the bus and left, he was relieved to see his son.

"Sure enough, ghosts and stuff are the most annoying..."

Her heart was very tired.

Why can I suddenly see ghosts?

Obviously she couldn't see this kind of thing before.


A world where summer returns.

Inside the "Xiaozhou Western Food" Western Restaurant.

Nanfang Rizhe habitually sat where she had always sat before. She clicked on a book and read with it.

Sitting by the window, she has long, dark hair that hangs down naturally. She wears black-rimmed glasses and has a delicate face. She is a beauty. Sunlight streamed from the window to the table. It looks like time has passed quietly.

Her gaze seemed to be on the book, but in fact it was within the video light curtain.

"The ghost inside is very powerful..."

"The shadow is not as strong as the ghost inside..."

"The ghosts I have seen so far are just a little stronger than ordinary people. As long as they are hit by their shadows, they can be easily killed..."

A cup of coffee was placed in front of her.

Southern Sun Crane raised his head.

Xiaozhou Yalun, who is broad and fat, wearing a chef's hat and chef's robe, with golden hair, is standing aside with a tray in his hand.

"I really miss you. You and Chaozi used to like to come to my shop to drink drinks and eat cakes."

"Aren't you going to rest?"

Nanfang Rihe asked.

This is the first day after Xiao Zhouchao’s funeral.

Xiao Zhou's Aaron was stunned for a moment, and then smiled with some vicissitudes of life, "Even if I rest, I don't know what to do. Instead, I open a shop and do business, as usual, which makes me feel at ease."

Chapter 290 Breath of Fire! The flame burns all night, only to go out at dawn! (Please customize)

Guests came in one after another, and Aaron Xiaozhou went to work in the back.

Nanfang Rizhe put the money under the coffee cup and left dragging his dark suitcase. She had other things to do.

"Hey, who is he?"

Amidai Shinpei passed her by.

Looked confused.

This person seemed familiar.

Xiaozhou Yalun shouted to him, "Shen Ping, come and help."

There were too many guests, and he was a little overwhelmed.

"Okay! I'll come now!"

He hurried into the kitchen, put on his scarf, and helped serve food and drinks.

"Shenping, is my drink ready?"

"My omurice rice!"

"Please wait! It'll be ready soon!"


Officer Tou Shou took off his hat, opened the restaurant door, and walked in.

"It's so hot. This weather is so hot."

He sat at the front desk.

"Have a cold drink!"

Shen Ping handed him the Leng Baikai.

"Today is really busy."

"I didn't expect something like this to happen."

Officer Toshou complained.

Netdai Shenping was confused.

"Officer Toshou, what happened?"

Officer Tokumori looked around, covered his mouth with his hand, and whispered, "You don't know, the Kobayakawa family is missing. We found that the Kobayakawa Department Store was not operating well and seemed to owe a debt. Now we wonder if their family is I owe money and run away..."


Everything in Mio's tray fell down. She stepped forward and asked, "Kobayakawa Shiori is missing?"


Officer Tosuke looked at Mio in surprise as he suddenly approached. Mio rushed out of the door and ran towards Kobayakawa Department Store.

Kofunushio died to save Kobayakawa Shiori, and nothing should happen to Kobayakawa Shiori!


Shen Ping quickly caught up with him.

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