"With my weak body, I can't do anything to help...cough cough cough..."

Yaoya stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, the sticky heat flowed into his palm, and his nose was filled with the smell of iron.

Tianyin saw the blood in his hands, and a trace of anxiety appeared on his face, "Yaoya-sama, please don't be so excited. You have led our Demon Slayer Team and you have done a good job."

Yes, as she said, he was cursed and could not see with his eyes, but he could still manage the Demon Slayer Squad in an orderly manner. He had done a good enough job.

Yaoya "looked" outside.

"Tianyin, how is the weather outside?"

"The weather is very nice, Lord Yoya."

"I don't have long to live...there are some things I should explain."

Yaoya said slowly.

Although his children are young, they must be exposed to the management of the Demon Slayer Squad in advance. In case something happens to him, no one will continue to lead the Demon Slayer Squad.

There was a trace of sadness on Tianyin's face.

"Li Zai, Bifang, Hang Nai, they all have learned relevant knowledge well."

Yaoya felt relieved.

In this way, even if he dies due to the curse one day, he doesn't have to worry about the Demon Slayer Squad having no one to command...


the other side.

Purgatory Mansion.

Purgatory Makijuro continued to drink.

Face numb.

"I told you that you would die."

"He is indeed a guy who doesn't listen to advice."

Anjuro's younger brother, Tejuro.

He was a crying mess.

Tears and snot were stuck on his face.


Will Brother Xingjuro die?

He felt powerless and sad.

"My father is cold and will definitely not help Brother Xingshoulang. I have to help Brother Xingshoulang!"

He picked up the wooden knife placed in his room and waved it with tears streaming down his face.

"Brother Xingshoulang, just wait, I will definitely help you!"


"No more wine?"

Purgatory Makijuro poured the wine in the wine flask, but after a few drops of wine spilled from it, there was no more wine.

He staggered up.

Head outside.

"Go buy some wine."

He staggered and walked outside smelling of alcohol.

"Hoo! Hoo!!"

"Ho! Ho!!!"

The sound of piercing wind and the sound of rapid breathing came from Purgatory Senjuro's room. The door was not closed tightly, and through the gap in the sliding door, one could see Senjuro wielding a wooden sword inside.

"I must protect Brother Anjuro!!"

Senjuro, whose face was covered with tears and snot, waved his sword with teary eyes and muttered to himself.

Makijuro glanced at it, turned around and walked outside.

"He is indeed a brat..."

"It's your turn to do this kind of thing."

"This is what adults should do..."


"If you knew that I didn't protect our son, you would be very angry..."

The moment he left the mansion, his eyebrows became extremely sharp.

Sharp and sharp.

Decadence swept away!

While you're drinking, ask the blacksmith to forge a new Nichirin sword...

Hope, it's too late...

The neighbors were shocked when they saw him like this.

When Makijuro left, they whispered.

"Is this Mr. Purgatory?"

"It seems like he was different just now?"

"It's like a different person."


The world of Doraemon.

In Nobita's room.

Doraemon and Nobita were sitting cross-legged on the tatami.

They were crying together at this time.

"Woooooooooo... It's so touching..."

Nobita took off his glasses and wiped his eyes.

"Doraemon, will Mr. Anjuro Purgatory die?"

He cried until tears and snot flowed out of his nose.

"Nobita, you are so dirty."

Doraemon was also crying, "I don't know if he will die."

They tried using props to interfere with the video light curtain, but the props couldn't intervene at all.

Therefore, they cannot know the final outcome of Purgatory Anjuro.

But you can guess the ending.


The sliding door was pushed open.

"Really, what are you two so noisy about?"

Nobita's mother complained.

However, when he saw Nobita and Doraemon crying, he was immediately dumbfounded.


"Sorry, Mom, Nobita and I watched a very touching TV series, that's why, you don't have to worry. So you can go about your business."

Doraemon pushed Nobita's mother out of the room and closed the sliding door.

Nobita's mother stood at the door, with several question marks popping up in her head.


Pirate world.

Golden Merrie.


"Very touching."

Chopper bit his handkerchief and cried like a mess.

Luffy wasn't any better than him.

The same goes for Usopp.

Nami pressed her head with a slight headache.

They are too emotional.

Fortunately, Sanji and the others are not like this.

Nami rejoiced and looked in the direction of Sanji and the others.

Sanji was seen biting his lower lip tightly, as if he was enduring something.

Nami:? ?

Then, she saw that Sanji's eyes seemed to be hazy.

Then, Sanji turned around and faced the sea.

Lit the cigarette.

His hands were in his pockets.

"Asshole, what are you doing with such a touching clip!"

Sanji's low curse sounded.

"It's the Straw Hats' ship!"

"It's the Straw Hats!!!"

not far away.

Several pirate ships with pirate flags appeared.

They quickly chased the Straw Hats ahead.

Zoro, who was sitting cross-legged on the deck and holding his sword, stood up.

"The mood of labor and management is not good."

"Just in time."

Nami was stunned for a moment.

Following Zoro's gaze, he saw several pirate ships.

Luffy and others also looked full of fighting spirit.

It seems that he wants to vent his unhappiness.


[Check out the shocking famous scenes: group portrait! Ghostly past! What I hate is not the world, but the human heart! 】

Within the video light curtain, the title appeared.

New video will be played soon.

Chapter 296: Everything is Steins;Gate's choice! (Please customize)

The demon Arthas calls your world.

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