Therefore, she is prejudiced against ghosts.

Ghost is evil!

Like Immortal Kawa Saneya, she was disgusted by this video.

"The confession a ghost makes before he dies is so ridiculous!"

Only when they were about to die did they realize how to repent, then who should bear the sins of the people they killed before?

They don't deserve sympathy!



Mingyu Xingming clasped his hands together and burst into tears.

"From now on, if I see them, let me send them to hell."

The temple where he once lived was attacked by ghosts, and everyone in the temple died. Therefore, he hates ghosts. As for ghosts being kind? In his mind, this was really ridiculous.

If he saw ghosts in the future, he would definitely send them to see the Buddha without hesitation.

He lamented that Yu Xingming could shed tears for ghosts, and he might sympathize with ghosts, but he would never be merciful!


A world that offers blessings to a better world.

Inside the tavern.

After fighting monsters all day, they happily drank wine and celebrated the end of a hard day.



Aqua, as always, had no goddess image. She was like a rude middle-aged adventurer, happily drinking down a large glass of beer and spitting out a large amount of carbon dioxide.

"Hahaha, come on, come on again!"

Aqua gurgled, picked up the beer again, and started drinking.

Kazuma glanced at the goddess and regretted it again.

It wouldn't have been so embarrassing to choose a certain bug skill or a magical weapon from this goddess.

Today, Megumin, Darkness, and the goddess of worms were swallowed several times by the giant frog, and they were all wet.

These three unreliable teammates...

Kazuma no longer knew what to say.

He focused his attention on the video light screen.

Chapter 299 Kamen Rider Kuuga VS Kame Gurungi! Nuclear blast kick!

The corner of his mouth twitched.

His eyes were mocking silently.

"A wicked person's deathbed repentance cannot change the fact that he was a wicked person in the past."

Kazuma was sarcastic without any sympathy.

There was crying beside me.


"so poor..."

"They are so pitiful... Megumin, don't you think so?"

Kazuma suddenly turned his head and looked to the side, only to see Aqua crying. Megumin wasn't much better either. Her nose and tears were stuck on her face, making her look extremely dirty. The two of them hugged each other, rubbing tears and snot on each other's clothes. Aqua was crying and burping from the wine.

Kazuma looked stiff.

Could it be that he is too cold-blooded?

"Darkness didn't cry either? It's definitely not that I'm too cold-blooded!" Kazuma comforted himself and looked at Darkness sitting opposite, only to see her back to him, her whole body trembling. , covering his face with his hands, as if sobbing.


"Am I really too cold-blooded?"

He was about to reflect on how cold-blooded he was, when he saw Darkness's face flushed, her legs clamped, and she made a morbid voice like a nymphomaniac, "Ah~ It's so great, Tanjiro's sharp slashes are not the same." I wonder if I can withstand this slashing attack with my defense... I really want to be slashed..."


He almost forgot that this guy was a pervert.


The demon Arthas calls your world.

The door of the Mustard Detective Agency was opened, and Alsace walked in, crossing his legs and sitting on the sofa like an uncle.

"How's it going? Is it done?"

Zuokuma asked.

"Of course, if I show up, this matter will be completed easily."

Alsace threw several photos on the table.

Zuo Kuma picked up the photo, which showed an unsightly scene of two men. Zuo Kuma took a look at it and held the photo away with disgust on his face.

"Let me see."

Besib came over to look at it and commented on the photos, "They are two human beings with enough tricks. I believe that the human and demon will be satisfied with these photos."

"excuse me."

There was a voice at the door, and the man with heavy makeup from the past few days walked in, carrying a red bag.

"Miss Zuokuma, I heard that you have taken good care of those bitches, so I came over to take a look."

Zuokuma handed over the photo.

The man took it and then covered his mouth with shock on his face.

"Miss Zuokuma! What's wrong with you! I asked you to punish those bitches, not to let them enjoy!!"

He showed his anger!

"Those two guys worked for a day and a night, and the lower part is no longer usable." Alsace told Zuo Kuma, and Zuo Kuma informed the man about it, and the man was satisfied.

"I believe that this way, my husband and my husband's lover will not be able to leave me."

"This is the remaining money."

The man gave the money and left happily.

The remaining demons and humans:...

Aabi came over and took away the money on the table, "Isn't it great that the matter was resolved satisfactorily."

Zuokuma was very angry at what the man just said. In order to eliminate her diaphragm, she focused her energy on the video light screen. The content of the video light screen was not long, just a few minutes of video.

"Tsk, tsk, you are such a weak ghost. Even hell will not accept such a weak guy."

Alsace commented on the ghosts in the video light curtain, but Besib had a different view, "I think these ghosts will be very popular in hell. Recently, hell has said that there is a shortage of sandbags. They went to hell, Should be able to be a good punching bag.”

Zuokuma stood up suddenly and walked inside expressionlessly.

"Watching video light curtains with these demons is the biggest mistake."

"Hey, woman, where are you going?"

Arthas shouted.


He was answered by the sound of a door closing.

Although Zuokuma didn't feel sorry for the ghosts in the video, she didn't want to hear these demons chattering in her ears.

She looked at the video screen silently.

On the window of the room, Alsace's face was pressed against the window, his face was flattened by the window, and he looked extremely ridiculous. His limbs were tightly holding on to the window to prevent himself from falling.

He looked through the window at Zuo Kuma inside, "This woman is indifferent to such a touching video. She is really a cold-blooded woman."

Besib flapped his wings and flew aside.

"After all, he is the one who follows Aabibe."

The people who follow the devil in the mustard side and come into contact with the devil are all people with "flaws".


Shortly after the previous video light curtain finished playing, the video light curtain lit up again.

[Inventory of world-shaking famous scenes: Kamen Rider Kuuga World. 】

[Introduction: A belt was excavated in the ancient ruins, and the weirdo Gurungi was awakened! In order to fight against the rampaging Gurungi, Godai Yusuke put on his belt and transformed into Kamen Rider Kuuga! 】

[Check out the shocking and famous scenes; Kuuga VS Kame Gurungi! Nuclear blast kick! 】


Everyone in the world saw the title appearing in the video light curtain.

"Is this the world of Kamen Rider again?"

"It seems that the world of Kamen Rider Tokio was played before, right?"

"Eh? Is the world of ghost destruction over? I also want to see if I can learn how to destroy ghosts. Also, the ghosts in my world are not afraid of the sun at all."

"If you want to kill ghosts, you must first exercise enough physical strength. Without enough physical strength, you can't kill ghosts. Therefore, the most important thing for you is to run back and forth in the mountains every day."

"Run the mountain!?"

"Who knows about the Kamen Rider Kuuga in this title? There is also Kame Gurungi? Judging from the introduction in the title, this Kame Gurungi is a villain."

"I should know Kuuga, but I don't know if the Kuuga that the video is about to play is the Kuuga I know."


"If it is, it is, if it is not, it is not. Why is it so contradictory?"


A large number of barrages appeared on the video light screen, and water friends from all over the world have become accustomed to posting barrages on the video light screen.


The world of visible girls.

Mianzi looked at the barrage asking her to exercise, build up her strength, and "run mountains" with a confused expression.

“There are many ways to increase your physical strength, but why run mountains?”

"The nearest mountain is far away from here..."

She feels that the best way to improve her physical strength may be to get up early every day and run around a few times.

Although she didn't know if it was useful to increase her physical strength, she felt that if she encountered a ghost, she might be able to run away. Even if she couldn't get rid of the ghost, she could survive for a while.

"I've decided to go for a morning run every morning before going to school!"

Miko makes a decision.

"Mianzi! Come and take a look. Isn't this dress pretty?"

In a clothing store not far away, Xiaohua stood in front of a row of clothes and waved to Jianzi. Jian Zi took a step forward and was about to walk in the direction of Xiao Hua, but he saw a ghost covered in darkness with his mouth open like a bottomless pit of darkness, appearing behind Xiao Hua.

Chapter 300 The changed world line! (Please customize)

Miko's whole body stiffened.

She stood there, neither going in nor going in.

For a moment, she was in a dilemma.

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