"Dong dong..."

"I'm studying, is there something wrong?"

Kureshima Mitsumi's voice came from inside, but it seemed that he didn't intend to open the door.

"Xiao Shi, you are still young, and there are many things you don't know yet."

"My job is not as simple as you think. Including World Tree Group..."

"After you graduate and join the World Tree Group and become my assistant, I will tell you everything."


Wu Dao Takatora turned and left.

inside the room.

Mitsumi Kureshima was not studying.

His mind was a mess at this time.

Hearing Wu Dao Takatora say that he would join the World Tree Group and become his assistant after graduation, he was very resistant.

He doesn't want to have his life arranged by others, let alone join the World Tree Group...

"Am I going to have to be at the mercy of him..."


"It's a knight I've never seen before!"

"So strong!"

Ge Yehongtai's face was full of surprise.

Zangetsu Zhen inside was able to easily pick off many knights and easily deal with them. In his opinion, it was very powerful. If it were him, he couldn't guarantee that he could do this.

In addition, Zangetsu Shin's sonic bow is also very powerful.

It was actually able to kill several people instantly.

Ge Yehongtai's exaggerated voice spread from the room to the living room. Ge Yejing couldn't help but smile helplessly when she heard Ge Yehongtai's exaggerated voice.

"Huntai is really such a big man, he still acts like a child."


The world of Detective Conan.

Inside the detective agency.

Mouri Kogoro sat on the chair with a drunken look on his face, his feet on the table, and there were a pile of beer bottles on his table. Mao Lilan and Conan looked at the video screen.

What is played in the video is Kurejima Takatora's first transformation into Kamen Rider Zangetsu Shin, handsomely using sonic bows and arrows to quickly defeat the knights besieging him.

Conan was amazed by the cool attack effect.

"It's amazing. Let the doctor make a weapon similar to a sonic bow and arrow another day..."

This idea popped into Conan's head.

He is now transformed into a child. When facing prisoners, he often lacks combat effectiveness. Although he has foot-strengthening shoes, if there is nothing to kick around, it is difficult to stun the enemy.

And if you have this sonic bow and arrow...

Conan thought again.

If such a weapon is used, will the prisoner be killed directly?

Conan was silent for a moment.

never mind.

Let's continue to rely on ingenuity and foot-strength-enhancing shoes to deal with the prisoners.

Although foot strength-enhancing shoes have obvious weaknesses, they are quite useful.


Inuyasha's world.

Higurashi Kagome travels back and forth between the Warring States Period and modern times through a dry well. She hasn't been back to modern times for a long time, so she plans to rest at home for a while.

In addition, the school also conducts examinations.

Kagome took out her book and prepared to review.

It would be bad if you failed the exam.

Because she had to go to the Warring States Period to help Inuyasha and the others collect the Four Souls Jade, she had already wasted a lot of study time, and her grades plummeted.

She must quickly make up for her knowledge and improve her grades.

The video light curtain lit up.

It's a video of Kamen Rider Zangetsu·Main.

Kagome couldn't help but look at it.

Unknowingly, time passed.

When the video dimmed, Kagome showed envy in her eyes.

"It's great that Zangetsu really has such a powerful bow and arrow. In comparison, my weapons are really shabby..."

Her weapon is an ordinary bow and arrow.

Although she can inject spiritual power into arrows to attack enemies, in comparison, Zangetsu Shin's weapons look handsome and powerful.

If she had a choice, she would probably choose the Zangetsu True Sonic Bow instead of the ordinary bow.


She couldn't help but sigh.

Looking back on the past, I cannot bear to look back.

She felt that she shouldn't have been near that dry well.

In this case, she will not be dragged into the dry well by monsters and go to the Warring States Period. In this case, naturally not so many things will happen.

"Ah, crap!"

"It's about time!"

"I haven't read it at all!"

Kagome flipped through the book in a hurry.


[Taking stock of shocking famous scenes: winning the lock! Extremely key! Extremely armed! On the road to becoming a god! ! 】

Within the video light curtain, the title appeared again.

Everyone in the world looked at the newly appeared title, and most of them were puzzled.

"What is the winning lock?"

"And what is the Ji Key?"

"Goku Armament? Is it the latest form of Kamen Rider?"

"Towards the road to becoming a god? Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"Even Kuuga, who used a terrifying attack like the Nuclear Explosion Kick, would not dare to say such arrogant words."


"Why mention me?"

"Can someone explain it to me?"

The video light screen interface was filled with barrages with question marks.


The world of Kamen Rider Armor.

DJ Sagara is live streaming.

He has short hair, a pink sports headband on his forehead, and a headset hanging around his neck. Wearing a green and black checkered short-sleeved sports top.

Chapter 308: Fun Snake Xiangle! Give the key!

"Rhythm Rider Hotline!"


"Zawa Meishi and all the rhythm knights!"

"OK! Welcome to DJ Sagara's live broadcast."

"The streets of Sawaya City were full of surprises last week..."

DJ Sagara is enthusiastically reporting the rankings and latest developments of each dance team.

The broadcast is over and the playback is over.

A video light screen popped up in front of Sagara.

The title on the video light screen made him laugh.

"Shengsusuo? Extreme key? The road to becoming a god?"

"Who will I give these to in the future?"

He doesn't care who he will give the clock to in the future, it's all the same to him.

On the surface, Sagara is collecting data and intelligence for the World Tree Group. He seems to be a member of the World Tree, but in fact, he is a member of the Helheim Forest.

His mission is to guide a woman in the war to become a Daughter of Origin, balance the forces in the war, so that the winner can be selected, become a Man of Origin, and promote the evolution of the entire race.


World Tree Group.

Wu Dao Takatora sat in the office, looking at the video screen with an expressionless face.

"Is there a new video?"

"this time..."

Wu Daoguihu frowned.

He understood each of these words, but when combined, he couldn't understand them except for the last one, "The Road to Godhood."

"Win the lock, the key..."

He had never heard of either of these things.

"New lock clock?"

"Then, what is Ji Key..."

Kureshima Takatora pondered for a moment and contacted Xiangraku.

The projection pops up.


"What do you want from me?"

Xiangraku still looked like he was out of tune.

"Investigating information on the Katsuko Lock and the Ji Key."

"I want to know these two things as soon as possible."

Wu Dao Takatora ordered expressionlessly.


"However, I can't guarantee whether it can be investigated."

Sagara's face was filled with amusement.

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