It was already late at night, Tanjiro dragged his tired body down the mountain, and at this time, the video light screen popped up, and he curiously focused his attention to watch the video light screen. He already knows the traps and obstacles on the way down the mountain so well that he can avoid them even if he closes his eyes. His body is like that of an ape, avoiding obstacles and traps. While staring at the video light screen.

"What a powerful monster!"

Tanjiro couldn't help but worry about the five knights. Such a powerful monster cannot be defeated by the combined power of five knights. So, can any knight really defeat this monster?

He couldn't help but substitute himself as a knight, and ghosts as a foreigner.


Kamen Rider Kuuga Minecraft.

Inside the Institute of Super-Ancient Writings.

Godai Yusuke sat on Sakurako Sawado's seat without looking away from the video screen. Sakura held a glass of water and handed it to him. Godai Yusuke took it, but his eyes still did not leave the video screen.

"The strength of this weirdo is not comparable to that of ordinary weirdos. Even the combined power of five knights cannot solve it. It is too strong."

Sakura said while drinking water. Her brows furrowed. Five knights can't defeat one weirdo. And Yusuke Godai had to deal with those powerful monsters alone every time.

Godai Yusuke was silent. He was thinking about the previous video of his nuclear blast kick. How on earth could I use such a powerful move? He had just obtained the belt not long ago, and it was very difficult for him to maximize the power of one of his forms, not to mention transforming into other forms.

As for moves like the nuclear explosion kick, he was very doubtful that he could really use it? If you really did it yourself. So, can this weirdo withstand his own nuclear blast kick?


The world of Kamen Rider Kabuto-oh.

In the training room.

The air was slightly dull, and sunlight shone in through the narrow window above the wall. From the few rays of sunlight that came in, you could see the fine translucent dust floating in the air.



Kabuto Souji was wearing a white sleeveless shirt and gloves on his hands. He waved his fists hard and hit the sandbag hard. The huge force caused the sandbag to deform.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

He grabbed the shaking sandbag and gasped for air. There was sweat on the forehead, bridge of nose, and cheeks. Sweat continued to slide from his cheeks, from his chin to the ground, from his neck to his shoulder blades.

not enough! This power is not enough!

Chief Tiandao glanced at the foreigner who could not defeat the five knights together. If the zerg is so powerful, then he is no match for such a powerful zerg now!


A roadside ramen shop, a small noodle stall made up of carts, with a cover hanging above the small noodle stall, half-obscuring the scene inside this small walking shop. Through the gap, you can vaguely see the boss wearing white clothes with a towel tied to his head, as well as the white mist coming from the hot food in the car.

Kagami Arata and Misaki Yuzuki stood in the noodle stall, with a bowl of hot ramen on the table in front of them.

"Come on! Come on!"

Kagami's newbie clenched his fists and cheered for the knight inside. He was so excited that he even forgot where he was and couldn't help shouting loudly.

Misaki Yuzuki silently held the bowl of ramen in his hand, turned sideways, and looked through the gap in the cover to see the passers-by and cars passing by outside, pretending that he and Kagami Arata didn't know each other.

This guy is so disgraceful.

The owner of the noodle stall cooked the food with a nonchalant expression. He had been in this business for so many years and he had seen all kinds of customers. He has seen stranger customers than Kagami Arata, so he is not surprised.


The scene continues!

【Why is it so powerful! 】

【It can’t be beat at all! 】

Kamen Rider Baron struggled to get up from the ground.

He was very desperate at this time.

Demxiu is too strong.

The five of them combined are no match.

Chapter 311 Kaiwu arrives on the battlefield! Become a general!

So, who else can beat him?

Kamen Rider Marika also struggled to stand up.

[This power is too high for us. 】

【What should I do? There's no way to win! 】

Kamen Rider Knuckle's tone was full of despair.

He was almost giving up.

The five of them used their ultimate moves, but they were still no match.

Such a monster.

There is no way to win!

Kamen Rider Gridon shouted in a low voice.

【Can not give up! 】

[Fight him until the end and wait for the opportunity! ! 】

Kamen Rider Bravo thinks it's not the last moment yet and can't give up!

If you want to fight, you must fight to the end!

As a warrior, he will never give up!

Da da da...

The sound of running footsteps came.

Kamen Rider Baron was the first to notice. He turned around and saw Kota Kuzuba running towards this side.

【Kudzu leaves! 】

There was disbelief in his voice.

I don’t understand why Hongtai appears here.

Hongtai stopped running, held the Shengxu Lock in his hand, and walked forward slowly.

【No time to regret. 】

When Demxiu saw him, he sneered.

【Come here to die again. 】

Hongtai ignored his sarcasm and continued.

【I want to move forward. 】

【I have already sworn to Yuya! 】

【Transformation! 】


【Kachidoki! 】

Hongtai jumped up and rushed towards Demxiu, Shengxu Armor was instantly armed! Demushu rushed towards Kamen Rider Kaiwu, but Kamen Rider Kaiwu moved faster. He hit Demushu with his sword and sparks flew out!

Demuxu covered his abdomen in pain and looked at Kamen Rider Kaiwu who had his back turned to him. He mercilessly fired a fire bomb at him, and the terrifying fire bomb struck Kaiwu's back. And Kamen Rider Kaiwu has already taken out the Extreme Key.

The flames exploded, and the raging flames enveloped the Kamen Rider's armor, completely covering his figure. The raging fire burned Kamen Rider Kaiwu's body, but Kamen Rider Kaiwu calmly pressed the key in his hand.

The flames burning on his body dissipated instantly, and the sound of zippers came from the air above him, and several spaces above him were opened.

【FruitsBasket! 】

Ten armors slowly lowered from above. When Demxiu saw this scene, he couldn't help but take a step back. Those armors attacked Demxiu one after another. Demxiu was hit so hard that sparks shot out from his body, making it difficult for him to resist.

Kamen Rider Armor's transformation belt shines with light, and there is an extra socket next to the Katsuko Lock, and Kamen Rider Armor's Ji Key is installed on it. The pole key lit up and was opened at the same time.

【LockOpen! 】

【KiwamiArms! 】

Those armors flew around Kamen Rider Kaiwu, and then got into Kamen Rider Kaiwu's body.

【Big big general! 】

The armor on Kamen Rider Kaiwu instantly turned into silver armor!

【Hongti! 】

【this is...】

【New Arms! 】

【How to do it! 】

【General? 】

The other knights looked at Kamen Rider Kabuto's new armor in shock.

At the same time, I was puzzled.

I don’t understand how Kuzu Ye Hongtai did it.


The world of Kamen Rider Armor.

Ge Yehongtai stared closely at Jiwei.

"Am I too handsome?"

He thought quite proudly.

Hongtai was rolling on the bed with excitement on his face, and accidentally rolled off the bed and fell to the ground.


"It hurts!"

A loud noise came from inside, and Ge Yejing, who was busy in the kitchen, also heard the loud noise. She couldn't help but shook her head, looking a little helpless.

"Huntai is so true."

"Why do you always make so much noise lately?"


Within the World Tree Group.

The moment Wu Dao Takatora saw Ji Jiwei, he stood up suddenly.

"This is the new armor!?"

Just seeing this, he vaguely felt that the strength of this armor was extraordinary.

Such a powerful extremely key was actually taken away by an unknown little person.

Wu Dao Takatora's brows couldn't help but frown.


The scene continues!

Kamen Rider Kaiwu turned the key, and a dazzling golden light erupted from his belt. He held a big orange pill and made a charging movement.


Demsh shouted.

Waving the big sword in his hand, he rushed towards Kamen Rider Kaiwu.

The Kamen Rider's armor blocked Demush's sword, and then struck Demsh with a knife. Demsh took a few steps back in pain. Kamen Rider Kaiwu was approaching Demush, but Demsh was at a disadvantage and didn't dare to exaggerate like this anymore. He kept retreating.

Then, Demushu attacked again, and Kamen Rider Kaiwu easily blocked his sword and slashed again. Sparks flew. Demsh burst into screams.

Demxiu screamed and retreated repeatedly, and then, the furious Demxiu rushed towards him with a big sword!

Kamen Rider Kaiwu turns the key.

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