Qiantu smiled.

There is sadness hidden in the smile.

"I want to win, Tanjiro."

"For that guy, too..."

Tsutako said to him.

Fog shrouded.

Covering their figures, they disappeared.

When Tanjiro came to his senses, the boulder in front of him had been split into two.

He did it.

Successfully split the boulder.

This means that he is eligible to participate in the "final selection" of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Tanjiro was very happy, but also very puzzled.

Because what he just split open was clearly Qiang Tu's mask.

"No matter what!"

"I succeeded!"

"I fulfilled the teacher's request!"

When Tanjiro was excited, a video light screen appeared in front of him.

"Is this... a new video?"

"Kamen Rider Duke? Professor?"

"The title of the previous Kamen Rider Zangetsu Shin video is just as weird. At that time, the Kamen Rider Zangetsu Shin transformer seemed to be called Director by others..."

"I'm really looking forward to it! What kind of video is it?"


The world of Kamen Rider Den-O.

Inside the time train DenLiner.

"Notaro, are there any new videos?"

The strange demon god Momotaros came closer to Ryotaro Nogami.

His entire body was almost red, and he had two small horns on his head, like a human wearing an evil ghost mask and hard armor.

"Any new videos?"

Potaros also came closer.

He is almost entirely blue, has turtle-like lines on his body, and has three horns on his head.

"Kamen Rider Duke? Looks like he's the new rider."

"Is it strong?"

Quintaros also came over.

Jintaros's body is almost entirely covered in gold, and the wrists and body of his upper body are covered with fur, making him look like he is wearing a furry sleeveless coat.

The three of them squeezed Ryotaro, almost squeezing Ryotaro into a tight corner. Ryotaro looked aggrieved.


Ye Nai pulled the three strange demons apart and sat next to Ryotaro, watching the video.

Just like Potaros said, he is a new knight.


Video footage continues!

The title fades away.

The picture appears!

Accompanied by the moonlight, Zhan Ji came on horseback. With his back to the moonlight, his face could not be seen clearly. You can vaguely see him wearing a white coat.


The appearance of Zhan Ji Lingma appeared. He has a delicate face and long black hair. The long hair on the back of his head is simply tied into a single ponytail. He has bangs on his forehead and a touch of white highlights on his bangs.

He took out the lemon lock seed.

Press the lock seed.

The lock seed bursts into a dazzling lemon color.

It seemed as if all the darkness of the night was dispelled.

Zhanji Lingma pressed the Lemon Lock Seed into Zhanji Drive.

The transformation sound effect sounded.

【LockOn! 】

【Soda! 】

【LemonEnergyArms! 】

A circular zipper appeared above. The zipper was opened, and the passage to the underworld of Helm opened. Lemon energy armor falls from above.

Zhanji Lingma opened his hands gracefully.

The armor fell onto his head.

【FightPower! FightPower! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fi-Fi-Fi-Fi-Fight! 】

Along with the sound effect, the armor opened.

Armed to Zhanji Lingma's shoulders, chest, back, etc.

A dazzling golden light lit up.

this moment.

He is extremely eye-catching.

It's like a god coming!

The golden light turned into countless lemon-colored liquids, exploded, and then scattered all over the ground.

Kamen Rider Duke appears with a sonic arrow!

In the background screen, the voice of Zhanji Lingma appeared.

[My research leads to truth. 】

【My invention can create gods. 】

【I don’t need to rely on other people’s strength. 】

【Just myself! 】

【LockOn! 】

Kamen Rider Duke opened the sonic arrow and said.

【Then farewell forever. 】

He aimed down.

The arrow exploded with light.

【LemonEnergySquash! 】

He let go of the hand pulling the string, and the arrow turned into a golden stream of light and shot towards the knight below.

Boom, boom, boom...

Arrows exploded on the knight.

The flames of the explosion continued to burn and spread. At night, it is as hot and dazzling as the scorching sun. If you look directly at the explosion, you will worry that your eyes will be blinded by the dazzling light.

After the explosion, the armor on the knight turned into dots of fluorescence and disappeared, and the knight fell down.


Barrage appeared on the screen one after another.

"Have Kaiwu and the others used these sonic arrows before?"

"I think you used it when you fought against Demusu before? It was used by other knights. Zangetsu Shinya also used it."

"Ah, yes, that's them."

"This sonic arrow is really cool. If I had this bow and arrow, I could kill a Zerg with one arrow."

"Is this useful in killing ghosts?"


The scene continues!

Kamen Rider Duke pushes the pusher on the drive.

【LemonEnergySquash! 】

A dazzling golden light erupted on the lock seed.

And a flash of red light flashed in the middle of his forehead.

Kamen Rider Duke becomes four.


The world of Naruto.

Naruto looked at this scene in shock.

"Duke becomes four!!"

"He also knows how to clone himself!?"


Sasuke next to him couldn't help but give him a roll of his eyes.

"Idiot. In the world of Kamen Rider, there is no ninjutsu."

"What he used was definitely not a clone technique."

"It should be similar to the technological projection of their world. It's just a phantom created using technological projection."

Sasuke guessed seriously.

"No matter what, they are all amazing. They are exactly the same as the real ones. I can't tell which one is real!"

Naruto's face was filled with admiration.

This knight is so awesome!


In the narrow factory, he held sonic arrows and surrounded the aliens.

The Outlander swung his ax at Kamen Rider Duke, but it missed.

Kamen Rider Duke took advantage of the clone to disturb the aliens and pulled out the sonic arrow. There are several string-like energy rays on the sonic arrow. The energy converges crazily on the arrow, and the arrow bursts out with dazzling light.

He let go.

The arrows are like several entwining and flying elves, with a little golden light, shooting towards the foreigners.

Chapter 324 The final battle! Kamen Rider Zangetsu VS Kamen Rider Duke!

The foreigner swung his ax to chop, but was knocked upside down by the aftermath of the exploding arrow, and then fell heavily.


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