Chapter 332: Kamen Rider Yajituo makes his debut!

Kamen Rider G3 hit the front of a car hard, flattening the front and smashing the front window.

The monitoring room inside the car.

An alarm broke out in the G3 monitoring system.

Omuro Takahiro's voice came.

[The posture control unit is damaged! 】

[G3 system loses combat capability! ! 】


Lord Jaguar grabbed Kamen Rider G3's head and smashed the front window hard. The already broken window became even more broken.

A snowflake screen appeared on the screen in the monitoring room, and then it became dark.

[Screen signal lost! 】

Omuro Takahiro turned to look at Ozawa Sumiko.

【The battle is suspended! ! 】

【Glacier, please retreat immediately! ! 】

Ozawa Sumiko shouted nervously.

【glacier! ! 】

Kamen Rider G3 fell to the ground, unable to even get up.

Let alone escape.


The world of Kamen Rider Akita.

"Isn't this the first time I met Officer Glacier?"

"I really miss it."

Tsugami Shoichi looked nostalgic.

At that time, when he sensed the appearance of the weirdo, he went there.

"Wait a moment, it's time for me to appear."

"Eh? This guy in armor is Police Officer Hikawa?"

Fenggu Zhenyu showed surprise.

"I didn't expect it, ha. I didn't expect it at the time. Officer Glacier was actually the person inside the armor. I was surprised."

"Ah, I almost forgot, this is the cucumber I pickled yesterday. Try it and see how it tastes."

Tsugami Shoichi ran into the kitchen, holding a large jar made of transparent glass. Through this large transparent jar, you can see the cucumber being prepared.

"It must taste very good. Real fish, let's try it. How does it taste?"

He used chopsticks to put the cucumber into the plate, then handed the chopsticks to Feng Gumao, nodding for her to take the chopsticks and try the taste of the pickled cucumber.

Feng Guzhenyu couldn't help but glance at the police officer Hikawa who was on the verge of a life-and-death crisis in the video screen, and then at the relaxed and smiling Tsugami Shoichi in front of him.

Does she think this is a little bad?


"There are such heroes among humans."

"It's really rare."

The man whose real name is Shoichi Tsugami and is now Tetsuya Sawaki expressed his admiration for Kamen Rider G3 in the video.

However, it would be impossible for Kamen Rider G3 to defeat Lord Jaguar with such power.

"Need more power!"



Metropolitan Police Search Lesson 1.

Hojo revealed contempt.

"Sure enough, he is not suitable to be a G3 dresser."

"If it were me, I could easily kill this unidentified life form."

When the G3 project was established, he was determined to become a Kamen Rider G3 costumer, but was robbed of his qualification by Hikawa Makoto.

For this reason, he never forgets it.

I want to regain my qualification to become a costumer of Kamen Rider G3.


Hikawa Makoto's face turned red.

He didn't expect that his dark history would be exposed by the video screen.

It's really, really embarrassing.

But Sumiko Ozawa and Takahiro Omuro watched it with gusto.

"Please...please don't look..."

Hikawa Makoto stood in front of them.

"What does it matter? Anyway, we have seen your embarrassed appearance before, and now we are just reliving it."

Takahiro Omuro said.

Sumiko Ozawa agreed.

"Glacier, you don't have to worry."

"Perhaps you can use your own battle videos to discover your shortcomings and improve them. Wouldn't that be great?"

Hikawa Makoto felt that Ozawa Sumiko's words were very reasonable.

"I see."

"I see!"

He sat down and watched the video screen carefully.

"Officer Glacier is really easy to be fooled."

When Omuro Takahiro saw this scene, he couldn't help but think in his heart.


Kamen Rider Kuuga Minecraft.

Godai Yusuke frowned slightly.

Judging from the video alone, this Jaguar Lord is very powerful.

And the body seems to be very strong.

Because of this, Kamen Rider G3's attacks have no effect.

"Artificial Kamen Rider..."

"It seems that the Kamen Rider system in this world is not very complete yet. At least, the power of the armor is not as good as the previous Kaiwu world, and the knight system is not as good as the Kaiwu world..."

The armor forms of the Kamen Riders in the Armor World are very strong and can basically crush those from other lands. The Kamen Rider system in the Yajituo world seems to have just begun.

The gap is really too big.


The world of Kamen Rider Kabuto-oh.

In the training room.

Kabuto Souji stopped punching.

Gloved hands grasped the sandbag.

He looked at the video screen.

Frowning slightly.

"Not to mention the world of armor, even the knight system in our world is inferior."

"It's really a backward world."

"As an outfitter with such an imperfect knight system, it is already considered very good to be able to do this."

"Unfortunately, it's still too weak."

If Hikawa Makoto could have a knight system similar to that of their world, I believe that with Hikawa Makoto's strength, he could easily defeat this unidentified life form.


Kagami Arata stared closely at the screen.

"Kamen Rider G3, come on!"

"Can't lose!!"

"Must win!!!"

he shouted loudly.

At this time, he seemed to have been brought into Kamen Rider G3, without confirming that the life form was approaching step by step. In the next step, the unconfirmed life form will break Kamen Rider G3's neck, and by then, Kamen Rider G3's costumer Makoto Hikawa will die.

"Kagami Arata, you are very noisy. Can't you just be quiet and watch the video?"

Yuzuki Misaki only discovered this video light curtain some time ago.

She was currently glaring at Kagami Arata who was yelling.

Bad eyes.


Kagami Xin couldn't help but shut her mouth in disbelief.

Shuichi Tadokoro pinched his chin and analyzed, "The Kamen Rider system in their world is too backward. It is obvious that the Kamen Rider's power is not enough to fight against those unidentified life forms."

"This man will die."

He made a sound judgment.

This judgment made Kagami Xin feel bad.


The scene continues!

Da da da...

Lord Jaguar's ears moved.

He turned around.

Look behind you.

I saw a figure coming out of the darkness.

The car not far away was still burning with flames.

And this figure appeared behind the burning car.

The burning car exploded with a bang, and the explosion of flames illuminated the appearance of this figure - Kamen Rider Yajitus!

Under the light of the flames, you can see the golden armor on his chest, red eyes, and the horns on his head.

Kamen Rider G3 was shocked when he saw Kamen Rider Yajituo. He reluctantly raised his upper body and looked in the direction of Yajituo.

Lord Jaguar made a surprised sound.

Then, he roared and rushed towards Yajituo, waving his sharp claws and grabbing Yajituo fiercely.

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