Then they squatted together and studied.

"Uncle, is this really not your power?"

"I don't do magic."

"Then where did this thing come from?"

"I checked, but it seems I can't find the source."

"What's going on with the words in the video? Kamen Rider Yajita? Master Crab?"

The two of them were confused.

Jingwen looked at his uncle again.

The only person who can achieve such a miracle is the uncle who returned from another world.

"Although I can cast similar magic, it is not the magic I use." The uncle once again stated his innocence.


The world of Kamen Rider Kabuto-oh.

Inside the Western restaurant BistrolaSalle.

Souji Tendo ate the food prepared by Hiyori Yuri with a look of enjoyment.

Chapter 341: Kamen Rider Yajito was defeated miserably? Alien Knight Yajituo Kino Kaoru!

"As expected, Hiyori's cooking is more delicious."

"What's the secret?"

"tell me."

Souji Tendo looked at Hiyori Yuri who was standing near the food window. She wore her shoulder-length black shawl as always. Wearing an apron and keeping silent.

Seeing that Rihe Yuri didn't tell them, he stopped asking.


A figure jumped out of the kitchen.

It's Kagami Arata.

He also wore an apron and ran out of the kitchen.

"Tiandao, look!"

"It's a new video!"

"The unconfirmed life form Yajituo is fighting this time is Lord Crab!"

Kagami Souji ignored Kagami's fuss and looked at the video.

Yajituo VS Crab Lord...

Mechanical tornado glider mode?

Lord Crab should be a new unconfirmed life form in the world of Yajituo, but what is the one at the back? arms? Or transportation?

Kabu Souji held his chin, thinking.


Kamen Rider Kuuga Minecraft.

Cafe "PorePore".

Yusuke Godai is working part-time.

"Is it a new video?"

The moment the video light screen popped up, he immediately noticed it.

"It's still Yajituo."

"However, I always feel that the world Yajituo lives in is somewhat similar to the world I live in."

"It must be an illusion."

"There are so many worlds of knights, how could it be such a coincidence that they are the same world?"

Godai Yusuke smiled and muttered to himself.


"That customer wants a curry!"

"Please bring it over!"

The boss shouted to Yusuke Godai.

"Okay! Come now!!" Godai Yusuke responded.

He served curry to the guests.

"Please enjoy it slowly."


The scene continues!


There are fireworks tied to poles in the wild, separated by several meters. Fireworks were burning at this time. Like the light of "cold fireworks" being burned and blooming, the sparks lit up and kept spraying out. It seemed to light up most of the night. There were fiery red lanterns hanging all around, and the light of the lanterns was obscured by the light of the fireworks.

Fire trees, silver flowers, star river waterfall.

Summer festival night.

There was a lot of excitement.

However, in a remote corner, an unidentified life form appeared. The light of the fireworks illuminated the appearance of Lord Crab. His head was like a crab, with tiny crab claws protruding from the side of his cheek. His teeth are sharp and dense. The raised hand is like a crab's claws.

Standing opposite him were Kamen Rider Agita and Kamen Rider G3.

Kamen Rider G3 rushed to the side, while Kamen Rider Yajito rushed towards Lord Crab.

Kamen Rider Agita fights with Lord Crab.

However, Kamen Rider Agita's earth form was no match for Lord Crab, and was kicked away by Lord Crab. Kamen Rider Agita screamed and fell to the ground.

Kamen Rider G3 was stunned for a moment.

However, his professional qualities made him come to his senses quickly, raised the gun with both hands, aimed at the Crab Lord, and started to pull the trigger to shoot.

Piu, piu, piu....

The bullet hit the Crab Lord, and the Crab Lord's body was scratched by sparks. The Crab Lord groaned, but he braved the bullet and walked towards Kamen Rider G3.

It just so happens.

At this time, the fireworks roared up.


boom! !

Fireworks explode.

It looks like a giant dandelion of various colors, or a glowing ball with thorns.

Blooming in the dark night sky.

Fireworks seem to use the night as paper, depicting its brilliance and its simple, brilliant, but short life.

The sound of fireworks covering up the sound of gunfire. The people who were participating in the Summer Festival had no idea that in this remote corner, there were people fighting desperately for them.

Kamen Rider Yajituo jumped up and kicked towards the Crab Lord. The Crab Lord used his huge crab claws to resist Kamen Rider Yajituo's flying kick. Then he used his claws hard and with great force, Overturning Kamen Rider Yajituo.

Kamen Rider G3 wanted to catch Kamen Rider Agita, but the huge force made him fly up, roll over the fence, and fall into the river below the fence.


The two crashed into Hanoi.

A huge splash.

And the figures of the two people also disappeared.

Lord Crab came to the fence and looked down at the river below.

The water surface of the river below gradually returned to calm, but Kamen Rider Agita and Kamen Rider G3 were nowhere to be seen.


A barrage appears on the video light screen.

"Yajituo is no match for Lord Crab. How strong is Lord Crab?"

"Yajituo pretended twice before, now it's time to pay back."

"Kamen Rider G3's weapons have been upgraded. This gun is quite powerful. Even Yajituo can't be hit, but Kamen Rider G3's weapons can hit him."

"Is Kamen Rider G3 here to make soy sauce? After a few shots, he ran away. Hahaha... It's so funny, this guy."

"Bingglai is serious and will fight UNKNOWN with all his strength!"

"Yajituo is no match. How will he deal with this crab this time?"

"Yajituo, danger!"

"Sure enough, Yajituo's world is somewhat similar to the world I live in. Is it a parallel world of knights?"


The barrage almost filled the entire screen.

It was the first time for everyone in the world to see Kamen Rider Yajituo, the king of pretenders, running away. While they were greatly surprised, they also had some understanding of the power of the unconfirmed life form.

The unidentified life form starts with Lord Jaguar and gets stronger and stronger. They are able to use weapons. Such as "Greed Spear" and "Arrogance Bow", the names of these weapons are like God's messengers, cleaning up evildoers on behalf of God.

But, is Kamen Rider Yajita evil?

Kamen Rider has justice and evil.

However, so far, Kamen Rider Agita has not done anything harmful to humanity. Instead, he has protected Makoto Hikawa as a human. Therefore, Kamen Rider Agita can be classified as a neutral faction.


Kamen Rider Yajita is the world.

The heavy curtains were tightly closed, blocking the scorching sun outside the window, leaving the room without any light. Kino Kaoru, who was wearing a black tunic suit and with his hair parted in the middle, sat on a chair with his hands on his lower lip. He stared closely at Kamen Rider Yajituo in the video screen.

His eyes were deep and dark, and his clasped hands began to clench, and the joints made a crisp "click, click, click" sound.


"In this world, I am the only one Yajituo is enough."

"The others are just in the way!"

"I will get rid of the rest of the Yajidas that are in the way!"

His body began to change.

A strange knight similar to Kamen Rider Agita, but with a ferocious face appears!

The ringing of his cell phone woke him up from his anger.

He returns to human form.


Kaoru Kino answered the phone.

"Is this Dr. Kino? There are patients in the hospital who are in urgent need of surgical treatment..."

The nurse's voice came from the mobile phone.

Chapter 342: Twisted Justice! A thirty-year-old magical girl!

"I'll go over now."

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