Saiki's father smiled indifferently, "Hahaha... What does it matter about the child? Anyway, Kusuo has super powers. Just let him erase the memories of all the people in the world who know about this."

Qi Mu's mother touched the side of her face and asked, "Is this really okay?"

Saiki's father continued to say heartbreaking words, "My dear, don't worry, Kusuo's super power is so strong, he will definitely be able to do it."


The world of "the evil god and the girl with bad cooking skills".

Inside a shabby apartment in Jimbocho.

The little evil god lay on the tatami without any form.

She has long wavy golden hair, decorated with blue bows on both sides. A piece of stupid hair stood up high. Her upper body is human and her lower body is a green snake tail.


"The ability to petrify, isn't this the ability of Medusa?"

Medusa is the "best friend (owner?)" of the little evil god.

They have been friends since tens of thousands of years ago.

"I'm back."

An unwavering female voice came from the door, and Garden Lily Ling was seen wearing a black gothic lolita costume, with purple hair tied into twin tails and bangs. She wears an eyepatch over her left eye. Holding bag in hand.

Lily Bell is closing.

Medusa's eyes flashed coldly.

“There’s an opportunity!!”

"Special attack flying kick!!"

The little evil god's snake tail suddenly stood up and headed towards Lily Bell!

"Hey hey hey!! I can finally return to the demon world!!!"

next moment.

The little evil god's smile stopped abruptly.

Lily Ling took out the machine gun expressionlessly.

“Bah baa baa baa!!!!”

Fire flashed from the muzzle.

Bullets kept flying from the muzzle.

The little evil god was shot into a pulp.

Blood and flesh splattered all over the ground.

Lily Ling carried the bag expressionlessly, came to the table, and took out the pudding.

"What about mine?"

The little evil god asked confidently.

Most of her body has been repaired.

"you have not."

Lily Ling said coldly.

You wanted to kill her just now, and now you want to beg for food?

I'm afraid it's not a good idea.

"Xie Shen-chan, here I come."

Medusa's voice came from the door, and a beautiful blue-haired girl dressed like an ancient Egyptian queen walked in, holding a bag in her hand.

"Xie Shen-chan, I brought you snacks."

"Yuri Suzu-chan is here too. I bought your share too."


"Medusa is the best."

The little evil god rushed forward, hugging his thigh and crying.

"By the way, I have no money. Give me money!"

After crying for a while, the little evil god asked Medusa directly for money.

Medusa took out the envelope and said, "This is all the salary for this month..."

"Bring it to you!"

The little evil god grabbed the envelope, opened it, and carefully counted the money inside.

"What, just a little bit!" She accused him like a scumbag.

"Sorry, I will work an extra job." Medusa apologized.

Lily Ling frowned as she watched, "Medusa, you don't have to pamper her like this."

Medusa smiled sweetly, "I really like this useless, useless, and good-for-nothing Evil God-chan."

Useless, useless, useless.

These words are like swords.

Penetrating the body of the little evil god.

Drenched with blood.

it hurts.

It hurts so much.


The scene continues! !

Kusuo Saiki had fake blood all over his face in the haunted house. The fake blood made him feel a little uncomfortable.

[Go to the bathroom and wash up. 】

He walked towards the bathroom.

He took off his green glasses and put them aside the sink. Bending down to wash his face.

The sound of rushing water sounded.

After washing his face, Saiki Kusuo picked up the glasses placed next to him. However, he noticed something was wrong with the glasses. These glasses are ghost glasses, with a fake eyeball popping out of the other eye socket. Shaking.

【Yo! Aren’t these my buddy’s glasses? 】

Ran Tangli's voice sounded from the side. I saw a big, ferocious man with yellow hair and a killer look, a chin that looked like a butt, and scars on his face, wearing Kusuo Saiki's green glasses.

[Brother, take a look, does it fit? 】

Ran Tangli put his hand under his chin, making a "√" gesture.

Saiki Kusuo looked over.

Eyes wide open.

not good!

He quickly covered his eyes with his hands, but it was already too late. Ran Tangli has turned into a stone sculpture, and the glasses that Ran Tangli just took off have also turned into a stone sculpture. The spectacled stone sculpture fell down. His glasses instantly shattered.

[Sure enough, it’s too late. 】

Saiki Kusuo had a headache.

[Anyone who looks directly at me will instantly turn into a stone sculpture. Because of this, I wear glasses that seal abilities...]

Unexpectedly, Ran Tangli actually took his glasses to play with. Ran Tangli is now petrified into a stone sculpture, and the glasses that sealed his eye power are also damaged.

This is not good.

The word "End" appeared on the video light screen, and the video light screen gradually dimmed.

"Hey hey!!"

"Wait a minute!"

"That's it?"

"It's gone?"

"Short and weak?"

Just a few seconds before the video light screen was about to dim, countless bullets appeared on the light screen.

Chapter 348: Taking stock of the top 8 superpowers!

Everyone in the world was confused.

They also want to see results.

How does Kusuo Saiki, who has no glasses, seal the "petrification" ability of his eyes?

How to save the petrified Ran Tangli?

Will he also be shattered into pieces like the glasses?

What kind of dilemma will Saiki Kusuo encounter next?

Questions like this.

It appears in the minds of everyone in the world.

But, the video is just like that, gone.


The world of "the evil god and the girl with bad cooking skills".

"This person's abilities are indeed somewhat similar to mine."

Medusa said as she looked at the dimmed video screen.

"Right, right."

"I just said it's similar to Medusa's ability."

The little evil god looked proud.

The power of "petrification" is hers.

Lily Ling glanced at the little evil god with his hands on his hips and a proud and smug look on his face, and then looked away.

She recalled the abilities that Kusuo Saiki showed in the video light screen just now.

Saiki Kusuo only glanced at Rendo Riki.

It can petrify the burning power.

This kind of ability is probably weaker than Medusa's "petrification" ability.

However, Medusa is a demon, not a human.

Humans who have the same abilities as demons are as powerful as demons.

"Such a human... I really want to see it with my own eyes."

Lily Ling held the tea in both hands and sipped it gracefully. Wearing a jet black Lolita fluffy dress, she looked as elegant as a real noble lady.


The world of Kamen Rider Akita.

Sawaki Tetsuya (formerly known as Tsugami Shoichi), he was wearing a suit and sitting in the hall of the villa.

The video screen in front of him slowly dimmed.

he mused.

"Are there superpowers from other worlds..."

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