Xiaohua is wearing a high school uniform.

She turned sideways and said to Miko.

Just when Jianzi was about to respond, from the corner of his eye, he saw something ominous in the corner of Xiaohua's side, with their eyes facing each other. The thing had cracked sharp, dense and white teeth, and its hollow eyes were staring at her. .

"That's not good!"

"Going to be targeted!!"

"Meet your son?"

Xiaohua saw that she didn't respond.

He looked at her doubtfully.

Jianzi turned his head stiffly and replied, "Ah, that's great..."

Her words were perfunctory.


"I can see things that are not good. Is this a superpower?"

"If this is a superpower, I would rather not have it."

Kusuo Saiki finds superpowers troublesome.

I feel the same way when I see my son.

Such uncontrollable super powers.

If you are not careful, terrible things will happen.

Such superpowers.

She would rather not have it.


The world of Doraemon.

"Look, Saiki Kusuo's memory erasing ability is indeed very similar to the 'Forgetting Stick'."

Nobita said.

Doraemon also had to admit it.

Saiki Kusuo's superpower of memory erasure is very similar to the "Forgetting Stick" ability. But there are differences between the two. Just like what he said before, Kusuo Saiki relies on his own ability to erase the memories of others, and the "Forgetting Stick" is a prop and a dead object.

"Kusuo Saiki has super powers. It would be great if I had super powers."

Nobita's face was filled with envy.

Then, he stared at Doraemon.

Doraemon looked uncomfortable.

He turned around and faced the window.

"I don't have the tools you want."


"You are so powerful, you must have items that can use super powers, right?"

Nobita flattered Doraemon.

"It's not that powerful~" Doraemon couldn't help but touch the back of his head, blushing on his cheeks, and said with an embarrassed smile.

His other hand was digging into his fourth-dimensional pocket.

"Thump thump thump!!"

"Superman cape!"

"As long as you put on this cape, you can use super powers like Superman!"

Nobita threw away the Superman cape that Doraemon handed him, "I don't want this kind of thing! This thing is just a toy for children to pretend to be. It can't fly high. The perspective effect is bad, and the strength is not strong. .It is simply not comparable to Saiki Kusuo’s super power.”

Doraemon was also angry.

He crossed his arms.

"I only have this. Do you want it?"


"Nobita!!! Come down and play baseball!!!"

The shouts of Fat Tiger and Xiaofu came from outside.

Nobita looked down from the window and saw Fat Tiger and School Uniform holding baseball bats, baseball gloves and other baseball objects, waving to him from below.

"Oops, I was so busy watching videos that I forgot to make an appointment with Fat Tiger and the others to play baseball."

Nobita hurriedly took the baseball bat and left.

Doraemon is furious at the moment.

He watched Nobita leave and said, "I don't want to deal with Nobita anymore."


The world of the exorcist boy.

The fog is thick.

Two police officers stood at the door of the church.

"Moya, it's better not to go in!"

Childs looked timid and frightened.

"It's scary here."

Moya insisted on going in.

"Residents in the town have complained that a large number of residents have disappeared here. I absolutely cannot sit idly by and ignore it!"

no way.

Childs could only follow him inside.

the other side.

After the two of them entered the church, Yalian also appeared at the door of the church.

"It's a new video."

"Is the superpower this time memory erasure?"

"What a terrifying superpower."

Yalian muttered to herself.

Then he looked up at the church shrouded in smoke.

"The cat might have slipped in."

He stepped inside.


Moya and Childs are exploring the darkened church.


A figure jumped out.

The two of them were shocked.

When they saw this figure clearly, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a cat.

A big white cat.


A strange sound came from deep in the church.

The two of them looked forward in horror.

I saw countless bats flapping their wings and flying out from inside.

At the same time, a hand grabbed Moya and took her to another place.

Childs was so scared that he fell to the ground and did not dare to pursue him.

"So it's human?"

The figure surrounded by bats was revealed in the moonlight. It's Yalian.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you were human."

"That's why you're so reckless."

"I am a traveler passing through."

"Come in here looking for the cat."

"Do you think I will listen to your excuses?"

Without saying a word, Moya handcuffed him to the chair next to him.


Childs' miserable scream suddenly came from outside.


Moya ran outside.

Ya Lian broke free from the handcuffs, hugged the cat and chased after him.


They saw the dead Childs, who still had dark star-shaped lines on his face.

"This is!"

Devil's poison!

Ya Lian could tell at a glance why Childs died.


Countless smoke billowed out.

Ya Lian pressed Moya's mouth and nose and said, "This is the devil's toxin. Don't inhale it. Otherwise, your life will be in danger."


Moya couldn't help but passed out because she had inhaled part of the toxin.

When she woke up, she found that she was already at the police station and Ya Lian was being interrogated by the police officer.

Ya Lian looked at the police officer who was interrogating her.

Tremendous stress.

How he wished he had the ability to "eradicate memory" so that he could leave here instead of waiting for Moya to wake up and prove his innocence.

Yalian was helpless.

Chapter 352: Taking stock of the TOP6 superpowers, and the remaining thoughts!

[Check out Saiki Kusuo’s super powers! 】

[top6: Super power - residual longing! 】

The video light curtain lights up.

Everyone in the world has noticed the video light curtain.


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