Sanji rubbed his chin and thought seriously.

"There are quite a few pirate ships and naval warships behind there... If you think about it carefully, their food might be enough to feed us for several months..."

"There are so many of them...don't you really want to rob them?"

Nami was unable to hold her forehead.

Luffy and others are eager to try.

Including Robin.

The video light curtain suddenly appeared.

Robin drank coffee elegantly and glanced at the title within the video screen.

"Time travel is an interesting ability..."

There are many types of Devil Fruit users, but she has never heard of anyone with time abilities. She became a little curious about Kusuo Saiki's time traveling ability.

At the same time, he thought secretly.

If you have the ability to "time travel", you can travel between the future and the past at will. Know the future and the past.

In fact, she doesn't care about the future. What she cares about is the "blank hundred years."

What is the world government hiding?

What happened in the "blank hundred years"?

Why do the world governments try so hard to hide the "blank hundred years"?


In the "Hall of Power" in the ancient city of Mariejoia, the Holy Land.

The five old stars gathered together.

Four of them were wearing black suits, and only one was wearing a white kimono and holding a long sword.

"In this world, there is such an ability... to travel through time..."

"Fortunately, there are no devil fruits in this world that have the power to distort time. Otherwise, the 'blank hundred years' we have worked so hard to hide will be known to everyone."

"This inventory video has exposed a lot of things, and the 'blank hundred years' will be exposed sooner or later!"


"Anyway, let's take one step at a time."

"The 'Blank Hundred Years' has not been exposed, then nothing will happen."

There is nothing they can do against Wanjie Video Network, otherwise, they would not let Wanjie Video Network continue to publish videos.


Video continues.

The title inside the light curtain gradually fades away.

Kongsuke informed Qi's father and Qi's mother that there was something wrong with the control device above Kusuo's head, but the control device had been repaired. Qi's father, Qi's mother and others did not take this matter seriously.

the next day.

Saiki Kusuo woke up from bed.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the sky.

However, he should have seen the ceiling of the room.

Chapter 363: Go back to 1994 and lose yourself

Saiki Kusuo belatedly discovered that his room was hung on a tree. The room has no ceiling or walls.

He was confused.

【Where is this? 】

【Room? outdoor? 】

【It's on the tree. 】

[I probably teleported the entire room while I was sleeping. 】

[And there is no one nearby. 】

[Therefore, the best action I want to take now is...]

【Restore your home to its original state! 】

[But before that, we need to check the status of the area near our home. 】

Saiki Kusuo searched around with his mental power, but did not find his home.

【It should be over there. 】

[The home is gone. 】

【How is this going? 】

[This is very similar to where I live, but different...]

[Just go and have a look. 】

Saiki Kusuo walked towards the street.

【hateful! 】

[Then I won’t be able to buy a Saturn! 】

[If I had known better, I would have bought Shiraki Narita. 】

[Didn’t you only spend 107 yuan? 】

[In this case, we can only wait until next time! 】

The conversations of passers-by reached Kusuo Saiki's ears.

The Saturn is a 1994 Sega game console.

Shiraki Narita is a racehorse, known as the number one racehorse of the 20th century.

However, Saiki Kusuo could not understand their conversation at all.

The streets are buzzing with talk about the launch of the Saturn.

While Kusuo Saiki was focusing on listening to the information around him, his body hit an object.

【what happened! 】

He was shocked.

Turning around, he saw that it was Ran Tangli.

Ran Tangli was wearing a purple suit jacket and a lemon-colored shirt underneath.

【It hurts! 】

"Rantang Li" shouted.

[Ran, Ran Tang? 】

Seeing a familiar person, Saiki Kusuo felt much relieved, and he complained in his heart.

[I didn’t expect that there would be a day when I would feel relieved when I saw Ran Tang. 】


"Rantangli" left.

He ignored Saiki Kusuo at all.

Saiki Kusuo instantly appeared in front of him and stopped him.

【Too strange! 】

【Normally you will definitely...】

[What a coincidence, brother, let’s go eat ramen! 】

【...Say this kind of thing. 】

"Rendang Li" looked at Saiki Kusuo and asked, "What's wrong with you? Is there anything wrong?" 】

He looked like he didn't recognize Kusuo Saiki.

[If anything happens, wait a moment. I was planning to strike up a conversation with that pretty girl. 】

"Rentangli" said, pointing to the female high school student in uniform standing across the street.

Saiki Kusuo's pupils dilated when he saw this female high school student.

【How can this be! 】

This female high school student is Qi’s mother.

Saiki Kusuo snatched the newspaper from the passerby and glanced at the time above.

Time: November 22, 1994 (Heisei 6)...

【This is not the original world! 】

【It’s the past! ! 】

Saiki Kusuo discovered the truth.

【She left. hateful. 】

"Ran Tangli" said.

Saiki Kusuo also realized at this time that the person in front of him was not Ren Tangli, but Ren Tangli's father who had passed away long ago!

[By the way, speaking of today in 20 years, it seems to be the day when my father and mother met...]

He looked up.

I happened to see a young man with brown hair and sunglasses appear. He was Qi's father. Qi's father and Qi's mother passed each other. There is no intersection. But on this day, Qi's father was supposed to be a hero and save Qi's mother. The two met, and then they had him.

[Wait a minute, why did the two of them pass each other...]

[It seems that he said before that his mother was entangled by gangsters, so he had to save her...]

[No gangsters are seen here...]


Saiki Kusuo turned his head suddenly and looked at Ren Tangli's father behind him.

[So you are a gangster! ! 】

[If it hadn’t been for that day, you wouldn’t be here. 】

My father's words still rang in my ears.

【I'm hungry, let's go eat ramen. 】

Ren Tangli's father said to Qi Mu Kusuo with a relaxed expression.

Saiki Kusuo ignored Ren Tangli's father.

It seems that I have done something irreparable.

Maybe, there is no guarantee that he will disappear in the future!

The thing is, it’s time to play Dafa!


"Hahaha... This is the first time I have seen Qi Shen in such a state of embarrassment."

"It's over, Barbie Q. This is not a butterfly flapping its wings gently. You have broken the butterfly's wings."

"Red and fiery, in a trance."


The barrage was lively.

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