His wife Rina is suffering from a "disease"...

No one can cure this "disease"...

You will slowly lose your "memory" at first...

It will cause people to die slowly.

There will also be changes in appearance.

The skin will look like "wrinkled paper", develop lines, and become stiff.

Johnny decided to take Lina back to his hometown.

But before that, he had to find something.

He went to the foggy capital to investigate the "sacred remains". In order to use the "holy body" to cure his wife Rina.

One night.

Johnny Qian sneaked into the depths of the United States' institutions and dug up the "sacred remains."

[Just once, just once. After resuscitation, I will return it immediately...]

Johnny prayed.

Johnny returned to Neon Country with the "sacred remains" and his wife. He was doing it for his wife's body, but also to evade capture.

The "sacred body" does not cure diseases, it is a "power" that can cause the phenomenon of "elimination".

Johnny placed Lina on the box containing the "sacred remains".

[Let someone irrelevant take her place...]

[Just save my wife... just this time... please... we must succeed... just this time...]

The box burst into bright light.

The wrinkles on Rina's body disappeared.

Her illness was cured instantly!

[Woo woo woo... woo woo...]

Johnny held Lina in his arms and cried with joy.

Rina got up.

She looked around.

[Where is George? 】

[Did you bring him with you? 】

【Our cutest child...】

[Don't worry, George is in the carriage. I brought him over. 】 Johnny comforted his wife. However, when he got close to the carriage, he discovered that his wife's illness had been transferred to his son George!

George's body became like crumpled paper.


Johnny hugged George in despair and cried loudly.


Johnny hugged George, got on his horse, and left Lina.

[The "sacred remains" must not be used in the future, otherwise, someone will be unfortunate...]

After Johnny moved away from his wife.

George was placed on the box containing the "sacred remains".

Then use the substitute ability "Teeth 4".

He fired a claw bullet from his finger, piercing George's head.

The next second, George's symptoms appeared on his body. At the same time, the claw bullet also rebounded and penetrated his head. He fell from his horse, and his son George seemed to be blessed by the "sacred body" and was cured of his "illness" and remained unscathed.

George got up after falling to the ground.

At a glance, he saw Johnny lying on the ground.

Johnny still had a breath left at this time.

He felt that George had recovered, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

However, he was unable to move after being hit by a claw bullet in his head.

At this moment.

A huge boulder fell from the sky and hit his head with a loud bang...

Jonny Chodas died.


The video ends.

Chapter 366: Seems to have awakened a terrible habit


"What did we watch?"

"I felt so lonely."


On the forum, people from all over the world made comments, complaining about the way Johnny Joestar died.


The world of sexy girls.

Xiaomi wears an orange hamster cloak, has a two-headed body, a round face, and big button-like dark orange eyes. She was holding a bottle of Da Kuo Le that was almost as tall as her body. While he was drinking, the corner of his eye was staring at the video light screen. Entranced.

Johnny saves George.

Although seriously injured and suffering from strange diseases, he is still alive.

Their family can continue to live happily for a while...

While Xiao Mi was thinking this, a huge boulder fell from the sky.

"Boom" sound.

Johnny is gone.


Kuo Le, who was buried in his mouth, spurted out directly.

This man's death was too tragic.

By the way, where did this stone come from?

Story killing?

Is this a plot kill?

"This plot is too messy."

Xiao Mi complained.

This was the first time she had seen such nonsense.


The daily world of high school boys.

In Zhongbang's room.

Tadokuni, Tanaka Hidesunori, and Tanaka Yoshitake sat cross-legged on the tatami, forming a triangle. He looked at the video screen with no expression on his face.

"Anyway, this plot is too far-fetched."

Xiu Ze held his chin and spoke seriously, as if discussing some philosophical issue.

He wears a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose, and with his serious face, he really looks like a scholar.

"Johnny died so tragically. Speaking of which, he was ranked last, so how much more should the nine people in front of him deserve?"

Ji Zhu said.

It was a bit hard for him to imagine how tragic the death of the first nine people was.

"It's really amazing that this up has edited such a video..."

Zhongbang said.

Hot summer.

They could hear the shrill chirping of cicadas in the trees outside.

"By the way, what does it feel like for a girl to wear a skirt?"

Xiu Ze suddenly spoke seriously.

"Who knows, we haven't worn it yet."

Ji Zhu said casually.

"By the way, Zhongbang has a sister, right?"

Xiu Ze suddenly said something.

He and Ji Zhu suddenly looked at Zhong Bang.

Zhongbang is confused.

"I have a sister, what's wrong?"

"Then, there is also a skirt..."

Xiu Ze and Ji Zhu suddenly got off their seats and clasped their hands together.

"Please! This is our lifetime request. Please show us a girl's skirt!"

"You spend your whole life just looking at dresses?"

Zhongbang can't help it.

I can only agree.

Went to the balcony to get a skirt.

The three boys studied it curiously.

"It turns out that the structure of girls' skirts is like this..."

"I see..."

"This is the first time I've seen a skirt so close..."


The three boys' remarks were serious.

However, the topic seemed a bit criminal.

"Would you like to try it?"

“You won’t know what it feels like to wear a skirt until you try it on.”

"Isn't this bad?"

Boys wear skirts and stuff...

Zhongbang hesitated.

"Otherwise, the three of us will try it on together."

"We each go to the cubicle, get dressed and then come out."

Zhongbang hesitated.

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