[Planets also have origins, but they will move towards destruction on their own. 】

【limited. ].

Chapter 369 top8, Death of Mayuri

[It can be found from history that people with wisdom are the most stupid. 】

[This can be said to be an ultimatum given by God to those who resist them. 】

There is a "fishbone antenna" placed on the roof above the entrance to the rooftop. A figure wearing a white coat appears from behind...


The world of Steins;Gate.

When Rintaro Okabe saw this figure, his heart sank.

He didn't want to admit it when he heard the familiar voice.

But I saw this familiar yet unfamiliar figure from behind.

It was impossible for him to deny it.

The Mayuri listed in the Top 8 is really Mayuri Shiina!

Okabe Rintaro's shoulders sank.

Why, Mayuri understands...

Is it because...

"Telephone Oven"?

"Time machine"?

Okabe Rintaro turned his attention to the oven.

But why, it's Mayuri...


The screen continues.

On the rooftop, Rintaro Okabe in a white coat was talking on the phone, saying something, and then hung up.


He picked up the phone and sent a text message to Hashida Zhi.

Title: Bad.

Makise Kurisu seems to have been killed by someone...


The scene changes.

Rintaro Okabe was editing text messages on his mobile phone while walking on a crowded zebra crossing. The sun above was bright, shining on his face. Sweat broke out on his face.

His thumb slowly pressed the "OK" button, and when he pressed "OK", everything around him seemed to be shaking, and Okabe Rintaro's body shook uncontrollably.

Timeline, change!

The dense crowd of pedestrians all around disappeared.

The zebra crossing is empty.

He's the only one!

Okabe Rintaro looked around.

No one was seen.

There were obviously many people walking on the zebra crossing with him just now!

How is this going! ! ?

The shocked Okabe Rintaro looked around.

The dense crowd of pedestrians all around also disappeared!

He ran quickly.

Looking for traces of pedestrians.

His breathing quickened as he ran.


No one was seen anywhere.

It seemed like he was the only one left in Akihabara.

Run, run.

He stopped.

Looking at the empty streets.

He was in a daze.

I don't understand what is going on.

There were obviously many people there just now.

Why did the person disappear all of a sudden?

[Dudulu. 】

[Here you go, Okon Lun. 】

Mayuri appeared in front of him, wearing a blue hat and a blue dress. A head of black and half-long hair. She handed a bottle of drink to Okabe Rintaro.

Her figure was gradually pulled away.

Then disappear.

Throwing umbrella.

The raindrops continue to fall under the light, just like light particles.

[Rembrandt's light. 】

[Also known as the light of the angel's staircase. 】

The umbrella falls.

He stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to reach the dazzling light above, or maybe he wanted to reach something in the light.

Round raindrops continued to fall.

[Mayuri seemed to be absorbed by this beam of light. 】

[As if Mayuri is about to disappear like this...]

Rintaro Okabe recalls his childhood.

It's raining.

The rain in the distance of the cemetery is like thick fog, making it difficult to see clearly. There are tall buildings in the distance. The young Mayuri stood at her parents' gravesite, stretched out her hand and grabbed it toward the sky, as if she wanted to reach something. She looks like she's going to disappear like this...


【Mayuri Shiina. 】

Kiryu Moeku raised the gun in his hand.

Aimed at Mayuri.

Her eyes were cold.

There is no trace of emotion.

Kiryu Moeyu slowly pulled the trigger.


Gunfire rang out.

Blood splattered alloy UPA.

Mayuri's broken pocket watch flew high and fell to the ground. The glass inside the pocket watch was shattered, and bright red blood flowed in the direction of the pocket watch.


The world of Steins;Gate.

Okabe Rintaro stood up suddenly.


He turned to look at Mayuri, who was at peace, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What on earth is going on!"

"Why did that man kill Mayuri!"

"I don't know that person!"

"Mayuri, do you know the woman in the video?"

"Huh? I don't recognize Mayuri."

Mayuri was obviously frightened by the video, and only came to her senses when she heard Okabe Rintaro's inquiry.

She shook her head.

"Mayuri has never seen her."

Okabe Rintaro frowned.

He pinched his chin.

No injustice or hatred.

"Why did she kill Mayuri."

"And she has a gun in her hand..."

"Could it be that people from agencies and organizations want to take away the time machine?"

Other than this, he couldn't think of why the man wanted to kill Mayuri.



He won't let Mayuri die!

He wants to protect Mayuri! !

Because Mayuri is his "hostage"!


Timeline changes.

Okabe Rintaro took Mayuri to hide Kiryu Moeki and Sern's enemies.

train station.

The two held hands.

Waiting for the train.

【sorry. 】

[I'm sorry I couldn't help you. 】

Mayuri apologized.

Lights came on inside the tunnel.

The train is about to enter the station.

At this time, the time on the stop sign above shows 19:59.

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