Unit No. 2 turned into LCL orange juice and exploded.

LCL orange juice kept pouring out, falling on the ground like rain.

【Asuka! 】

In Unit 8, Makiha shouted at the top of his lungs.

【end. 】


The world of One Piece.

Onboard the Golden Melly.

After everyone defeated the pursuing navy and pirates, they harvested a large amount of food.

"Hahaha, great! As long as we have this food, it will be enough for us not to go to land for shopping for several months..."

Nami looked excitedly at the food in the navy and pirate warehouses, but she felt something was wrong. She turned her head and looked behind her, and saw Luffy, Chopper and Usopp crying together.


"Asuka is dead!"


"I'm not crying, it's just sweat."

Chopper wiped his tears and said with force.

The mucus came out of my nose.

Chapter 375 top6, Death of Rem

Nami: "..."

"You three, help carry the food..."

Sanji, who was secretly carrying everyone behind his back and wiping his tears and nose, turned his head and pretended to smile, "Nami-chan, let me help you..."

As Sanji spoke, tears and runny nose couldn't help but come out again.

"Asuka-chan is so pathetic..."

"Why was Asuka-chan killed..."

Nami held her forehead.

These guys are hopeless.


A naval base.

"Lieutenant General Garp, I have something important to report..."

The navy member took the documents and pushed the door open to enter the office. Then, at a glance, he saw Lieutenant General Karp who was crying with tears and runny nose.


Did he come in at the wrong time?

"Sorry for disturbing you."

The Marine closed the door.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"excuse me."

Push the door open again.

Lieutenant General Garp sat behind his desk with a serious look on his face. He was crying just now, as if he was not the one crying.

The navy member was stunned.

"What's up?"

Lieutenant General Garp glanced at him and asked.

The navy team members quickly reacted and reported, "I just received news that the Straw Hats were encountered in the XX waters... However, they were all annihilated by the Straw Hats... suffered heavy losses..."

His face was solemn.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Garp burst into laughter.

The navy members looked at it in shock.

I saw Garp laughing and saying, "As expected of my grandson!"

The Marines were dumbfounded.

He had never seen someone as bold as Garp, who dared to blatantly say that his grandson was a pirate. Moreover, these pirates had just severely damaged the navy. Isn't it good that Lieutenant General Garp has such a terrifying attitude?

"Is there anything else you want to report?"

Cap asked.

"No, no more."

The Marine stammered.

"Since it's gone, let's go down."


After the Marines left.

Still a little dazed.

What on earth is he doing here?

Inside the office.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...This girl is so miserable..."

"Hahahaha... He is indeed my grandson, and he has my demeanor!"

"Sneeze!! Woohoo...it actually exploded into orange juice..."

"Hahahahaha...this little brat is pretty good..."


Karp pinched his nose and cried, then laughed loudly.

If other people were here, they would definitely be frightened by Garp who was crying and laughing.


The world of Guilty Crown.

Inside the tram.


Sakura Manji and School Jojosai stood near the door of the tram, holding on to the upper handle.

The corners of Kojoji's eyes turned red, and his nose also turned red. It was like I had cried.

Ying Manji was shocked when she saw her like this, "Matsu, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Jiaoji shook his head.

Didn't say why.

"If Ji knew that I was crying over the death of a girl I didn't know existed, Ji might laugh at me..."


The world of rebellious Lelouch.

Rebel base.

Kallen was in awe of Asuka.

"Kill the apostles for the sake of humanity, even at the expense of yourself..."

Such a person deserves her respect.

"This guy is really stupid. He actually let his mecha turn into such a monster. But isn't the mecha made of steel? How can it have flesh and blood..."


"Shut up!"

Kallen suddenly grabbed Tamaki's collar, her eyes fierce.

Tamaki was shocked by her ferocious eyes for a moment and did not dare to look at Kallen. His eyes wandered and he scratched the side of his face with his index finger, "Then, what, did I say something to make you angry? If so, then I apologize."


Fan wants to stop Kallen.

Kallen let go of Tamaki.

Tamaki staggered back and muttered, "What a hot-tempered girl. I really don't know who would dare to marry her in the future."

Kallen glanced over, and Yucheng immediately covered his mouth, not daring to say anything more.

"This girl is indeed brave."

Shan Yao's face was full of admiration.

A girl endured the pain and turned Unit 2 into a beast. She walked a tightrope on the verge of losing control, tore open the AT force field, and put the N2 bomb into the force field. At the same time, he is not afraid of the pain of a bomb explosion. I'm afraid even they can't compare to such willpower.

"No, it's not good!!"

Suddenly a member of the resistance army rushed in, "Nagata and the others were killed! A large number of troops entered District 11 and shot the residents of District 11!!"

"What's going on! Why did the army suddenly attack the innocent people in District 11?" Kallen asked.

"This... this... Nagata and the others want to steal the army's mecha... I didn't expect the army to value that mecha so much..."

The team member said hesitantly.

The expressions of Kallen and the other three suddenly changed.

The weather in District 11 is about to change.


The world of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Ubuyashiki Mansion.

Ubuyashiki Yoya sat on the bed, covered with a thick quilt and a white haori. After hearing what Tianyin said about Asuka sacrificing herself to eliminate the apostles, he couldn't help but sigh, "She is really a girl worthy of admiration and respect."

"It's a pity that my body doesn't allow me to go into battle and kill ghosts myself..."

Ubuyashiki Yōya looked up somewhat lonely and "looked" at the world outside the sliding door.

At this time the weather was clear and cloudless.

Tianyin comforted, "My lord, you have done a great job. The Demon Slayer Squad is today's scale is all because of your diligence."

"Cough cough cough..."

Ubuya Shiki Yoya coughed rapidly.

He put the handkerchief to his lips.

Blood dyed the snow-white handkerchief red.

He smelled blood.

"I'm afraid I don't have much time left...Some things need to be prepared earlier...Sooner or later, my position will have to be taken over by the children...They will continue to lead the Demon Slayer Squad until Muzan and all The ghost..."

Tianyin lowered his eyebrows.

The sadness in his eyes could not be concealed.

Because the Ubuyashiki clan is related to Muzan Onimbutsuji, they have been cursed for generations, and each generation cannot live past the age of thirty. Ubuyashiki Yaoya is probably the same.

After a long time, the darkened light curtain lit up again.

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