He glanced at the mansion, then looked at the light screen, and couldn't help complaining, "What's going on with this light screen?"

"Forget it, let's find a place to stay first."

He didn't want to live on the street because of the light curtain.

As a time traveler, that would be too miserable.



Emilia caught up.

"Emilia Carbon?"

Lai Yue Subaru looked at Emilia who was catching up and was stunned.

"Subaru is my savior. I can't let my savior leave alone, so I plan to go with Subaru. Earl Roswaal didn't mean to target you just now, just because of the video in the light curtain. I'm really sorry. We are temporarily Find a family to live in in the village in the territory."

Emilia and Raigetsu Subaru checked into a nearby home together.

Parker was worried about Emilia and followed her.


But the witch cultists in the village noticed them.


In the light curtain.

The scene changes.

Natsuki Subaru was walking in the Alam village in the Mezas territory. The village was silent. He could not hear any other sounds except his own footsteps.

He knocked on the door of a certain room.

No one responded.

So he opened the door.

There was no one inside.

Natsuki Subaru opened the doors of several rooms, but no villagers could be seen.

He walked towards the center of the village.

See blood and swords.



The bodies of the villagers fell to the ground.

Drenched with blood.

He quickly ran back to Roswaal's mansion.

"Haah, haah..."

Outside the mansion.

Rem fell to the ground.

Blood everywhere.

There was no sound.

Next to her is a bloody bolas.

This is Rem's weapon.

Natsuki Subaru knelt on the ground.

The pupils are constricted.

Tears kept flowing down.

Not far away were the Witch Cultists and Count Roswaal.

The blood formed small pools.


He has physiological nausea.

Lying on the ground vomiting.

[No, no, no, no. 】

【wrong! This is not what I expected! 】

He staggered toward the mansion.

The mansion was unusually quiet.

Not as angry as before.

He saw the dead children of the village, and saw the dead Ram, Petra, and Emilia...

The entire mansion.

Covered in blood.


A world where life in another world starts from scratch.

Temporarily living in a villager's home in Alam village.

Natsuki Subaru looked at the blood-filled scene on the screen with horror on his face.

What exactly is this?

Will he have to experience something like this in the future?

Emilia couldn't help but cover her mouth.

The pupils are constricted.

When Parker saw Emilia's death in the light screen, his eyes obviously changed.

"Subaru Natsuki, I don't want the future in the light curtain to happen. I don't even want my daughter to be harmed."

Parker's voice came into Natsuki Subaru's mind. Natsuki Subaru was stunned, looked at Parker, and his eyes collided. Parker's eyes were terrifyingly cold.

Natsuki Subaru was stunned.

This was the first time he saw Parker like this.

A bit scary.

A feeling of coldness all over the body.


Roswaal's mansion.

"Witch Cultist..."

When Roswaal saw the corpse of the witch cultist in the light screen, his expression instantly turned gloomy.

"Did that guy provoke him when he saw the witch cultists?"

He was referring to Subaru Natsuki.

"Lord Roswaal, do you need me to go..."

Ram, who was standing behind Roswaal, made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Roswaal pondered.

"Lady Emilia is with Natsuki Subaru now, so it's hard to do anything..."

"What's more important now are the Witch Cultists."

"There are witch cultists in my territory, we must investigate quickly."

"You two go to the village to investigate the witch cultists."

"Yes, Lord Roswaal!"

Ram and Rem responded in unison.

After Ram and Rem left.

Roswaal looked at the light curtain, his face uncertain.

"In the light curtain just now, Rem has died once, but Rem is resurrected again? Is it a resurrection, or does he have the power to 'return after death'?"

"If he really has such power..."

Roswaal's eyes flickered.

He seems to be calculating something.


The world of the evil god and the sick girl in the kitchen, the home of Garden Lily Suzu.

"This person named Rem has died for the second time, right?"

"In other words, she was cursed to death the first time, and she was killed the second time."

"It's such a scary world, you can die at any time."

The little evil god said horror, but there was no trace of fear on her face.

After all, she is a devil who cannot die.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Baihe Ling aside and found that she was watching the video light screen and did not notice that she was here. The little evil god's eyes flashed, "What a great opportunity!"

"Take one of my moves!"

"Little Evil God Flying Kick!"

The little evil god wanted to sneak attack Lily Ling, but when her flying kick was about to hit Lily Ling, Lily Ling took out the machine gun from under her skirt.

"Da da da..."

The bullet roared out from the muzzle, and the muzzle emitted a flaming light. After a few seconds, Yuri Suzu stopped the machine gun. White smoke emitted from the muzzle of the machine gun, and the little evil god turned into a ball of flesh.

Lily Ling glanced at the little evil god who had turned into a ball of flesh, and continued to look at the light screen. She held her chin expressionlessly and pondered, "The first death was from being cursed by a conjurer, the second death was from being killed...Who on earth wanted to attack Rem and the others?"


The world of Detective Conan, Mori Kogoro Detective Agency.

Conan mused.

"Among the people who fell at the Roswaal Mansion, there were several unidentified guys wearing black robes and hoods. Why did these people attack the village and the mansion?"

"Are they related to Rem's first cursed death?"

His intuition told him.

Rem's first cursed death was most likely related to these weird people.


The scene continues.

I saw the screen change.

dark night.

Thick fog shrouded the place.

The dragon chariot was speeding under Otto's control.

In the thick fog, huge figures flew and shuttled.

[Rem, can you see the white whale? 】

Natsuki Subaru shouted to Rem.

Rem was lying behind the ground dragon cart, her hair and clothes flying.

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