【Everyone’s happiness? 】

[Say something stupid. 】

[This person doesn’t think about it at all, but is asking for help. 】

[So, didn’t I save her? 】

Tong Mo said with a smile.

[The child will no longer be in pain, discomfort, or fear. 】

[Because everyone was afraid of death, I ate them. 】

[They will live with me for eternity. 】

[I accepted the emotions, blood, and bodies of believers. 】

【Give salvation and guide them to new heights. 】

Tong Mo closed his eyes and put his hand on his chest. As if it was true what he said, the believers were with him.

【Go crazy! 】

[Is your mind okay? 】

【It’s really disgusting! ! 】

The butterfly nin showed disgust and disgust.

【Forehead? 】

Tong Mo was stunned for a moment.

I didn't expect the butterfly ninja to say such hurtful words.

【correct. 】

[Poor child, have you ever had something sad? I will listen, tell me. ].

Chapter 392 Butterfly Ninja VS Tong Mo

Tong Mo's disregard for life made everyone in the world unable to bear it.

They all sent barrages on the light screen.

"This guy has no humanity at all! Human life is just food to him! - Kamado Tanjiro"

"I will definitely avenge my sister. - Butterfly Ninja"

"Being eaten is happiness? This bastard, does he know what he is talking about? - Natsuki Subaru"

"Only this guy can never be forgiven! - Arianne Walker"

"Those who despise life will eventually have their lives trampled on! - Meno"


Everyone was filled with indignation.

They were all disgusted by Tongmo's attitude.

Killing indiscriminately.

Play with life.

Treat humans as food.

No one will recognize him except the anti-human guy.


The world of the exorcist boy.

The Millennium Earl is still wearing a tall black hat and coat. The lower body is like a balloon. There is a smile on the face, the teeth occupy one-half of the face, and the teeth are white. Wearing small round glasses. It looks a little funny.

"Oh ho ho..."

He looked at Tong Mo in the light curtain and couldn't help but laugh.

"This ghost might be able to join us."

"Mr. Millennium, stop joking. This kind of guy is not lovable."

Rod Jiamei sat casually on the chair, with his legs on the table and his hands behind his head.

He glanced at Tong Mo inside the screen.

Tong Mo's smile made her skin crawl.

She couldn't help but shiver.

Her instinct told her that she couldn't get along with this guy.


The world of Death, Xuye Palace.

"Haha. What an interesting guy."

"There is no obvious concept of good and evil, and they faithfully follow their instincts. Just like wild creatures."

Aizen sat on the seat above, his hair slicked back, leaving a strand of hair falling from his face. He put his hands on the armrest and supported his face with one hand.

There was a look of amusement on his face.


The world of full-time hunters.

"What a dangerous guy. But this guy is not human. You can't treat him with common sense."

Killua thought silently.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Xiaojie on the side. Xiaojie did not show any displeasure about this.


The scene continues!

The Butterfly Ninja couldn't help it anymore.

Veins popped out on her forehead, and her eyes were full of anger. She gritted her teeth and said, [Sad? It was you who killed my sister! 】

【Do you still remember this feathery fabric? 】

The Butterfly Ninja grabbed Haori and asked.

【Um? 】

Tomo looked at the haori on Butterfly Ninja's body and recalled the appearance of Butterfly Kanae.

【Ah! 】

[Is she the girl who uses Flower Breath? 】

【She is a gentle and lovely girl. 】

[It was such a pity at that time. If the sun hadn't appeared, I might have been able to eat her. 】

【I want to eat her dry...】


Tong Mo's voice suddenly stopped.

Insect Breath!

The Dance of Bee Fangs is really awesome!

Butterfly Ninja's slender Nichirin sword.

Pierce the air.

The figure instantly appeared in front of Tong Mo.

And her Sun Lun Knife pierced Tong Mo's eyeball and penetrated Tong Mo's head. The Sun Lun Knife stained with bright red blood penetrated through the back of Tong Mo's head.

Blood splattered.

Tong Mo wanted to reach out to block it, but the Sun Lun Knife was too fast and too thin, so he couldn't stop it at all.

[What a powerful thrust. 】

【I couldn't stop it at all. 】

Tong Mo didn't care about the injury at all. After praising him, he launched an attack.

Vampire magic!

Lotus leaf ice! !

He waved the golden folding fan in his hand, and the half-moon ice crystals suddenly appeared. The ice crystals condensed into the shape of lotus flowers and lotus leaves, and the biting cold hit Butterfly Ninja.

Butterfly Ninja flew back to another wooden walkway like a fluttering butterfly. However, her movements were still a little slower, and some ice crystals condensed on her arms and cheeks. His expression showed pain.

【So cold! ! 】

[The cold air inhaled seems to freeze the lungs! ! 】

【Um? 】

【so fast. 】

【but. 】

【It's very pitiful. 】

[The stabbing skill cannot kill ghosts. 】

【neck. 】

【I want to cut off the neck. 】

Tong Mo patted his neck with a golden folding fan, as if provoking the butterfly ninja.

[If you can’t kill him with a sudden stab, what about the poison? 】

The Butterfly Ninja stared at Tong Mo, and saw that Tong Mo's face began to slowly turn purple, and at the same time, veins were popping around his left eye where he was stabbed.

[You can now know whether the poison is effective on the winding string. 】

【elder sister. 】


【elder sister. 】

If the poison is ineffective against Shangxian, then it will be difficult for her to kill Tong Mo and avenge her sister!

Tongmo's body shook.

Like being drunk.


He lay down on the wooden board, supporting the ground with his hands.

【Gaha. 】

Tong Mo vomited blood in pain, and the wooden board was stained red. At this time, the poison spread, and his entire face was purple.

He covered his mouth, feeling the toxin surging in his body, and said, "This... is more powerful than the poison you used on Lei Jun's mountain." 】

【Tired of you? Is it the bottom line of Natian Spider Mountain? 】

[Sure enough, ghosts communicate with each other. I did use poison to kill ghosts in Natian Spider Mountain. 】

[However, the adult said that to deal with different ghosts, different toxins are needed, and the dosage of toxins should also be different. 】

[The amount of toxins used for winding ghosts cannot be the same as for ordinary ghosts. 】

Butterfly Ren thought silently.

[Cough, cough, cough...]

[Gu! 】

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