[Although I have the instinct that I can’t live without killing people. 】

【But I will definitely live happily! 】

Kira Yoshikage covered his broken arm and stood up, ["Wither and penetrate the heart attack", you are free! 】

As Kira Yoshikage finished speaking, the back of his severed left hand lit up red, and the bomb car appeared!

The bomb chariot is suspended in the air, wrapped in purple energy.

【I’ll leave it to you next! 】

【Help me stop them! 】

Kira Yoshikage held the broken wrist, turned around and ran away.

The bomb tank levitated and crashed towards Higashikata Josuke.

[What is this? It looks quite weak. 】 Dongfang Jousuke said doubtfully.

【Josuke! 】

[That’s a bomb stand-in that tracks body temperature and detonates! 】

[And it won’t break no matter how hard you hit it, it will track your body temperature and explode! 】

Kujo Jotaro squatted on the ground, his face covered with sweat, and he shouted to Higashikata Josuke.

"Crazy Diamond" appears instantly.

It frantically pounded the bomb tanker with its fists.

Countless fist afterimages appeared.

It seemed like countless fists were attacking the bomb tanker.

[Didn’t you say it can’t be broken? 】

Nijimura Okuyasu was confused and didn't understand why Higashikata Josuke wanted "Crazy Diamond" to attack this indestructible thing.

"Crazy Diamond" closed his fist.

The purple energy outer layer of the Bomb Chariot is covered with golden power, and the golden power swallows up the purple power in an instant. That golden power was surrounded by lightning-like power.

【Break it? 】

【It’s the opposite! 】

【I want to cure it. 】

As Higashikata Josuke's words fell, the bomb chariot was wrapped in golden power and flew back into the severed hand. The severed hand was also immediately wrapped in this golden energy.

The blood on the severed hand disappeared, and it flew up, chasing in the direction where Kira Yoshikage disappeared.

[Although this picture looks a bit scary, that hand will fly back to the murderer! 】

【Let’s chase! ! 】

[How can it be so easy for you to escape! Fool! ! 】

They chased the severed hand all the way to the "Cinderella Beauty Salon".

Inside the beauty salon.

A male corpse was sitting on a chair, with his upper body lying on the makeup counter, while beautician Aya Tsuji fell to the ground with a wound on his neck. Blood flowed from the mouth.

Tsuji Aya said that Kira Yoshikage forced her to use "Cinderella", changing her face, fingerprints and hair to disguise herself as another person.

Just when she was about to reveal Kira Yoshikage's new appearance, Tsuji Aya exploded.

Boom! ! !

Thick black smoke rose, and the huge impact knocked them aside. And the broken hand opened the door and flew out.

Higashikata Jousuke and others opened the door.

outside the door.

Bustling crowds of people.

They lost track of Yoshikage Kira.

During the following period, Kira Yoshikage disguised himself as Kawajiri Kosaku and moved into Kawajiri Kosaku's home grandly.

Kawajiri Kosaku's son Kawajiri Hayato discovered that he was a murderer and obtained evidence.

Kira Yoshikage discovered something unusual about Hayato, and in the bathroom, he questioned Hayato.

Hayato used evidence to force him to protect his mother.

Kira Yoshikage accidentally killed him.


Kira Yoshikage, who was afraid that Jotaro Kujo and others would find him and destroy his "peaceful" daily life, was forced to a desperate end.

The arrow in the photo of ghost father Kira Yoshihiro accidentally penetrated into his body.

Kira Yoshikage awakens a new ability - "The loser eats dust".

He exerted this ability on Hayato.

If others want to inquire about themselves through Hayato, then the "Killer Queen" will passively kill the person who inquires about the information, and after Hayato explodes, time will be reversed.

When the next corresponding time comes, those who were killed in the previous reincarnation will also be killed.

It's supposed to be invincible, but Hayato wants to fight him.


["The loser eats the dust" is invincible! 】

[The goddess of luck is on my side, Yoshikage Kira! 】

Kira Yoshikage, who was wearing a white suit and had his hair slicked back, with white hair mixed with streaks of black hair, laughed wildly.

On a gloomy sky, drizzle fell.


[You just... said...]

[Said that name. 】

Kawajiri Hayato turned to look at Kira Yoshikage. His pupils were trembling and his face was covered with cold sweat.

[Oh, I accidentally said my real name. 】

[Yes, my name is Yoshikage Kira. 】

Kira Yoshikage spread his hands and let out a deep laugh, [It doesn't matter if you want to tell anyone. 】

[By the way, what time is it now? 】

[You said it yourself, you said it yourself. I was just waiting, waiting for him not to oversleep and come over early! ] Kawajiri Hayato, who was sitting on the ground, said loudly.

Kira Yoshikage noticed something was wrong.

Turn your head.

Then he saw Higashikata Josuke, wearing a high school uniform, standing in the rain.

Assistant Higashikata pointed at Kira Yoshikage, [You did say "Kira Yoshikage" just now, right? 】

【What! ? 】

Hongcun Yitai, who had just arrived, looked shocked.

Cold sweat appeared on Kira Yoshikage's face.


On the light screen, countless barrages appeared.

"Hahaha, is this extreme joy that brings sorrow? Half a second of silence for Kira Yoshikage. ——Xiao Mi"

"I will recite the rebirth mantra for him and wish him an early resurrection. - Ming Ming Yu Xing Ming"

"Oh, if it were me, I would use my knife to wish him a speedy resurrection. - Immortal Kawa Saneya"

"Kira Yoshikage has been hiding for so long and finally showed his flaws. This time, he will definitely not be able to escape! - Hirose Koichi"

"Kira Yoshikage's 'The loser eats the dust' is not simple, and must be dealt with carefully. - Jotaro Kujo".

Chapter 422 I defeated fate!

The scene continues!

【What a coincidence! ] Kira Yoshikage said with a trembling voice.

【This is no coincidence! 】

【This is not fate! 】

【This is a bet! 】

【It was my bet! 】

【Then, he came! 】

Kawajiri Hayato clenched his hands into fists and said loudly.

【I did hear it. 】

[You did give your name just now! 】

Assistant Higashikata pointed to Kira Yoshikage with a serious look on his face.

【No way. ] Kira Yoshikage turned around and ran away.

【Smelly boy! 】

Higashikata Josuke's body surged with power, and "Crazy Diamond" appeared, punching the side of Kira Yoshikage's face. Kira Yoshikage's side face was smashed, and he fell down with blood coming from his mouth and nose.

[If you get the wrong person because of the same name and surname. 】

【I can heal your injury at any time. 】

Higashikata Jousuke kept pumping his fist and said coldly.

[This, this guy is Yoshikage Kira! ? 】 Hongcun Yitai shouted in hindsight.

Kira Yoshikage, lying on the ground, stared at Kawajiri Hayato.

[Such a thing could happen. Kid! 】

Kawajiri Hayato was shocked by his murderous intent.

Breathing quickened.

His face was covered in cold sweat.

Kira Yoshikage struggled, trying to get up from the ground.

【how so...】

[I have to get rid of the "loser eats dust" and protect myself! 】

From the corner of his eye, he saw "Crazy Diamond" behind him waving his fist and beating him wildly.

He finally couldn't help it and shouted, "Come back quickly!" "Killer Queen"! 】

Purple mist-like power emerged from Kawajiri Hayato's body.

This force condensed into a ball and was blown away by a strong force.

"Killer Queen" appears!


"Killer Queen" crossed her arms in front of her, resisting "Crazy Diamond's" fist.

"Crazy Diamond" gritted his teeth and made a shocked sound.

The two sides faced each other.

The power in Kira Yoshikage and Higashikata Josuke surged crazily.

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