【What! ? 】

Leorio glanced at him in surprise.

[In terms of actual combat experience, there is a huge difference between us and him. There is no chance of winning if two people go together! 】

[Now we shouldn't be fighting indifferently here. 】

Kurapika analyzed calmly.

Leorio turned his head to look at the body of the candidate lying on the ground, and couldn't help but grit his teeth.

It's exactly what Leopika said.

There is so much difference between them and Hisoka!

A card popped out of Hisoka's sleeve and he held it between his two fingers.

When he came close to the two of them, he raised the cards in his hand and was about to take action.

Murderous aura permeated the air.

Several crows were frightened and flew away, squawking.

The wind picked up.

Hisoka's red hair was blown.

【It's now! 】

Kurapika shouted.

The two dispersed and fled.

The corners of Hisoka's lips raised slightly, [I see, that's a smart judgment. Hahaha...]

He let out a deep laugh.

The small carnivorous animals that were trying to eat the candidates' bodies were frightened by Hisoka's laughter, and they fled in panic.

Hisoka had no intention of chasing the escaping coward, and when he was about to leave, the sound of footsteps came from the mist.

【Um? 】

He turned around and saw a vague figure walking towards him in the fog.

[Sure enough, I can’t swallow this breath. 】

Leorio, holding a stick, walked through the fog and appeared in front of Hisoka. He held the stick in one hand and a fist in the other, [Even if I am not looking for trouble, running away without doing anything is not my style! ! 】

【ah! ! ! 】

Leorio roared, swung the stick in his hand, and ran towards Hisoka.

[Hmm, nice expression. 】

Hisoka looked at Leorio's determined look, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

Leorio swung the stick fiercely and hit Hisoka head and face. However, Hisoka was split into two parts like mist.

Chapter 442 I’m starting to get excited.

【What! ? 】

Leorio looked shocked.

Failed! ?

It's an afterimage!

Hisoka's figure appeared beside him.

He quickly moved behind Leoli and grabbed the back of Leoli's head with his slender fingers. Those sharp nails and slender fingers were like a handful of spikes that could pierce Leoli's head.


A red ball half a palm's size connected to the string hit Hisoka's side of the face. Blood splattered and Hisoka's movements stopped.

Leorio took this opportunity to crawl and roll away from Hisoka's attack range. Then he looked in the direction of the attack and saw a short figure holding a stick-like object in his hand.

【Xiaojie! ! 】

Leorio saw this man clearly and couldn't help shouting in surprise.

Xiaojie grabbed the fishing rod with both hands and gasped for air.

【Catch up. 】

Hisoka turned around and looked over, the smile on his face disappeared, [It took a while, kid. 】

Hearing this, Xiaojie couldn't help but tighten his grip on the fishing rod in his hand.

[Is that a fishing rod? What a fun weapon. 】

Hisoka walked towards Xiaojie and stretched out his hand, [Let me see. 】

As Hisoka approached, Xiaojie felt a huge pressure and a sense of fear came over him. He clenched the fishing rod with both hands and his body trembled slightly.

Leorio stood up and shouted in a low voice, "Your opponent is me!" 】

He waved the stick in his hand and rushed towards Hisoka.

Blood dyed the light curtain red.

next moment.

The screen appears.

Hisoka punched the side of Leorio's face, causing Leorio to fly high and his cheek was sunken.

This moment.

Time seemed to slow down.

Leorio flipped in the air and was about to fall to the ground.

Xiaojie also made a move. He roared and swung the fishing rod towards Hisoka. Like mist, Hisoka was smashed into two pieces and dissipated into smoke.

Xiaojie was startled, opened his mouth slightly, then landed on one knee.

He turned around to search for Hisoka.

Hisoka suddenly appeared behind him.

【Come to save your friend? 】

Xiaojie looked back and saw Hisoka squatting behind him, holding his chin. He opened his mouth in shock, jumped with both legs, and moved away from Hisoka. He pointed the fishing rod at Hisoka, but Hisoka had disappeared. On the same spot, Xiaojie appeared again, still squatting and holding his chin.

【What a good boy. ] Hisoka said softly.

Gon swung the fishing rod back suddenly, Hisoka was smashed into two pieces and dissipated into smoke.

Xiaojie opened his mouth wide and his pupils trembled.

Missed! !

[The expression is good. 】

Hisoka appeared not far away with his arms crossed, a smile on his face.

Xiaojie swung the fishing rod, and the ball and hook on the fishing line hit Hisoka. Hisoka just tilted his head slightly to avoid the attack. Gon swung several times, but didn't even hit Hisoka.

Hisoka walked towards Gon.

【good. 】

【I'm starting to get excited. 】

Hisoka opened his eyes, excitement showing in his seemingly emotionless golden pupils. At this time, the fishing line hit Hisoka again. Hisoka tilted his head slightly, and the ball and hook passed Hisoka's side.

【ah. 】

【good! ! 】

Xiaojie swung the fishing rod again, and the ball and hook hit Hisoka head-on. When they came to Hisoka, the ball and hook suddenly changed direction and hooked vertically into the ground. The sand on the ground was lifted up, which attracted Hisoka. attention.

At this time, Xiaojie took the opportunity to come behind Hisoka, roared, waved the fishing rod, and hit Hisoka.

An overly pale hand reached across the space.

Xiaojie's expression changed.

Hisoka's hands strangled his neck tightly. He pressed Hisoka's arms with both hands and kicked his legs in the air. Writhing in pain.

Hisoka looked at his painful look, curled up the corners of his mouth, and let out a deep laugh, his voice trembling, "That's great." 】

Xiaojie reluctantly opened his eyes.

Hisoka's face flushed with excitement, and the curved corners of his mouth became wider.

[What a great expression. 】

Xiaojie suddenly stopped struggling.

Hisoka noticed that he had gone too far, and he let go.

Xiaojie fell down and fell to the ground on all fours, coughing painfully.

Hisoka squatted down.

【Relax. 】

[I didn’t kill your partner. 】

[Because he is qualified. 】


[Well, you are also qualified. 】

【You must become an excellent hunter. 】

Hisoka said to Gon with a smile.

The sound of "didi beep" sounded, and Hisoka took out something like a traditional button cell phone from his pocket. The green grid screen of this thing showed red dots and white triangular shoulder dots.

[Hisoka, it’s almost time for you to come back. 】

[It seems that we are about to arrive at the venue for the second exam. 】

An indistinguishable voice sounded from the instrument.

[OK, come over now. 】

Hisoka said to the instrument.

Then, he stood up and said, [We are all people with partners. 】

He picked up Leorio, tilted his head and asked, "Can you go back alone?" 】

Xiaojie nodded subconsciously.

【Good boy. 】

Hisoka praised him gently.

Then, he carried Leorio and disappeared into the smoke.

Xiaojie watched Hisoka leave, and then he dared to take a deep breath.


The world of death.

Soul Society.

Kyōraku Shunsui is still wearing a hat, a pink haori, and a white haori underneath. He rubbed his unshaven chin and said, "What is this called...double standard, right? This person named Hisoka, isn't he a bit of a double standard? Those people just attacked him, he, he killed him mercilessly He fell, but Gon and Leorio attacked him. Not only did he not kill these two people, he also praised Gon and carried Leorio to the second exam. I always felt that Hisoka was a bit too double-standard. "

Ukitake Jushiro couldn't help but chuckle, "Of course it's different. The group of people in front attacked Hisoka with the purpose of killing Hisoka. With such evil intentions, it's normal for Hisoka to kill them, and Xiaojie Unlike Leorio, they never thought of killing Hisoka. So Hisoka naturally treats them differently."


Kyōraku Shunsui raised his right eyebrow.

He couldn't help but recall the perverted smile Hisoka showed when he pinched Xiaojie just now, and he always felt that something was wrong.


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