The referee walked onto the ring, "I announce the first group duel, Qingyun College Hisoka advances! The members of the second group duel are ready."

After hearing this, Hisoka smiled coldly, then walked down from the ring and went to the winner's area to take a seat.

"The second set of duels will be between Tianyuan Sect student Li Mufeng and Si Gao student An Lin." the referee announced.

Hearing the referee's words, the audience exploded.

"Li Mu Feng?! Is that the Sword Emperor Li Mu Feng?"

"Is it him? The only one who belongs to Tianyuan Sect is Li Mufeng."

"This An Lin is quite unlucky. His strength is not very good to begin with, but he still faced off against the strongest player."

Hisoka really had no interest in listening to these noisy scenes. What he heard was someone calling Li Mu Feng "the strongest".

"The strongest? What a joke! I will definitely defeat you and stand on the position that belongs to me." Hisoka thought to himself, and hammered the table angrily, making a banging sound.

"Who do you think will win?" someone asked.

"Nonsense, of course it's Li Mufeng."

"That's not right! Although An Lin's strength is very strong, it is far behind Li Mufeng. Moreover, Li Mufeng is the most outstanding disciple of the Li family and the most famous genius of the Li family. How could Li Mufeng not be strong? What?" someone retorted.

"That's not necessarily true! Maybe there will be a miracle. I still think An Lin will win!" said another person.

"I'm looking at Xuan."

Li Mufeng's opponent was An Lin, and this duel was very exciting for them.

Although An Lin's strength is much weaker than the previous two people, An Lin's fighting awareness is very strong. He can sense the danger, so he immediately used his sword skills to escape.

"Want to leave? If you want to leave, you'll have to pay a price!"

Li Mufeng held a long sword and stepped forward. His figure instantly disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of An Lin.

The sword light burst out and stabbed towards An Lin. This was an extremely powerful sword technique.

An Lin was in the shadow of the sword, surrounded by sword shadows. He could only dodge and did not dare to block it.

His speed was not slow, and he shuttled among the sword shadows, dodging Li Mufeng's offensive.

Li Mufeng's offensive was unparalleled, and sword shadows kept stabbing towards An Lin, as if they were going to pierce through An Lin.

An Lin's body kept moving, dodging the shadow of the sword.

Suddenly, An Lin's figure stopped abruptly.


"He didn't even dodge?!"

"Is he crazy? This is a death wish!"

"Hahaha... Li Mufeng will definitely be able to kill An Lin. He will definitely be able to kill An Lin."

"An Lin, you are so arrogant, you dare not dodge, you are dead this time!"

Seeing that An Lin did not dodge and stood directly on the spot to receive Li Mu Feng's sword, everyone started talking, with expressions of gloating on their faces. They were full of disdain for An Lin and questioned his strength. .

Li Mufeng's swordsmanship is so superb. With this sword, he must kill An Lin.


A ray of sword light streaked through the air, bringing with it a scream that ripped through the air.

An Lin's eyes narrowed. He did not expect that Li Mufeng's attack would be so fast and sharp.

Li Mufeng's sword energy had arrived, and An Lin had to use the thunder dodge technique, but his speed was still not as fast as Li Mufeng's.


Bright red blood splashed from his chest, staining his white clothes.

He was pierced through the body by Li Mufeng's sword energy.

Blood was flowing from the corner of An Lin's mouth, but his eyes were still staring at Li Mufeng firmly.

After a moment, An Lin knelt down on one knee in the ring.

The fight ended without any suspense with the referee declaring Li Mufeng the winner.

"Wow, look, I said Li Mufeng will definitely win!"

"This is too tragic. I wonder how the Anlin people are doing."

"It's An Lin's bad luck when he meets Li Mufeng."

The audience was buzzing with chatter again.

"Li Mufeng, that's interesting." Hisoka became even more excited when he saw this duel.

Hisoka didn't pay attention to any of the winners of the next eight groups.

Finally, in the semi-finals, the remaining ten people were divided into five groups and faced off in pairs.

Hisoka began to look forward to it. Wouldn't it be exciting if he faced Li Mu Feng now?

But the fact is that he did not face Li Mufeng, but Li Mufeng's younger brother, Li Zixuan.

Chapter 550: The last duel, Xisuo versus Li Mufeng’s junior brother

What made Hisoka even more speechless was that his duel with Li Zixuan was arranged in the last group, which meant that he had to watch the first four groups finish.

"Are you Hisoka?" Li Zixuan walked up to Hisoka and looked at him contemptuously.

Li Mufeng once mentioned Hisoka's strength to Li Zixuan, so Li Zixuan knew that Hisoka was a useless clown.

"Yeah." Hisoka nodded.

"I remember you, Hisoka!" Li Zixuan turned around and left after saying that.

Hisoka: "Speechless..."

He fell asleep watching the boring battle until he was shaken awake by the referee.

"Student Hisoka, wake up, it's your turn." The referee said, shaking Hisoka's arm.

"Oh...Okay, I'll be on stage soon." Hisoka rubbed his sleepy eyes, stood up from his seat, and walked forward.

He stepped into the ring.

"This student, what's your name?" The host looked at Hisoka and asked with a smile.

"Hisoka." Hisoka replied.

The host nodded after hearing this, and then continued: "How far will the battle between the two of you go? Everyone will be very curious, and now Student Xisuo's opponent Li Zixuan appears!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, Li Zixuan slowly walked onto the stage.

Seeing Li Zixuan, the corner of Hisoka's mouth raised a cold arc. His attitude towards Li Zixuan was very unfriendly.

Li Zixuan walked onto the ring step by step and stood in front of Hisoka.

"Student Xisuo, we meet again. I hope you can achieve good results." Li Zixuan said calmly.

"I will try my best." After Hisoka said this, he pulled out his sword and pointed it at Li Zixuan.

He and Li Zixuan finally collided!

Li Zixuan's eyes sparkled. As Li Mufeng's senior brother, he was many times stronger than his master.


The next second, the weapons of the two men suddenly intertwined, and the terrifying shock wave spread, destroying the surrounding lawn into pieces.

The two weapons collided together, causing sparks to fly.

"So strong!" Hisoka couldn't help but admire, secretly surprised in his heart, is Li Zixuan really so strong?

His swordsmanship was actually suppressed! !

Hisoka took a deep breath. He didn't panic at all, but became more and more excited, because the more he acted like this, the more he would arouse Li Zixuan's interest, and his advantage would be more obvious by then!

Li Zixuan thought the same way. His swordsmanship was indeed suppressed, but he was not surprised or scared by it. Instead, he was a little eager to try.

Although his strength has been suppressed, it does not affect his fighting level!

"Come on!" Li Zixuan shouted violently, and a dazzling white light erupted from his body. The white light condensed into a white spear and stabbed towards Xisuo.

White Tiger marksmanship!

Li Zixuan's White Tiger Spear Technique has reached the level of proficiency and is extremely powerful! !

Hisoka also used peerless sword skills!



Their weapons collided together, causing a loud noise.



The two people's figures kept intertwining in the air, and violent energy ripples continued to erupt, and the energy fluctuations shook the entire arena.

The audience in the auditorium was also frightened by this energy. They looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, and their eyes almost popped out.

"Holy shit, is Li Zixuan so fierce? He can actually push Hisoka to this level?"

"Yes, he is Li Zixuan's junior brother. Li Zixuan should be second in talent. Is it because Hisoka is too weak?"

"No matter what, Li Zixuan's talent is quite high."

Hisoka suppressed Li Zixuan with one move, and his expression was a little excited.

This is a hearty competition!

The two weapons collided with each other in hundreds of moves. Hisoka had gradually taken the initiative and used his advantages to the fullest.


The two weapons collided again, making a violent explosion.


Li Zixuan's weapon was blown off, and the weapon flew out of his hand and fell to the bottom of the ring.

Li Zixuan retreated sharply, with a look of horror on his face.

His sword was broken just like that, cut off by a new student!

His sword was actually more fragile than ordinary treasures.

"It's amazing." Li Zixuan swallowed his saliva and spat out a few words with some difficulty.

Hisoka didn't expect that he was so strong that he could cut off Li Zixuan's weapon, and he felt a little proud in his heart.

"As expected of Li Mufeng's junior brother." Hisoka said with a slight smile.

Li Zixuan's sword turned out to be a treasure forged by Li Mufeng himself. Although it was only a low-level item, its power could not be ignored.

"But my sword is not bad either." Li Zixuan said calmly.

"Don't be too proud. We haven't decided the winner of this round yet." Hisoka snorted coldly. He is not a guy like Li Zixuan who only knows how to sneak attack.

"Really?" The corners of Li Zixuan's mouth curled up slightly, and his eyes revealed a breathtaking edge.

"You have to be careful!" Li Zixuan said in a low voice.

"call out!"

Li Zixuan disappeared instantly.

Chapter 551: Hisoka’s first round of attack on Li Zixuan

At this moment, everyone held their breath.

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