Moving forward, the two soon found the volcano spirit.

However, the spiritual power of the volcanic spirits was relatively low, so the two of them easily obtained them and obtained the volcanic crystal core.

Next, the two of them went deeper and encountered higher-level volcanic spirits, which they also accepted.

At this time, Hisoka finally saw the crystal core of the volcano spirit.

A red volcanic crystal core the size of a fist appeared in Hisoka's sight.

"Is this the thing?" Hisoka said.

"Yes! That's it." The boy said.

Hisoka reached out and grabbed the red volcanic crystal core.

Chapter 608: Obtain the volcanic crystal core and go to the interior of the volcano

At this moment, Hisoka suddenly felt that the volcanic crystal core was struggling, as if resisting his touch.

"Don't move!" the boy shouted immediately.

But Hisoka ignored the boy and grabbed the volcanic crystal core.

"It's not good." The young man's face changed drastically, "This thing is repelling you, please let go."

"Why? This is the volcanic core!" Hisoka asked doubtfully, "Is it because the volcanic core doesn't like you?"

With that said, Hisoka threw the volcanic crystal core out to the volcanic giant beast that was chasing him in the distance.

The volcanic behemoth swallowed the volcanic crystal core into its belly.

When Hisoka saw this, he felt a little strange. He didn't know why the volcanic giant beast did this.

Could it be that the volcanic behemoth has a special physique and the volcanic crystal core is useless to him?

"This volcanic crystal core is useless to it." The boy explained.

"Oh!" Hisoka responded calmly, "Then what is the effect of this volcanic crystal core?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen its effect, but it must be effective. Otherwise, why would the volcano giant obey your command?" said the young man.

Hisoka couldn't help but frown when he heard this. He couldn't understand why the volcano giant would listen to him?

"Okay, let's get out of here!" Hisoka said.

At this time, Hisoka looked at his right arm. There was a fiery red line on Hisoka's right hand, which looked like a flame flower. There was a drop of blood in the flame line.

Hisoka dripped his own blood onto the pattern, and immediately, the flame pattern emitted a red light, wrapping the drop of blood.

The blood turned to ashes under the burning flames.

"It seems we have to find a way to figure this thing out." Hisoka thought to himself.

"We can't stay here for long," the young man said.

Hisoka nodded.

"I will leave this thing to you for safekeeping for the time being." Hisoka said. "If one day you feel that this thing is too heavy or you are impatient, just throw it away."

"I know, this volcanic crystal core is quite valuable to us." The boy said.

Hisoka nodded.

"I will leave this thing to you for safekeeping for the time being." Hisoka said. "If one day you feel that this thing is too heavy or you are impatient, just throw it away."

"I know, this volcanic crystal core is quite valuable to us." The boy said.

"Yes." Hisoka nodded, "Let's walk further in. I can feel the heat. We should be there soon."

After Hisoka finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the depths of the cave.

The young man also hurriedly followed.

After a while, the two people saw a wall.

"Is this the wall?" the young man asked. "Are there other volcanic crystal nuclei inside?"

Hisoka walked up to the wall, reached out and touched the wall, and said: "There is the breath of crystal nuclei on this wall. It seems to be the breath of volcanic crystal nuclei. However, we have not found other volcanic crystal nuclei yet. I don’t know if this thing is real.”

After Hisoka finished speaking, he continued to touch the wall. After a while, Hisoka touched a fiery red crystal core on the wall.

"It's true." Hisoka said in surprise.

"Since it is a volcanic crystal core, we can also enter the interior of the volcano." The boy said.

Chapter 609: Fire Phoenix Pattern Array

"Come on, let's go in."

The two people walked into the wall. Hisoka put his hand on the wall, and a hot breath surged up.

"The temperature here is pretty good!" Hisoka sighed, and then he led the boy through the wall and entered inside.

It was dark inside and nothing could be seen.

The two people walked forward in the dark. Soon, a bright light appeared in front of them. The two people's eyes fell on the bright light. There was a huge mountain peak.

The mountain peak was all fiery red, like a burning flame. In the center of the flame, there was a huge ball. There was a shield formed by a circle of flames around the ball, covering the entire ball inside.

Hisoka and the boy approached the ball and after observing it carefully, they discovered that the ball was actually a volcanic ball, but it looked like a round bead.

"This thing is very strange, it looks like a bead." The young man said, "This way, I feel more relieved. This thing should not be dangerous."

Hisoka smiled and nodded. When he saw that the boy was relieved, his heart settled down.

"This thing is a little weird, I don't dare to pick it up rashly." Hisoka said.

"Then let me do it!" the young man said, reaching out to pick up the volcanic crystal core, and then put it in his storage bag.

"Okay, we can go in." The young man said, "Although the volcanic crystal core inside is not of great use, we still need to collect it carefully. Maybe we can use it in the future."

"Well, okay." Hisoka said.

Two people entered the cave.

"Such a strong aura, this shouldn't be in the belly of a volcano!" the young man said, "There should be a huge space inside. What are we going to do in this place?"

"I still don't know how to break the fire tribulation." Hisoka sighed, "I just hope this mission can be completed successfully and we can return."

"Let's go!" the boy said, "The place where we come in should be in the belly of this volcano."

The two people walked out of the cave, and there was a vast space outside. There were countless volcanic crystal nuclei in the space, and they were extremely numerous. These volcanic crystal nuclei came in various colors.

The higher the grade of the volcanic crystal core, the more powerful it is. The higher the grade of the volcanic crystal core, the better it looks.

However, low-grade volcanic crystal cores only have one color.

Hisoka went to the highest crystal stone and took it out.

This is a red spar with a phoenix carved on it, and there is also a flame symbol on the spar.

The flame symbol seemed to be made of fire-attribute flames. Hisoka looked at the spar carefully. There was no defense in the outer layer of the spar. It was just a simple stone with no defensive effect at all.

The appearance of this crystal is fiery red, but it is not an ordinary red, but a deep red. Moreover, there is a wisp of flame in the center of the crystal, beating on the surface of the crystal. This is a An extremely mysterious formation diagram with a pattern of a flaming phoenix on it.

Hisoka studied it carefully and found that the purpose of this formation was to break the flame symbol. However, Hisoka had not mastered this formation yet, so Hisoka didn't know what to do yet.

Chapter 610 Purple crystal core that increases physical strength

After looking at it for a long time, Hisoka gave up because the formation was too complicated. Hisoka was not an formation master and could not understand the essence of it. Hisoka could not understand the formation, he could only see the formation. Foundation.

"I can't understand!" Hisoka shook his head and then looked at the fiery red crystal next to him.

"It seems that I can only break this formation when I am stronger next time." Hisoka said, and then picked up the crystal core next to it, which was a purple crystal core.

The purple crystal core looked ordinary and had no special effects. However, there was a faint purple light on it. Hisoka picked up the crystal core and took a closer look. Then, he felt how extraordinary this crystal core was. , there seems to be a very special spiritual energy wandering and flowing on this purple crystal core.

Hisoka carefully perceived this spiritual energy. Soon, Hisoka felt that the spiritual energy contained some very strange energy. Hisoka used his spiritual consciousness to explore this strange energy, but his spiritual consciousness had just encountered this kind of energy. When the energy came out, he felt a burst of pain, which made him wake up immediately.

"It's amazing!" Hisoka secretly exclaimed. He knew that he was almost addicted to this kind of energy. If it weren't for his stronger spiritual thoughts, I'm afraid, Hisoka would be a corpse now.

Hisoka felt the purple crystal core carefully. The energy emitted by this purple crystal core was very soft, giving Hisoka the feeling that the purple crystal core was like a towel. Hisoka wrapped the purple crystal core, Put it on yourself.

The purple crystal core was like a silkworm chrysalis, wrapping Hisoka tightly.

"Such a strong energy!" Hisoka secretly thought. This feeling is like a person being bitten by a group of ants while sleeping. His whole body hurts. However, Hisoka's consciousness still remains clear. He feels The energy in his body and a satisfied smile on his face.

"The energy contained in this purple crystal core is so powerful!"

A touch of excitement appeared on Hisoka's face. He really made a lot of money this time. However, this purple crystal core does not have the effect of helping to improve his cultivation. However, this purple crystal core can improve his Physical strength, as well as soul power, if all this purple crystal core is absorbed, then his physical strength will undergo a qualitative change, and so will his soul power.

If such a powerful purple crystal core could be completely refined, it would definitely be a good thing.

However, the most important question now is how to get this purple crystal core. There is an enchantment around this purple crystal core. It seems that if you want to break this enchantment, you must first break this enchantment. Defeated.

This formation looks very complicated, but Hisoka can still feel the weakness of the barrier. Hisoka rushes directly towards the weak point of the barrier and hits the barrier with a punch. Hisoka He felt a tremor and a sharp pain throughout his right arm.

"What a hard barrier!" Hisoka said in surprise. The barrier was very tough. Even a mid-level warrior like him couldn't break it. However, Hisoka didn't believe in evil and punched again.

Another violent explosion came, Hisoka's palms were numb, and the bones in his right hand were shaken painfully.

Chapter 611: To find the barrier that destroys the formation

Blood dripped down his right hand and fell to the ground.

Hisoka quickly used his skills to stop the injury, and then he continued to bombard the barrier.

Boom boom!

A series of explosions sounded.

Hisoka's right arm continued to tremble, and every bombardment caused Hisoka's right arm to feel heartbreaking pain.

"What a powerful barrier!" Hisoka frowned. It was indeed made by a ninth-level formation master. This barrier is really difficult to break. It seems that it will take some time to break this barrier. ah!

However, Hisoka was unwilling to give in and continued to try. He punched it one after another. As a result, the protective ability of this barrier became stronger and stronger. Each bombardment would take away a certain amount of Hisoka's strength. His right hand Almost all were shattered.

However, Hisoka still didn't stop, attacking again and again.

The defense of this formation was so powerful that Hisoka couldn't break it even if he tried all kinds of methods.

"Who made this formation? How could it be so powerful?" Hisoka muttered to himself.

"Stop using brute force and find flaws in the formation." The young man crossed his arms and looked at Hisoka coldly. After saying this, he closed his eyes, as if he was no longer prepared to talk to Hisoka.

When Hisoka heard this, he immediately stopped attacking. At this moment, Hisoka's face became very ugly. Hisoka did not expect that his partner would be so arrogant.

"Hmph!" Hisoka snorted softly and said, "I know."

After saying that, Hisoka sat on the ground and began to think about the loopholes of this formation.

Hisoka's thinking is extremely quick. Soon, Hisoka discovered that there was a formation pattern on the barrier. This formation pattern looked very simple, but if you look carefully, you can still see the complexity of this formation pattern. .

"This is a formation." Hisoka thought in his mind.

Formation is a very peculiar existence. Formation and weapons are two different concepts. Moreover, formations and martial arts are also different. Some formations only require the deployment of one formation to achieve the purpose of deterring the enemy. , for example, setting up a large formation can achieve the purpose. Some formations only need to set up a small formation, or even only need to set up a small barrier to achieve a deterrent effect. There is also a formation , can be arranged into a huge killing array, and can also achieve a deterrent effect. Some formations are very simple killing arrays.

This results in a lot of formations.

Hisoka once read an ancient book, which recorded that some formations are very difficult to break, and some formations are even trapping formations that can trap you to death. Therefore, the power of formations is very terrifying.

This is a basis for the formation. Moreover, this barrier has an obvious flaw, that is, its barrier is very weak. Once Hisoka forcibly destroys it, the barrier will break.

After thinking about this, Hisoka felt a little more at ease. As long as he found the formation eye and then broke the formation, all the problems would be solved.

Hisoka thought of a way. He used the ring in his hand as a weapon, and then released it. Inside the ring, Hisoka found something similar to a key. He squeezed it gently, and there was a click sound, and the top of the ring It was pinched open, revealing a black ring.

Chapter 612 Hisoka successfully breaks the formation

The surface of the ring is engraved with strange symbols.

Hisoka threw the ring into the air, and the ring immediately emitted a black mist. In the mist, Hisoka discovered some strange symbols.

Hisoka didn't recognize these symbols, but he was certain that these symbols were the formation he was looking for.

"Break the formation!" Hisoka yelled, and then Hisoka's right hand reached into the ring, put the ring to his mouth, and bit the ring.

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