A smile appeared on Hisoka's face.

"Where is this?" Hisoka murmured to himself. His face had become rosy and his body had regained its strength. He slowly got up.

"Meow!" The fat cat also climbed up. Its eyes were wide and it looked at Hisoka with a curious expression.

"How...how did I get out of the room?" Hisoka looked around and couldn't help but admire.


The fat cat let out a cheerful cry.

"That's it." Hisoka nodded in realization.

"This must be your masterpiece!" Hisoka stretched out his hand and touched the fat cat's head and said.

"Meow~" The fat cat let out a cry of pleasure, then jumped into Hisoka's arms and rubbed himself in Hisoka's arms.

"It's so cute." Hisoka smiled, stretched out his palm and patted the little thing in his arms.

Hisoka felt weak and his face turned extremely pale. He no longer wanted to refine the 'Transformation Pill'.


Suddenly a strong wind blew by, and a man in black stood in front of Hisoka.

"Who sent you here?" Hisoka asked with a frown.

"Hmph! I don't want to talk nonsense with you." The man in black said coldly: "Hand over the elixir you made!"

Hisoka looked at the man in black and said calmly: "If you don't hand over, what can you do to me?"

"Looking for death." The man in black shouted angrily: "Kill you!"


The man in black was extremely fast. He slashed out with his sword, and the sword light flashed.


An earth-shaking loud noise erupted from his long sword, and Hisoka flew backwards, hitting a tree heavily. The tree collapsed and he was hit to the ground.


Hisoka spat out a mouthful of blood again.

"You're too young, you can't even block one of my moves!" The man in black said with a proud smile.

"Really?" A strange smile appeared on Hisoka's face.

The man in black was stunned. Before he understood what was going on, a fist appeared in front of him out of thin air and hit him hard in the abdomen.

Chapter 628: I don’t care about your life


The man in black spurted out a mouthful of blood, his entire chest sunken, his face turned frighteningly pale, and a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth.

"You're not dead?" The man in black looked at Hisoka in surprise. His eyes protruded and his face became ferocious: "You're not dead?"

Hisoka stood up slowly, with a smile on his face and his body full of strength, like a wild beast.

"Although your strength is good, it is not enough to kill me. My current state is stronger than before. I think you should be able to feel it!" Hisoka said with a smile.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." The man in black's eyes flashed with fear, "Your strength is obviously only at the middle level, how could you become so strong? I won't accept it, I won't accept it!"

The man in black had a crazy look on his face, his arms were shaking, he felt like his body was collapsing, his body seemed to be torn apart, this pain was far beyond what he could bear, the man in black Roared like crazy.

"Aren't you going to steal my elixir? I'll give it to you!" Hisoka stretched out his right hand, and in the palm of his right hand was an elixir that exuded rich spiritual energy.

"You dare to play tricks on me? You actually lied to me?" The man in black's eyes widened, and he yelled angrily: "You despicable villain."

"You attacked me first, why should I fight back? A villain like you is not worthy to be my Hisoka's opponent, let alone the noble elixir of our Medicine King Valley." Hisoka said calmly.

The man in black had a malicious look in his eyes.

"You die!" The man in black suddenly rushed out. His body disappeared instantly. The next moment, he appeared behind Hisoka and stabbed Hisoka's neck with a sword.

"call out!"

Just when he was about to stab Hisoka's neck, his body stopped because he found that Hisoka had appeared in front of him at some point and knocked him away with a palm.


The man in black fell to the ground and vomited blood.

"You... what kind of monster are you? Why can't I hurt you?" The man in black looked at Hisoka in surprise.

Hisoka's body flashed and he was at the side of the man in black in an instant. He kicked him out and the man in black was kicked away.


The man in black fell to the ground.

"How is it possible? How could your strength increase so much?" The man in black struggled to get up from the ground and looked at Hisoka and asked.

Hisoka glanced at the man in black, then walked up to him, reached out and grabbed his throat.

"You..." The man in black's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Hisoka with wide eyes, the expression on his face was very unbelievable, "No...impossible..."

"Your attack may be fatal to others, but to me, you have no effect at all." Hisoka said.

The man in black opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but in the end nothing came out.

"Tell me, who asked you to come." Hisoka said, "Also, how did you get in touch?"

"You want to kill me?" The man in black looked at Hisoka and said coldly: "Even if I die, that mysterious man will not let you go."

Hisoka smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "I don't care about your life. I just want to know who asked you to come and take the elixir.".

Chapter 629: The frightened man in black, Hisoka heads to Yaolao’s residence

After hearing Hisoka's words, the man in black felt a flash of shock in his eyes. He was silent for a long time, then lowered his head and gritted his teeth and said, "Kill me! I will not betray my employer, and I will never speak. It’s like it never happened.”

Hisoka let go of the man in black, turned around and took a few steps.

"What are you going to do?" The man in black looked at Hisoka, his eyes full of vigilance, "Are you really planning to kill me?"

Hisoka shook his head and said: "It's easy to kill you, but I won't be willing to do it for you so cheaply. I want to get something out of your mouth."

"Hmph!" The man in black snorted coldly, "You can't even try to get anything out of my mouth."

"Really?" Hisoka looked at him with a smile.

"My strength is not as good as yours. I give up. I give up, okay?" The man in black looked at Hisoka and said. He knew that the gap between his own strength and Hisoka was really too big. If they continued to entangle with each other, , he must not be Hisoka's opponent. In this case, it is better to admit defeat. Anyway, he also got a ninth-grade marrow cleansing pill.

"No." The corners of Hisoka's mouth raised slightly, and his eyes were filled with amusement when he looked at the man in black.

"Then I won't tell this matter." The man in black said, "I promise."

Hisoka shook his head and said: "I want you to bring a message to your employer." Hisoka added, "He will not get what he wants, whether it is my life or the things in Yaowang Valley, he Can’t even get it!”

The man in black glanced at Hisoka, then nodded.

"Then, farewell!" Hisoka nodded slightly, then walked directly outside the house and disappeared from Hisoka's sight.


The man in black looked at Hisoka's disappearing back, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and then slowly sat on the ground.

The man in black wiped the sweat from his forehead. This time, he was really frightened. He never thought that one day, he would meet a master like Hisoka. The strength that Hisoka had just displayed gave him A creepy feeling, Hisoka's strength may have surpassed his own, even higher, otherwise, Hisoka would not be able to withstand his full blow.

"No, you'll die if you go back and report. It's better to run away." The man in black stood up from the ground. He glanced at his left wrist. The injury on his right wrist was still bleeding. He quickly took out the pill to stop the bleeding and swallowed it. He went down and left here quickly.

After the man in black left, Hisoka walked to his room.

Hisoka opened the door and found that his room was in a mess. There were several large dark areas on the walls. The medicine cauldron and table had also been knocked over. Medicine bottles were scattered on the floor. The furnishings in the entire room were also deformed. Hisoka He walked into the room and tidied it up.

After restoring everything to their original state, Hisoka walked out of his room and prepared to go find Yao Lao. He knew that his failure in refining alchemy was very serious and he had to report it to Yao Lao so that he could know what to do next.

Hisoka came to Yao Lao's residence and knocked on Yao Lao's door.

"Who?" Yao Lao shouted from inside.

"Master, it's me, Hisoka." Hisoka said, "I want to discuss something with you, and please open the door for me."

Yao Lao opened the door and walked out.

Chapter 630: Hisoka receives nagging from Yao Lao

Seeing Hisoka, doubts appeared on his face. He looked at Hisoka and said, "You came to me now. Could it be that there is something wrong with the alchemy?"

"Master, my alchemy furnace broke down, and then..."

"Is it just that the alchemy furnace is broken?" Yao Lao looked at Xisuo and said, "The medicinal materials are gone too."

"Well, yes." Hisoka said, "Something happened, and I would like to ask you to go to my room and have a look."

"Then let's go!" Yao Lao said.

The two of them walked out of Yaolao's room and walked towards Hisoka's room.

"Master, although I have roughly tidied up the room, those traces are still there."

"I lost control of my body after taking the elixir, then I fainted and woke up outside in the garden."

"There's a cat in the garden, and there's a man in black who wants me to give him the elixir I've refined."

Hisoka talked endlessly until the two of them reached the door of the room.

"Is it just these things?" Yao Lao looked at Hisoka and said.

"Well, that seems to be it." Hisoka said.

"Seems like?" Yao Lao looked at Hisoka in confusion.

"It doesn't seem like that, that's all." Hisoka replied.

"These things can make you talk about it from me to here." Yao Lao glared at Hisoka and said.

"Master, why do you say that?" Hisoka looked at Yao Lao in confusion, "Aren't I worried about that man in black? What if those men in black come to trouble you?"

"Don't worry." Yao Lao said with a smile, "I'm from Yaowang Valley. No matter how brave those men in black are, they won't dare to go wild in Yaowang Valley, so don't worry."

Yao Lao patted Hisoka on the shoulder and walked into the room. When he saw the scene in the room, he was stunned for a moment. Although the room had been tidied up, the walls and traces were still there. Yao Lao frowned.

"You kid, did you take other elixirs when you were refining the elixir? An explosion of this magnitude shows that you have the wrong temperature!" Yao Lao grabbed Xisuo's ear and said angrily.

"It hurts, it hurts." Hisoka said quickly.

"In the future, these things are not allowed to be used indiscriminately." Yao Lao released his palm, then turned around and waved his fist at Hisoka.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely not mess around next time." Hisoka nodded quickly in agreement.

"That's right." Yao Lao said, "When you make elixirs in the future, remember not to take them randomly."

"I know, I know, master, let go quickly, it hurts." Hisoka broke free from Kai Yaolao's control.

Yao Lao looked at Hisoka with a smile and said, "Boy, you know it hurts now."

"Master, please don't bury me, I just want to give it a try." Hisoka said.

"How many times have I told you that the medicinal materials this time are very expensive, and you still dare to mess with me. I would have bought a new copy of these medicinal materials without any penalty!" Yao Lao scolded angrily.

"I know, I know, there will be no next time." Hisoka quickly apologized.

"Follow me back to my residence. This time I will watch you refining the elixir." Yao Lao said and turned to leave.

Hisoka followed Yao Lao, trotting all the way, and finally caught up with Yao Lao.

The two came to the house where Yao Lao lived. Yao Lao stopped, turned to look at Xisuo, and said, "Don't be lazy tonight, just practice alchemy for me!"

"Okay, Master." Hisoka said.

Yao Lao looked at Xisuo's appearance, sighed, and said, "Hey, I'm just a disciple like you, it's really not easy to worry about."

Chapter 631 Yao Lao supervises Xisuo to refine the Three Pattern Pills

"Master, what happened this time was my fault." Hisoka lowered his head and said, "It won't happen again in the future. Don't worry, I will work hard to practice."

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's go into the house." Yao Lao sighed, turned around and walked towards the room.

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