"I know that as long as we can improve our strength, this little damage is nothing," Hisoka said.

Yao Lao nodded and said: "However, these crape myrtle Ganoderma lucidum are not enough, we need to pick a few more."

"I understand, Master, I'll go pick it right away." After Xisuo finished speaking, he started to take action. He ignored the protection of the Yaowang Valley medicine field and walked all the way into the depths of the spiritual spring.

The Ganoderma lucidum picked by Xisuo were all second- and third-grade Ganoderma lucidum, which had little effect on him. However, the Ganoderma lucidum picked by Yaolao was extremely precious. These Ganoderma lucidum could only be found but not sought.

After a while, Hisoka found a crape myrtle ganoderma. This was a mature crape myrtle ganoderma. It seemed to be almost two feet long. Hisoka's face showed a look of joy, because his internal energy was almost exhausted. , without Ziwei Ganoderma lucidum, his cultivation level would not be improved.

He picked up the crape myrtle ganoderma, put it in his mouth and chewed it. A sweet liquid instantly filled his mouth. Hisoka felt his spirit lifted and his whole body felt very comfortable, as if he had drunk fine wine.

"It's really wonderful. This taste is so good, it's even better than using colorful crystal coins." Hisoka praised.

"Yes." Yao Lao also ate a strain of crape myrtle ganoderma, and a warm current spread down his stomach, filling his whole body. A look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on Yao Lao's face.

"Great, I didn't expect that there is Lagerstroemia Lingzhi, and the medicinal power of this kind of Lagerstroemia Lingzhi is so powerful. My strength has improved a lot in just half an hour. God is really helping me. It seems like this It is definitely the right time to come to pick medicinal materials from Yaowang Valley." Yao Lao said secretly.

"Master, we have gained a lot this time!" Hisoka said excitedly.

"Hahaha... This time, it's really a bumper harvest!" Yao Lao was also very happy. The thought of getting so many crape myrtle ganoderma on this trip made Yao Lao feel extremely excited.

"Hisoka, how is your current condition?" Yao Lao asked.

"Much better than before." Hisoka replied.

"That's good. You have to be more diligent this time and try to return to your peak condition as soon as possible." Yao Lao said.

"Well, Master, did you pick all these crape myrtle ganoderma?" Hisoka asked.

"Well, these Ganoderma lucidum are all collected to help you improve your strength. During this period, I am not idle." Yao Lao said with a smile, "Okay, now you can go pick the crape myrtle Ganoderma lucidum, don't let They ruin the good things of being a teacher, so that the teacher's cultivation can be improved faster."

"Yes!" Hisoka said respectfully.

Chapter 636: Avoiding guards to collect crape myrtle and Ganoderma lucidum

"Go!" Yao Lao waved his hand to signal Xisuo to leave, while Yao Lao sat on the edge of the Lingquan Pool and began to meditate and adjust his breath.

Xisuo glanced at Yaolao, then left Yaowang Valley and started picking Ganoderma lucidum.

Xisuo swam in the spiritual spring for a long time, and finally picked the Ganoderma lucidum cleanly. Xisuo left the spiritual spring pool, and then flew into the air, heading towards a mountain in the distance.

This is a huge mountain range that towers into the clouds. The mountains are surrounded by dense trees. There are waterfalls washing down in the mountains, forming a long river.

Hisoka shuttled through the mountains, and finally at some point, he saw a black vortex. There were many crape myrtle ganoderma hidden in the vortex, and Hisoka's eyes suddenly lit up.

Hisoka was very fast and entered the whirlpool in the blink of an eye. His feet stepped on the whirlpool and his body was flying upwards. He quickly reached the top of the mountain and saw a cave.

There are many guards outside the cave, and their bodies exude strong spiritual power. The lowest level of their cultivation is the fourth level of the foundation building stage, and the highest level is already the fifth level of the foundation building stage.

"Huh?" One of the guards on the fifth floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage was surprised, "I seemed to have heard a roar of beasts just now. How can there be beasts here? Is it the lair of monster beasts?"

Another guard on the fifth floor of the foundation stage shook his head and said: "No matter who you are, don't approach here easily. This place has been blocked by us. Once a monster invades, we will kill it immediately, no matter who it is."


Hisoka searched in the cave, dodging many guards, and found some crape myrtle ganoderma after searching for a long time.

"Hahaha, I finally didn't run away in vain this time." Hisoka shouted excitedly.

Hisoka put the picked crape myrtle ganoderma into a storage bag, then left the cave and returned to Yao Lao's residence. When he saw that Yao Lao had not rested, he came directly to Yao Lao.

"Apprentice, how many Ganoderma lucidum did you pick?" Yao Lao asked eagerly.

"The apprentice picked ten crape myrtle ganoderma plants." Hisoka said respectfully.

"Ten plants?" Yao Lao was stunned. He didn't expect that Xisuo had collected so many Ganoderma lucidum. However, Yao Lao did not blame Xisuo, but was very happy.

"Okay, let's go to the elixir hall and give the crape myrtle ganoderma to the elixir master and let him refine it into elixirs so that we can improve our cultivation as soon as possible." Yao Lao said excitedly.


Xisuo agreed and took Yao Lao to the elixir hall.

Soon they came to the door of the elixir hall. This elixir hall specializes in selling various elixirs. Hisoka's goal was the elixir shop that sold various elixirs. He came to the counter of the elixir hall. In front of him, he took out a jade plaque and handed it to the waiter.

After the waiter took the jade token and inspected it, a look of shock appeared on his face. He hurriedly bowed and said, "It turns out that Young Hero Xisuo is here. Please come in."

Xisuo followed Yao Lao and walked in. Soon they came to the private room on the second floor. Yao Lao was startled when he saw the jade plaque in Xisuo's hand, and then said: "There is such a treasure here, how come I have never seen it before?" Never heard of it?”

"I got this jade token by chance, and it's not valuable." Hisoka said lightly.

Yao Lao's eyes lit up, "Your jade token is of a high level. Where did you get it?".

Chapter 637 Li Hao, the youngest alchemist of Tianxing Kingdom, appears on the stage

"This is my secret. I can't tell Master, but this jade tablet can be sold for a very high price. Master, let's give these crape myrtle ganoderma to the alchemist first, and then buy the elixir. How about that?" Xisuo asked. road.

"Okay." Yao Lao nodded and said.

Soon, the alchemist sent Xisuo and Yao Lao out, and then put the crape myrtle ganoderma into a jade box. Then, Xisuo and Yao Lao rushed towards the Alchemist Guild.

Soon, Yao Lao brought Hisoka to the Alchemist Guild.

The Alchemist Guild is a behemoth and one of the main forces in the entire Xuanhuang City. The number of alchemists has reached one million. It holds several competitions every year. The winners of these competitions will be rewarded and can also obtain pills. However, these elixirs are priceless, and only a very small number of alchemists or alchemist teams can obtain these precious spiritual herbs.

And there is still a rule in this competition, that is, you can only use one spirit stone to buy things. If you have two spirit stones, you will not be able to participate in the competition.

In the meeting room of the Alchemist Guild.

A group of alchemists are sitting around a table. The table is filled with various materials. These materials include spiritual stones, medicinal materials, demon cores, and other things. In short, they have everything. There are eighty or ninety in total. Alchemists, all gathered here.

This conference room is very large, covering several thousand square meters. On both sides of the conference room, there are two rows of chairs. On the chairs are tea sets, drinks, snacks, and not even an empty wine bottle.

In the center of the conference hall, sat a young man who seemed to be about twenty years old. The young man looked very thin and not very tall. His eyes were very clear. He was wearing a white robe and his clothes were made of snow. The textiles were spotless and looked very white and clean. The young man had a smile on his lips and looked elegant.

He is Li Hao.

Li Hao sat there, looking calm and composed, as if he was not facing a big occasion, but an ordinary banquet. This performance made many people present secretly praise him for being able to be calm and composed after all. There are really too few people.

"Master Li Hao, your result in this competition is first place. According to the agreement, these materials are yours."

"Well, let's leave it here." Li Hao said lightly.

The man put the materials on the table one by one, then turned and left the conference room. Li Hao's attitude made the people around him very unhappy. Their faces were not very good-looking, but they did not have an attack.

Li Hao's identity is very special. He is the youngest alchemist in Tianxing Kingdom. His background is very complicated. Behind him stands the largest force in Tianxing Kingdom, the royal family of Tianxing Empire.

They alchemists couldn't afford to offend him, so they could only endure it.

"Li Hao, if you can advance to the top three, I hope you can refine a fourth-grade elixir for me."

At this moment, a slightly older voice came, full of excitement. The speaker was the master of the Pill Pavilion.

"No problem." Li Hao said calmly, "These materials are all I need. I will refine a furnace of fourth-grade elixir for you tomorrow."

"Okay." The master of the Pill Pavilion said happily.

Chapter 638: Alchemy Contest, here I come!

The stronger Li Hao is, the greater his rights will be. This is a great opportunity.

At this moment, another loud voice sounded.

"Junior brother Li Hao, my alchemy skills are not bad either! You can't be partial!"

A burly man came over. His eyebrows were very thick and his eyes were very sharp, giving people a fierce feeling. This burly man was named Zhao Zhiyong. He was an alchemy genius among these alchemists. He had already made alchemy. He has prepared a fourth-grade elixir, and a fifth-grade elixir. He plans to participate in this elixir competition.

"Senior Brother Zhiyong is joking." Li Hao smiled lightly and said, "Senior Brother Zhiyong's alchemy skills are recognized by the entire Xuanhuang City, how can I dare to neglect him!"

"Haha, that's good, that's good." Zhao Zhiyong laughed, then walked to the table, picked up a piece of monster meat, put it in his mouth, chewed it for a while, then swallowed it, and then He closed his eyes and seemed to be running the technique. The true energy in his body was constantly flowing, as if he was forging somewhere in his body.

The next day, Yao Lao brought Hisoka to the Alchemy Guild.

"Master, what are we doing here?" Hisoka asked as he followed Yao Lao.

"Have you ever heard of the elixir competition?" Yao Lao glanced at Hisoka and asked.

"The elixir competition, isn't it a competition to see who can refine the elixir better?" Hisoka asked.

"Yes! The elixir competition is jointly run by the president and vice-president of the Alchemist Guild." Yao Lao explained, "For this competition, we require the Alchemist Guild to send the best alchemists and alchemist disciples Participate and try it too. Achieving good results in the alchemy competition will be extremely beneficial to your future cultivation."

"Master, can I refuse?" Hisoka hesitated for a moment, then asked.

"Why? Don't you want to participate?" Yao Lao asked, "Aren't you always eager to become a strong man? This opportunity is rare, why do you refuse?"

"No, Master." Hisoka shook his head, "It's too easy to make enemies by participating in competitions."

"Making enemies? What's there to be afraid of? As long as the master is here, no one can touch you." Yao Lao looked at Hisoka with a smile, his eyes full of confidence.


"Nothing is wrong!" Yao Lao said, "The alchemy competition is your only chance, you must seize it!"


"Just participate obediently, and then ask the master for benefits after the competition is over!" Yao Lao said and walked into the Alchemy Guild.

Hisoka sighed. He also knew that this was a rare opportunity. He wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible, but he was afraid of making enemies because he made too many enemies, and they were all relatively powerful people.

The rules of the alchemy competition are different from those in the past. In the alchemy competition, the alchemists themselves choose the elixirs to be refined. Whoever refines the elixirs with the highest quality will be the champion and receive the most reward resources. Therefore, in each alchemy competition, The competitions are extremely popular, and the champions of each session receive huge rewards.

"Alchemy Contest!" Hisoka muttered to himself. He had not participated in an alchemy competition for a long time. He had also forgotten how many pills he had refined. His improvement in cultivation had been too slow over the years.

Hisoka took a deep breath and then stepped into the Alchemy Guild.

Alchemy competition, here I come! .

Chapter 639: Hisoka meets the President of the Alchemist Association

Li Hao's alchemy level is very good. Although he does not dare to say that he is invincible, he can at least be ranked in the top three. He has also participated in some alchemy competitions. He won two of them and lost once. The reason for losing is very simple, because a guy named Chen Feng refined a sixth-grade elixir.

"I must win." Hisoka clenched his fists.

Alchemy competition, alchemy competition, alchemy competition, a series of words appeared in Xisuo's mind.

Hisoka came to his exclusive area. His alchemy furnace had already refined four elixirs. These four elixirs were all fourth-grade elixirs.

Hisoka's alchemy skills are unquestionable, and he is the most dazzling presence in the alchemy competition.

After refining the elixir, Hisoka came to the president's office.

"Meet the president." Hisoka bowed respectfully towards Zhao Zhiyong.

"Xisuo, I invited you here today mainly to ask if you are confident in winning the alchemy competition?" Zhao Zhiyong asked with a smile.

"I will do my best!" Hisoka nodded firmly.

"Very good, then let's wait!"

"President, do I need to prepare any materials for this alchemy competition?" Hisoka asked. The alchemy competition is a vast project, and all of this must be completed by the alchemist's means.

"What you need is a supply of medicinal herbs and some auxiliary materials." Zhao Zhiyong replied, "Just leave this matter to others. All you need to do is refine the alchemy well and strive to win the championship in the alchemy competition."


"By the way, how many pills have you refined now?" Zhao Zhiyong suddenly asked.


"Very good, your alchemy skills have improved over the years, but you still need to work hard. I hope you can continue to work hard and not live up to your master's expectations for you." Zhao Zhiyong patted Xisuo on the shoulder, "Okay, You go out first! During this time, you stay here! I will inform you if anything happens."

"Yes, President."

After leaving the Alchemy Guild, Hisoka came to his room. He began to retreat. This time he was preparing to challenge the five-star alchemist. If he succeeded, he could be promoted to the top of the Alchemist Guild and become a key figure in the Alchemist Guild. And This kind of attention will also make him very popular, and he will be pursued and attracted by countless forces and sects, which is what Hisoka needs.

The registration location for the alchemy competition is located near the alchemy city, on a high mountain. The registration point is set up at the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain is a vast plain. On the plain, there are alchemy guilds. The name of the alchemist guild is very domineering. There are three big characters hanging in front of the door of the Alchemy Guild: Alchemy Guild.

This guild is the largest alchemy guild in the entire alchemy city. Moreover, the guild also has an elixir company within the guild. All kinds of elixirs are sold. The members of the guild will also help the alchemy guild to do tasks for free to make money. The guild also owns many Privileges, the management of the guild can enjoy the special treatment given by the Alchemist Guild and can freely enter and exit the Alchemist Guild's treasure house.

"Hello, I need to participate in the alchemy competition." Hisoka bowed to the young man in black and said.

"Are you going to sign up for the alchemy competition?" The young man in black looked at Xisuo and then asked, "What are your specialties?"

"Specialty?" Hisoka was stunned for a moment.

Chapter 640: Competition Rules of the Alchemy Competition

Hisoka shook his head. He did not expect that the other party would ask him this, "No."

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