His figure quickly disappeared into the darkness.

After a cup of tea, Hisoka appeared in a cave.

In the cave, two people were sitting there.

These two people were the Demon King and the young man in black robe.

"You really made it easy for me to wait, Hisoka." The Demon King turned his head and looked at Hisoka.

He was not surprised to see Demon King Hisoka, but the young man in black robe standing next to Demon King was startled.

Wasn't this young man in black robe just torn apart by himself outside and disappeared?

"You're not dead?" Hisoka looked at the black-robed young man in surprise and asked.

"Haha, I'm really not sure about this, but you did hurt me, but you left. You are really not simple." The young man in black robe said coldly.

"You are not simple either!" Hisoka shot back.

"Haha..." The demon king laughed and said, "You humans have a saying that enemies never get together. Today you finally met."

"Haha, it's not that enemies don't get together." Hisoka said.

"You humans have a saying that if you don't take the road to heaven, hell will have no door but rush in." The young man in black robe said.

"Really?" Hisoka smiled: "I wonder who was torn apart by me?"

"You!" The young man in black robe was choked by Xisuo and could not speak.

"Okay, I'm not letting you two meet to argue." The Demon King interrupted the bickering between the two.

"Okay, let's not argue for now. Let's talk about the thousand-year spiritual milk first!" said the Demon King.

Hisoka's expression changed, the Demon King actually knew about this?

"Thousand-year-old spiritual milk is very useful. It can help you cultivate to the holy level."


"Don't be surprised. I cultivated the Millennium Spirit Milk. How could I not know it?" The demon king looked like he was taking it for granted, looking very shy.

After the Demon King finished speaking, he took out a transparent glass bottle and handed it to Hisoka. It contained a drop of golden liquid. This was the legendary Millennium Spiritual Milk. There are many kinds of Millennium Spiritual Milk, the most common one is Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk. Nian Lingru.

Of course, Hisoka also knew how precious the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk was.

It is impossible for ordinary people to have this kind of thing. Even some big shots in Yaowang Valley can't get it.

Chapter 698: The energy of resentment produces changes in energy

But the Demon King casually gave him such a small drop of Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk, which was enough to prove how much the Demon King trusted Hisoka.

"This is what I promised you. Take it and practice it. I hope you will not disappoint my expectations." The Demon King said.

"Demon King, don't worry, I will definitely try my best to practice." Hisoka said quickly.

"Okay, you can practice here now!"

"Okay, then I will start practicing." Hisoka said, and then closed his eyes.

At this time, the young man in black robe stood up, "What about me, His Highness the Demon King?"

"Ram, you guard him and practice." The demon king replied.

"No, why, I..." Before Ram could finish his words, he was interrupted by the Demon King's glare.

Although Ram was not convinced, this was the Demon King's order, so he had no choice but to sit down obediently and stay by Hisoka's side.

The Demon King sat there and watched Hisoka practice.

For an hour, Hisoka tried to absorb the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk, but nothing seemed to happen.

When Hisoka was about to stop his hand, the energy in Hisoka's body suddenly changed. Then Hisoka felt his Dantian shake, and a warm wave of heat surged towards the Dantian. Then, a strange wave spread in his body. Come on.

Not only the demon king felt this wave of energy changes, but also Ram who was beside Hisoka.

"What's going on?" Ram asked doubtfully.

"This is absorbing the energy of the thousand-year spiritual milk. In this way, the strength of his physical body will be greatly improved, and this breakthrough will also make his cultivation deeper." The demon king said: "This is good chance."

"Did he succeed?" Ram asked.

"I really don't know this, but his physical strength should not be low, otherwise he would have exploded and died." The demon king shook his head and said.

Ram nodded.

Hisoka didn't know his situation at the moment, he was still immersed in the fluctuations of energy in his body.

This is a very strange energy. The moment it entered Hisoka's body, Hisoka knew the properties of this energy.

This energy is Yin and contains strong resentment.

This is the energy of resentment, the power of evil.

This kind of power is more difficult to deal with than the spirit of resentment. Hisoka even doubts whether the spirit of resentment has already taken shape. If this is true, then Hisoka's situation may be very dangerous.

Hisoka is now at the early stage of Saint level cultivation, and the air of resentment is already at the level of mid-stage Saint level. If Hisoka encounters this level of resentment, Hisoka can be sure that he will never be able to block a single move. Defeated, and there was no guarantee that Hisoka would be able to dodge the attack of resentment.

"Be careful, little Ram." The demon king sat back on the chair and looked at the two of them with interest.

"Be careful? Be careful about what?" Ram was wondering when a wave of energy suddenly burst out from Hisoka's body, knocking Ram back several meters.

"Be careful, don't get affected again." The Demon King said.

Ram took a few steps back before he stabilized his figure. The energy just now was so terrifying that Ram felt as if he had been hit by a cannonball.

Ram looked at Hisoka with more and more awe. This young man was really terrifying. How could his cultivation reach such a high level?

Ram couldn't help but worry, was he too arrogant just now? .

Chapter 699: We can’t have only one person alive.

"Little Ram, now you understand why you are not allowed to practice with this thousand-year spiritual milk." The demon king looked at Ram with a smile and asked.

"Yeah! I understand, I will practice now and improve myself." Ram said.

Hisoka slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, his eyes became deeper, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm. Hisoka knew that his luck had come. This was his opportunity. If he If you seize it well, it will be your opportunity to soar into the sky.

Although Hisoka didn't know why the Demon King wanted to help him, he remembered the Demon King's kindness to him, and Hisoka swore that he would repay the Demon King.

At this time, Ram also began to practice. The Demon King looked at Ram who was practicing, his eyes flashing, such a person is the most worthy of training.

"This little thing is not simple!" the demon king murmured.

By this time, Hisoka had completely absorbed the resentment.

"My current physical strength has reached the nine-star saint level. I wonder how much my speed can be increased?" Hisoka thought to himself.

"Boom." Hisoka punched the air, and there was a muffled sound, and a crack appeared on Hisoka's arm.

"Not bad!" Hisoka said excitedly, "My strength has increased a bit."

"How did you do it? How did you do it just now?" Ram asked.

"When I absorbed the air of resentment just now, I transferred the energy of the air of resentment into my body. In this way, I have a thousand-year spiritual milk, so I absorbed it." Hisoka said with a smile.

"You mean, your body can absorb the energy of resentment?" Ram asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, but this resentment energy is very huge, and I had no choice but to absorb it. These resentment energy are very pure and will not do any harm to me." Hisoka said.

After hearing Hisoka's words, Ram felt a lot more at ease. Since there was no harm, it would be easy to handle.

"Yes, you are indeed the person I like. He is really amazing! However, I also want to remind you that the air of resentment is the most difficult to cultivate, and practicing it will have very serious side effects. You must be patient!" The demon king warned.

"Don't worry, I can definitely endure it." Hisoka said.

The demon king smiled and nodded, looking at Ram.

"Ram! You can't lose to him, otherwise you won't have a chance to stand up in the future!"

Ram's face turned red, "I won't lose to him, huh." Ram muttered softly. I dare not look at the Demon King.

"Hahaha..." The demon king laughed louder and louder.

"Have I completely absorbed it?" Hisoka looked at the Demon King and asked.

"Maybe, who knows, hahaha..." The Demon King smiled to himself.

Hisoka was stunned, "You wouldn't drink yourself into an alcoholic while I was practicing, would you?"

"How is that possible! You are looking down on me too much! Am I that kind of person? I have principles. I can't get myself drunk, and I drink for fun, so how could I get drunk?" The Demon King said seriously.

"Oh!" Hisoka responded.

"Okay, it's time for you two to practice." After the demon king finished speaking, he stood up, "I don't care what your relationship is like. At least during the time you are practicing, you two have to go forward side by side. You can't just be alone. One person is alive.".

Chapter 700: Spirit Butterfly leads the way to the high tower...

The Demon King patted the two of them on the shoulders.

Hisoka and Ram looked at each other and turned away from each other.

Both of them recognized the strength of the other, but neither one was convinced by the other.

"Well, I'm not kidding. If only one of you two comes out alive, he won't survive either!" After saying that, the Demon King left the room.

Ram breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the demon king leaving.

The demon king's spirit butterfly appeared in front of Hisoka again, and Hisoka immediately understood what it meant.

"Let's go, it will lead the way for us." Hisoka said.

Ram and Hisoka followed the demon butterfly side by side. Hisoka found that he was no longer as weak as before. Now, Hisoka could clearly feel that his body was stronger and stronger than before.

Hisoka followed Psylocke and flew to a high tower.

Hisoka and Ram walked into the tower. The scene inside the tower was exactly the same as the previous room, except that the scene here was the same as the previous room, and there was nothing special about it.

Hisoka and Ram looked at each other, and both saw doubts in each other's eyes. Neither of them understood what kind of medicine was sold in the demon king's gourd.

"What can you practice here?" Ram asked.

Hisoka also shook his head.

"Forget it, never mind, let's continue practicing!" Hisoka smiled and continued to sit down cross-legged, ready to start practicing.

"Wait!" Ram called to Hisoka.

Hisoka stopped practicing and turned to look at Ram in confusion.

Ram hesitated for a moment, then asked about his worries: "I saw all the resentment seeping into your body. Can you bear it?"

"No problem, don't worry." Hisoka said.

Ram looked at Hisoka and couldn't help but nodded. He didn't know why he was worried about Hisoka. Anyway, he just wanted to care about Hisoka.

Hisoka continued to practice. Ram looked at Hisoka with complicated expressions in his eyes. Hisoka didn't know what Ram was thinking. Anyway, he didn't have the extra energy to think about it.

Soon, Hisoka felt waves of warmth coming from his body, and his body seemed to have endless power. Hisoka was pleasantly surprised. It seemed that his body had recovered a little. The more his body recovered, the more it meant for him. The strength will be stronger, and by then, one's own strength will be even stronger, and then one can practice his own ancient book.

"Huh? The spiritual energy over there is very strong!" Hisoka noticed something strange.

Ram also discovered that there was indeed a thick spiritual energy there. This spiritual energy was thicker than what Hisoka had absorbed before, which surprised Ram.

Hisoka took Ram and walked over there. The aura there was getting thicker and thicker. There were wisps of purple smoke in the aura. The smoke seemed to be pulled by something and floated towards Hisoka. side.

"This is..." Hisoka opened his mouth in surprise.

He felt that the spiritual energy rushed towards him, rushed into his body, and formed a purple ball of light in his dantian.

This purple ball of light exuded light blue light, and Hisoka felt that this ball of light contained extremely terrifying power.

"This..." Ram was shocked.

"Look, what is this light group?" Hisoka said.

"No way! How can such a big thing look like a small planet?" Ram said.

Chapter 701: The purple light ball fights against the black ring in Hisoka's body.

Hisoka rolled his eyes, didn't you say it was a ball?

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