"Tired?" Ram suddenly became anxious when he saw Hisoka's appearance.

"Ram, don't worry, it will be fine in a moment." Hisoka said.

"Don't even think about lying to me. If you die, I will be killed by the demon king." Ram said angrily.

"You're making so much noise, get out of here and wait for some time with the lizard monster until I recover." Hisoka said with a frown, a hint of impatience in his tone.

Seeing that Ram didn't respond, Hisoka added: "This lizard monster is not that easy to deal with. You should be careful. You only need to deal with the lizard monster."

Ram looked at Hisoka and hesitated: "You are really... okay, I understand."

Ram turned around and looked at the lizard demon.

The lizard demon sneered and said: "You are too weak. If this continues, you will all be eaten by me."

Ram said coldly: "Really? Do you think I will give you a chance?"

"Really? Then you try it." The lizard monster laughed ferociously, its body turned into an afterimage, and a fishy smell hit its nostrils.

"Bang!" The lizard monster's body fell in front of Ram.

"Bang!" Ram was directly knocked away by the lizard monster.

Ram fell to the ground, a trickle of blood flowing from his mouth.

"You...how could you be...so strong?" Ram looked at the lizard monster in surprise.

The lizard monster licked his lips and said grimly: "Because I am a monster, and monsters are inherently more powerful than you humble humans."

Chapter 705 Hisoka and Ram enter the second level

"Then we are not someone you can bully." Ram said, crossing his arms, and his body instantly turned into a huge golden halo. The image of this golden halo looked very much like a martial spirit.

The body of the lizard monster hit the golden circle of light.

The lizard demon's body was instantly bounced away, and its body was broken into countless pieces, flying in the air.

"Hmph, you are really stupid, you actually want to fight me." The lizard demon's body slowly gathered together, and it said sadly.

Blood welled up from Ram's mouth again.

Ram looked up at the lizard demon and said, "You are a demon, and so am I."

The lizard monster's expression changed slightly. It didn't expect that Ram was also a monster.

The lizard demon said: "I don't care what you are, you must die."

The lizard demon opened its bloody mouth and spit out hundreds of tentacles.

Ram's arms suddenly stretched out, and golden symbols appeared on his body.

Golden runes shimmered in the air.

Ram's arms suddenly pushed forward, and the golden halo collided with the lizard demon's tentacles.

The golden runes and the lizard demon's tentacles collided together, making a crackling sound, and the two were locked in a stalemate.

"Bang bang bang... bang bang bang..."

Ram and the lizard demon's attacks became more and more fierce.

The body of the lizard demon has become larger, but its strength has become weaker and weaker, and its strength has dropped to a certain level.

"Pfft!" The lizard demon spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Hmph, you're a useless thing, you can't even withstand a single move from me." Ram said mockingly.

The body of the lizard demon slowly disappeared into the air.

After the lizard monster disappeared, the other lizard monsters also slowly disappeared.

"It is indeed an illusion." Hisoka slowly stood up from the corner and walked towards Ram.

Ram recalled what Hisoka had just told him, turned to look at Hisoka, and said, "You knew early on that only the lizard demon was a real entity?"

"Otherwise, why do you think I expended so much energy on it before letting you go? Is it because I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to find out how to deal with so many monsters by yourself?" Hisoka said.

Ram was stunned for a moment, and then said bitterly: "I still underestimate you too much."

Ram said, taking out a few bottles of elixirs from the space ring and stuffing them into his mouth.

After Ram took the elixir, his condition was much better, but his body was still very weak.

"Heal your wounds first! After defeating the Lizard Demon Queen, there should be no monsters on this floor." Hisoka looked at Ram and said.

After a while, the stone door slowly rose, and Ram also stood up from the ground.

"Let's go, it's time to go to the next floor." Hisoka said, and Ram nodded.

Ram and Hisoka slowly walked towards the cave entrance on the next floor.

After Ram and Hisoka entered the next floor, the stone door was closed again.

"Here he comes again, be careful, there must be a trial." Hisoka said to Ram.

"You don't have to say it." Ram choked Hisoka.

"Roar!" The two were chatting when they heard a roar.

Hisoka and Ram looked up and saw a huge black dragon roaring. It was surrounded by black mist, thick enough to obscure the sight. The environment here was completely different from the previous place.

Hisoka felt the depressing atmosphere around him and couldn't help but sigh, it turns out that there is such a terrifying place in this world.

Chapter 706 The first confrontation with the Dark Pope


The black dragon looked up to the sky and roared, its tail swung, and a black vortex appeared in front of it.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Three black snakes rushed out of the black vortex and rushed towards Hisoka.

Hisoka wielded his long knife and killed the three black snakes.

Ram escaped the attacks of the three black snakes, but he was still hit by a black snake on his shoulder.

Ram frowned and looked at Hisoka and said, "Hisoka, where is this place? Why is it so dangerous?"

Hisoka shook his head and said: "I don't know where this place is, but it's better for us to find a way out of here quickly. I always feel that it is very unsafe here."

Hisoka and Ram quickly traveled through the swamp area, looking for a way out. However, the swamp was too big, and there were no roads at all in some places. Hisoka and Ram could not get out of the swamp at all.

Hisoka and Ram kept walking through, and Hisoka's mood gradually sank to the bottom. Now, Hisoka's mood has been completely occupied by the swamp. This swamp is indeed too big.

"Hisoka, do you feel a little uncomfortable?" Ram asked.

Hisoka nodded.

"Are you poisoned?" Ram asked.

Hisoka shook his head and said: "My soul power has been suppressed for a long time. My soul power has become extremely thin. This is a swamp area, and my soul power has become even weaker. I can only rely on my strength. His physical body and powerful soul power can resist the corrosion of the swamp."

"Our soul power has become very weak, how can we escape from here?" Ram sighed helplessly.

"I'm also thinking of a way." Hisoka sighed helplessly.

Ram and Hisoka continued to move forward. After walking for a long time, neither of them encountered any danger.

"Hisoka, what should we do now?" Ram asked.

"I don't know, let's go first!" Hisoka said.

"Okay, I listen to you, let's keep moving forward!" Ram said.

The two people walked forward when suddenly, a loud rumbling sound came over.

"It's a monster." Hisoka said warily.

Ram said: "Look at that."

Hisoka looked along Ram's hand, and saw an extremely tyrannical aura rushing towards him. His eyes narrowed into slits, a black mist appeared in front of his eyes, and a memory suddenly appeared in his head.

Hisoka and Ram stood motionless.

The black mist gathered bigger and bigger, forming a figure.

This figure looks like a middle-aged man, but it has three eyes. All three eyes are filled with bloodthirsty, ferocity, cruelty, anger and other emotions.

Hisoka's feet were trembling slightly, and his heart was beating slower and slower.

"Who are you?" Hisoka said looking at the figure in front of him.

"I am the Dark Pope." The Dark Pope said with a sneer.

"The Dark Pope, is the master of this Dark Temple?" Hisoka asked with a frown.

"Yes, it's me!" The Dark Pope said coldly.

"Then, why did you arrest Ram and me?" Hisoka frowned and said.

"Guess." The Dark Pope said coldly. His body flashed and appeared in front of Hisoka.

Hisoka quickly took a step back and flew backwards, falling heavily to the ground.

Chapter 707: Only by killing me can you leave

"Humph!" Hisoka struggled twice and then stood up, with an angry look on his face.

Hisoka's face turned red and he looked like he was sick, but Hisoka was not sick.

"Hisoka, this Dark Pope is really powerful. He can seriously injure you with just one move." Ram said in surprise.

"No matter who you are, we will get out. It's too scary here." Hisoka said through gritted teeth.

"Really? It's a pity that you two have to die here today, because this dark temple belongs to me!" the Dark Pope said with a hideous smile.

Ram looked at Hisoka and then at the Dark Pope in the distance. He frowned and said, "Hisoka, what should we do now? The space here is too small and our soul power cannot be used. I Look, why don’t we join forces to deal with him!”

"Join forces? Haha, what can we do if we join forces?" The Dark Pope laughed arrogantly.

Ram looked at Hisoka and said: "This Dark Pope is too powerful. The two of us are no match for him at all. Let's retreat first! To avoid any unexpected events."

"Haha." The Dark Pope sneered, "You have no retreat. If you want to leave here, you must defeat me. Only by killing me can you leave."

The Dark Pope's voice became colder and colder, and both Hisoka and Ram shuddered.

"Let's join forces and kill him first." Ram said to Hisoka.

Hisoka nodded and said, "Okay!"

Hisoka and Ram joined forces to attack the Dark Pope. At this time, the Dark Pope suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already behind the two men.

Ram and Hisoka both felt a chill on their backs and turned around.

Hisoka looked at Ram and asked, "What's going on? He was behind us just now, but he was behind us in a split second."

Ram also said in confusion: "I don't know what happened. He was behind us just now, but in the blink of an eye he was behind us."

"Let's cooperate!" Hisoka said solemnly.

"Okay, then the two of us will cooperate!" Ram said.

Ram radiated his soul power, and then, the soul powers of Hisoka and Ram met together in the void.

"Hisoka, now, we become one." Ram shouted, and as he spoke, the soul power of the two people instantly merged into one, and two rays of light shot out from Ram's body.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The soul powers of Ram and Hisoka collided, and the surrounding space shook violently.

Ram's soul power formed a halo around Hisoka and Hisoka, and Hisoka's soul power also formed a halo, protecting Ram and Hisoka within it.

This situation lasted for more than ten seconds, and the soul power of the two people finally stopped running, and the two soul powers slowly faded.

Ram looked at Hisoka and said, "Hisoka, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, how are you?" Hisoka looked at Ram and said.

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