
Before this palm was about to touch Ram, it was stopped by another hand.

"What are you going to do?" Hisoka frowned and looked at Bai Jue.

"You want to kill Ram?" Hisoka looked at Bai Jue coldly, a powerful aura emanating from his body, "How dare you!!"

Bai Jue's body shook suddenly, and he took several steps back. His eyes when he looked at Hisoka were full of horror and fear, but soon turned into anger. "Traitor, you don't deserve to live." Bai Jue said, and punched him. Hisoka.

Hisoka narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his leg to kick.


The soles of their feet collided hard.

Thump thump thump! "

Bai Jue took a few steps back, until he reached the edge of the steps before he stopped. His face instantly turned pale, and a trace of bright red liquid overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Has my power surpassed yours?" Bai Jue wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked, "You won this battle, but..."

Before Bai Jue finished speaking, he stretched out his palm and hit his chest. Blood dripped from his palm to the ground, "I told you, you can't succeed!"

Bai Jue spit out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

"What's going on?" Because the noise was too loud, all the monsters who came out to watch were stunned. They saw Bai Jue lying on the ground with blood on the corner of his mouth.

"No, don't get me wrong, we didn't take action." Ram hurriedly waved his hand and explained.

Hisoka looked at Bai Jue and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Seeing the Demon King and the two clan leaders coming out, Hisoka felt it was necessary to explain, "This has nothing to do with me."

"Come here, take him down to a doctor for treatment." Because Bai Jue was from the Bai Ming clan, all the Bai Yu clan chiefs were the first to speak.

"I know, no need to explain." The Demon King waved his hand and said.

"In the future, whoever dares to destroy the stability of the two clans will pay the price for his current appearance as Bai Jue!" The Demon King rarely gets angry, but he was really angry at this time.

Many demon clans were frightened and they did not dare to say anything more.

"Hisoka, Ram, come with me." The demon king shouted, "The rest, go back and celebrate." He said and took the lead to walk outside the banquet venue.

Ram pulled Hisoka's sleeve and followed him out.

The two of them followed the Demon King back to the Demon King's room. The Demon King sat on the chair, looked at Hisoka and Ram, and asked, "Why, did the guy named Bai Jue do anything to you just now?"

"He took action against Ram," Hisoka said, "but he didn't succeed."

After hearing Hisoka's words, the demon king's eyes fell on Ram, who lowered his head.

"I understand." The Demon King nodded, and then said, "Ram, you are not defenseless at all, are you?"

"Hmm... I really didn't notice it." Ram said in a low voice.

"If Ren Xisuo hadn't been here, you would have died so many times and you don't have a long memory!" said the demon king.

Ram lowered his head and did not dare to say a word. He also knew that he had done something wrong.

"Forget it, let's forget it this time. It won't be the same next time. Do you understand?" said the Demon King.

"Yes." Ram said, feeling relieved.

Chapter 855: Please believe in the Demon King

"Yes." Ram said, feeling relieved.

"Your mission has been completed. Don't do anything outrageous in the future." The Demon King said.

"Got it!" Ram said respectfully.

The Demon King nodded, "You can go back. This matter ends here. Don't mention it again in the future."

Ram bowed and retreated.

Hisoka looked at Ram's leaving figure and frowned, "Do you have anything to say to me?"

"You have been in the demon clan for a while, right, Hisoka," the demon king said.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Hisoka asked.

"Actually, I sent you and Ram to the Soul Tower just to test your abilities at the beginning." The Demon King said, "But I didn't expect that you would have such a deep friendship with Ram."

Hisoka's head wrinkled deeper.

"To be honest, Hisoka, you two are my strongest helpers. I don't want either of you to get hurt," the demon king said.

"I can see how much the Demon King attaches importance to Ram." Hisoka said, "But why do you suddenly say this?"

The demon king shook his head.

"Ram has been ostracized by the two tribes since he was born. Just because he mixed his race, he was ostracized. Even if he has the ability to lead, he cannot use it." The demon king said earnestly.

"Ram's strength should not be buried." Hisoka responded.

"Of course, he has been with me since he was a child. I know his temperament. He is very strong." He said, "You are very good. He can learn a lot by being friends with you."

"We are friends, and we should help each other." He said calmly.

The Demon King shook his head and did not continue the topic. He said, "Hisoka, you are a smart man. My selfish intention is to let Ram get your help instead of relying too much on you."

"I understand." Hisoka nodded, "I know what to do."

"As long as you understand." The Demon King smiled, then looked at Hisoka, "What do you want to do?

Hisoka was silent for a moment, looked up at the Demon King, and said seriously, "I will leave tomorrow."

The Demon King was startled, "What's the reason?"

"I'm not from your demon clan, so I don't need a reason to leave." Hisoka said.

"Hisoka, if I let you stay here, would you be willing?" the demon king said, "I hope you can stay here and become Ram's right-hand man."

"I can't..." Hisoka hesitated, "I don't belong here, but if Ram needs my help, I will take action."

"I thank you on his behalf." The Demon King said, "You go and say goodbye to him. It's the last night."

"I will." After Hisoka said that, he turned and left to find Ram.

"Sigh... I don't know if my decision is right or wrong." The Demon King sighed.

【Ram Room】

"Ram, it's me." Hisoka knocked on Ram's door and said.

"Come in." Ram's hoarse voice came from the room.

Ram saw Hisoka standing at the door, his face a little pale, and it seemed that he was a little panicked.

"Hisoka. What's wrong with you?" Ram called softly.

"I'm okay, are you okay?" Hisoka asked with concern.

Ram shook his head, "It's okay, you don't have to worry."

"I have something to tell you. No matter whether my decision is right or wrong, please promise me one thing." Hisoka said, "Please believe in the Demon King."

Chapter 856 Hisoka and Ram say goodbye

"That's it? Can I not know?" Ram asked.

Hisoka was silent.

Ram nodded and said, I understand, the Demon King has always treated me sincerely, how could I not believe him. "

"That's good." Hisoka said.

"No, what did you just say?" Ram suddenly realized that Hisoka had something to say and answered.

"I'm leaving here." Hisoka said it truthfully without any hesitation.

"Leave? Where are you going?" Ram said, "Are you going to leave the demon clan?"

"Well, I want to leave here." Hisoka said.

"Can I go out with you to explore?" Ram looked at Hisoka expectantly.

"Can you convince yourself by saying this? The demon clan needs you more than me." Hisoka said with a wry smile.

"I know you won't agree." Ram said, "I have listened to the conversation between you and the Demon King. I know what you are thinking."

"Ram..." Hisoka was speechless. He didn't expect Ram to know about this.

Ram smiled and said: "It's not that I don't like the demon clan, it's just that there are too many sad things here, but I can't leave. Let the demon clan get better and better. This is my parents' wish."

Hisoka looked at Ram for a while, then nodded slowly, "They want you to be an excellent person, a strong, confident and mature person, strong enough to handle things on your own."

"Is this what you and the Demon King want to see?" Ram smiled slightly and looked at Hisoka and asked.

Hisoka looked at Ram without saying anything or retorting.

"It's been a pleasure traveling with you, thank you." Ram said, "I will become stronger, but don't come to curry favor with me then."

"Haha." Hisoka said, "You will become an excellent leader, and I will work hard to become stronger."

"I thought you were going to make fun of me," Ram said.

"How could that be?" Hisoka smiled and then changed the subject.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, do you have anything else to say?"

Ram shook his head, looked at Hisoka, and handed the jade pendant around his waist to Hisoka, "Take it, it will be useful to you."

Hisoka didn't refuse, he took it and tied it around his waist.

"Hisoka, you must remember what you said today, we must all become stronger."

"I dare not say anything else, but when did I fail to do what I promised you?" Hisoka said.

"You said that if I was in trouble, you would take action." Ram said, "If it were you, I would do the same."

"Well, I'm leaving." Hisoka said, and left here. He originally wanted to go back to his room, but Hisoka ended up going to the Demon King's room.

When Hisoka opened the door, the Demon King was sitting on a chair looking at the door, as if waiting for him to come.

"I need your help. I want to leave tonight." Hisoka said.

The Demon King was slightly startled, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Well, let's finish it early." Hisoka said.

"Okay, go ahead, no one will stop you." The Demon King said.

Hisoka walked out of the room and ran straight to the exit of the demon clan. He met many demons along the way, but no one cared about Hisoka who was running.

Hisoka didn't slow down until he reached the door and needed to review the exit token.

"This demon king doesn't even know how to give me the token." Hisoka complained and walked to the door.

The guard at the door saw Hisoka and glanced at him from beginning to end with disdain on his face.

Chapter 857: Hisoka meets Yao Lao after a year

Not knowing what he saw, the guard's face suddenly became frightened, and he hurriedly saluted Hisoka.

"Dignified guest, I am blind. You can leave directly without checking." The guard said to Hisoka.

"Ah? That's it." Although Hisoka was confused, he thought it would be better to do less than to do more, so he nodded and walked out of the door.

What Hisoka didn't know was that there were two figures standing on the wall, watching his every move.

"Give him my jade pendant. I don't want to go out anymore." Suddenly someone spoke first.

The moonlight moved slowly and gradually reflected his face. The person who spoke first was the Demon King himself.

"He is an eagle and should soar in the sky, and I am a wolf and should protect my home." another person responded.

"Another important person has left. I let him go. Do I really not regret it?" The Demon King asked again.

"This is an outside choice. Neither of us will regret it. Both of us will fulfill the agreement between friends."

The Demon King said nothing, just looked at him quietly.

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