"Oh? What kind of activities do you want to inquire about?" The old man glanced at Hisoka and asked, "If it's medicine trading or something like that, there's no need to talk about it."

"No, I just want to ask if there are any activities that a lot of people are participating in or paying attention to recently?" Hisoka said.

"Oh, that's what you want to ask." The old man said, "There seems to be an event, what's it called... Dan Skill Competition? Yes, it's called this

"Alchemy skill competition? What is that competition?" Hisoka asked.

"Oh, that's the literal meaning. The competition between elixirs and fighting skills, to put it bluntly, is just to use the elixirs you refined to assist you in fighting."

When Hisoka heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"That's wrong!" Hisoka said to himself, "Then if the strength is strong enough, wouldn't the effect of the elixir be reflected?"

"I don't know the specifics. As an old man who opened a tavern, that's all I know." The tavern owner sighed and said: "If you want to know the detailed schedule, if you want to know the detailed schedule, If you want to know the details, don’t you just go to the registration office and ask?”

"Registration office? Where is that?" Hisoka asked curiously.

"You, a young man, have worse eyesight than me, an old man." The tavern owner said, "When you go out, turn right and go straight. It's on the road you came from.

"Then I'll take my leave first." Hisoka said, and then walked out of the tavern.

"This young man has no eyesight at all," the tavern owner muttered.

Hisoka left the tavern, then turned right and walked on the street. He didn't go far when he saw a big sign with the words "Registration Office" written on it.

"It's really here, why didn't I notice it just now?" Hisoka complained, and then headed towards the registration desk

Hisoka entered the registration office and queued up to register.

The staff at the registration office saw Hisoka coming over and said, "Please tell me your name and occupation."

"My name is Hisoka, and by profession, I should be considered an alchemist." Hisoka replied.

Seeing that the staff did not ask further questions, Hisoka quickly asked: "I'm here to register. How much is the registration fee?"

"Registration fee?" the person asked, "There is no registration fee for the competition held by Yaowang Palace."

Chapter 862 A young man full of hostility

"Okay." Hisoka said.

After a while, the staff gave a bracelet to Hisoka, "The registration is successful. This is the certificate to enter the competition venue. Remember to bring it with you. The schedule for the alchemy competition will be announced tomorrow morning."

Hisoka took the voucher and said "thank you", then left with the voucher.

Hisoka put the bracelet into his pocket and walked towards Yaolao's garden.

"Come back?" Yao Lao asked as soon as Hisoka walked into the house.

"Yes, Master." Hisoka replied.

"I went out for a walk and found out about any activities?" Yao Lao asked.

"Signed up for this." Hisoka took out the bracelet from his pocket and looked at it.

"Sure enough, I just thought you would sign up for this event." Yao Lao said with a smile.

Hisoka was secretly happy in his heart. In fact, he only heard about this event.

"Why don't you prepare for tomorrow morning's match!" Yao Lao suddenly changed his face and scolded him sternly.

Hisoka was startled and said hurriedly: "Okay, apprentice, go get ready now. I won't be lazy."

After speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

On the second day, as soon as the sun rose, the entire Yaowang Valley became lively.

Yao Lao brought Hisoka to the vicinity of the competition platform.

"That's it. I'm the referee, so I don't want people to gossip about you." Yao Lao looked at Hisoka and said, "Be gentle, don't beat the person to death."

"There are not many people in Yaowang Valley who don't know that I am your disciple." Hisoka said, "Don't worry, I have a sense of discretion."

After Hisoka finished speaking, he ran towards the competition platform.

After verifying the bracelet, Hisoka entered the competition stage and waited. While waiting, he observed the situation around him and found that the competition time was 7:30, so he could still wait here for about seven or eight minutes.

Ouch, Yaowang Valley is quite lively today! "

Hisoka looked at the scene around the competition stage and found that more and more people were competing. However, the competition stage was only so big and could not accommodate so many people. So he stood under the competition stage and watched, and found that the competition was The number is still increasing.

"A lot of people came today!" Hisoka sighed.

Just as Hisoka was sighing, he suddenly felt someone looking at him.

Hisoka looked up and found a young man staring at him with strange eyes.

Hisoka glanced at the young man and found that his eyes seemed to be full of hostility, and he couldn't help but frown.

"Hmph, you're just a waste, but you still dare to wander around here!" The young man snorted coldly and said, "I want to see if your alchemy skills are enough for this competition."

"Humph! What do you mean?" Hisoka said.

"Haha! Don't you understand what I mean?" the young man mocked, "I'm doing this for your own good, so as not to embarrass you! If you lose, I'll see how you meet people in the future!"

"You don't have to worry about it anymore." Hisoka replied indifferently.

"You!" The young man glared at Hisoka, "You'd better be careful. I'm a famous weapon refiner in Medicine King City. If I cripple you, don't cry."

"If you have the ability, try it!" Hisoka challenged, "I didn't ask you to hit me, I was just afraid that you would be embarrassed if you lost!"

"Seeking death!" the young man roared.

Just as the two were arguing, an old man came in from outside and shouted to Hisoka and the young man: "Shut up, everyone. This is a competition venue, not a vegetable market!".

Chapter 863 Hisoka versus a sixteen-year-old boy

The old man's voice was so majestic that everyone was immediately frightened into silence.

Yao Lao glanced at the young man and sneered: "You are really a frog in the well, and you don't know how high the sky is."

The young man looked at Yao Lao, glared at Hisoka angrily, and then bowed respectfully to Yao Lao.

Yao Lao nodded, and then he and the old man walked onto the competition stage.

"Keep quiet!" The old man suddenly spoke, and then said, "The competition will begin soon. Audiences, please get ready. Now, all contestants, please take your seats. The competition is about to begin."

After saying that, the old man waved his hand, and several people took Hisoka to the edge of the competition platform, while the young man stood next to Yao Lao, his eyes constantly wandering around Hisoka.

"Hmph, when you lose to me, that's when you kneel in front of me and kowtow to apologize!" The young man said viciously, "Just wait for me."

"Hmph!" Hisoka snorted coldly, then ignored the young man.

The young man also had a stubborn temper. Seeing that Hisoka ignored him, he yelled at Hisoka again before sitting down.

"What's your name?" Hisoka asked the young man after he sat down.

"Liu Qing, what about you?" Liu Qing asked.

"My name is Hisoka." Hisoka replied.

"Very good." The young man snorted coldly.

When Yao Lao saw this, he ignored Liu Qing.

Upon seeing this, Liu Qing stopped talking and closed his eyes to rest.

Soon, the game began. Hisoka's opponent was also a sixteen-year-old boy, and his cultivation level was also a seven-star alchemist.


Hisoka's opponent first came up with fire-based elixirs and kept attacking Hisoka's defense, and every time they went straight to Hisoka's Dantian. Seeing this, Hisoka could only try to refine water-based elixirs that he was unfamiliar with.

The elixirs refined by Hisoka are all auxiliary water elixirs.

As a result, Hisoka's situation was very embarrassing.

In a short time, Hisoka's defense was broken through several layers, and it was broken bit by bit.

Hisoka's expression became solemn. Although he had converted the water attribute spiritual power into thunder and lightning, Hisoka had no way to control the spiritual power and could only rely on his own instinct to defend. In this case, he would be easily broken. It was very dangerous for Hisoka.

"Puff puff……"

Soon, Hisoka was injured again. Not only that, the defensive shield on Hisoka's body was broken under the waves of attacks, leaving some scars on his body, and Hisoka also felt that the load on his body had changed. Be stronger.

Hisoka knew that he had to defend relentlessly, otherwise he would definitely suffer a loss later, and this young man would definitely not let him win easily.

"This can't go on like this. We have to find a way." Hisoka said secretly.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, Hisoka's body had already suffered many injuries, but Hisoka still persisted and became more courageous as he fought. This shocked the young man, but he did not give up.

Soon, Hisoka blocked all the young man's attacks.

Just when Hisoka blocked the young man's attack, the young man suddenly took out a long sword and stabbed Hisoka. Hisoka quickly dodged, but was still half a beat too late, and the sword directly cut through Hisoka. clothes.


Hisoka's clothes were cut open, exposing his fair skin.

Hisoka was furious. He didn't expect that he would be attacked unexpectedly by a young boy.

Chapter 864: The young man has a fire-attributed spiritual core in his body

When Hisoka saw this, he was furious. He didn't expect that he would be attacked by a young boy.

"How dare you attack me?!" Hisoka said through gritted teeth.

"What happened to me sneak attack on you?" The young man curled his lips and said, "Who cares about you? Who do you think you are!"

"You!" Hisoka said angrily, "Okay, I admit that I do not look very good, but my strength is far superior to yours. I will let you see now whether I am qualified to be your opponent!"

As soon as Hisoka finished speaking, his figure moved instantly and rushed in front of the young man in the blink of an eye, swinging his fists and hitting the young man like raindrops.


Hisoka punched harder than the last, hitting the young man's face with roaring force.


The young man who was beaten screamed, covered his face and took a few steps back.

"What a powerful move, what a powerful force!"

Seeing this scene, the surrounding audience said in shock.

"This is……"

Hisoka's expression suddenly froze.

The young man's figure was seen disappearing on the spot.


At this moment, a sharp dagger appeared on Hisoka's neck.

Hisoka looked at the dagger on his neck. He didn't expect that this guy was so fast and could avoid his attack.


The young man snorted coldly, put away the dagger, and then walked towards Hisoka.

Hisoka looked at the approaching young man and said, "Why don't you do it?"

"Because I haven't played enough yet!" the young man said, "No matter your appearance or your strength, it is enough for me to play for a while, and I will not end the game until I am tired of playing."

Hisoka's face turned gloomy after hearing these arrogant words.

"Since you are so stubborn, I will help you and make your death very painful!" Hisoka said through gritted teeth, he was completely angry.

"Then let me see if you have this ability!"

After the young man finished speaking, he attacked Hisoka again.

"Bang bang bang..."

The two attacks continued to collide with each other, making loud noises, and deep cracks were left on the ground where their fists and feet touched.


There was an explosion, and Hisoka flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

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