Li Haoran also waved his fist to greet him in a weak manner.


The fists of the two collided together, and after a loud noise, Xisuo fell back five or six meters, and Li Haoran was also shocked and stepped back five or six meters.

Hisoka is not a reckless person. Although he is not afraid of Li Haoran, he must not be careless.

"If that's the case, then you should die!" Hisoka snorted coldly.

After saying that, he attacked Li Haoran.

Li Haoran also did not fall behind, and the two of them started fighting back and forth. The speed of the two of them became faster and faster, and the wind of their fists roared.

The bodies of the two people were constantly entangled in mid-air, and the shadows of their fists were so heavy that everyone around them could not open their eyes.

The confrontation between the two was so brutal that many viewers couldn't help but cover their eyes.

But soon, they discovered that the two of them were actually having a great time fighting in the air, which was something beyond their imagination.

They saw that Li Haoran could actually tie with Xisuo, so it was okay. After all, the two of them had similar cultivation levels.

The key is that every time the two of them fight, there will be violent energy fluctuations.

The energy fluctuation quickly spread out, and all the viewers were affected by this energy fluctuation.

Both of them were forced to stop. They each withdrew their fists and stood on the ground.

Looking at Li Haoran, Xisuo said coldly: "It took a while."

"I still have some trump cards that are useless. If you want to know, then come and try it!" Li Haoran snorted coldly.

"What an arrogant boy, you are so arrogant!" Hisoka sneered: "Punch me!".

Chapter 869 The fire spirit core is rotating and the golden dragon is circling!

Hisoka's fingers suddenly bent and instantly turned into sharp claws, stabbing straight at Li Haoran.

Li Haoran snorted coldly. He had long expected that Hisoka would do this. Li Haoran directly stretched out his left hand, grabbed Hisoka's fist, and then made a fist with his right hand and hit Hisoka's chest.

Hisoka didn't expect Li Haoran's reaction speed to be so fast, but he quickly adjusted his state, and his whole body suddenly shrank into his original appearance, and then he whipped his leg towards Li Haoran.

Li Haoran's left fist collided with Hisoka's whip leg, and Li Haoran felt himself being bounced away by a huge impact.

And Hisoka also took four steps back before stopping.

However, Hisoka did not give up. He rushed forward again and punched Li Haoran in the face. He also turned his fist into a palm and slapped Li Haoran's chest directly.

When Li Haoran saw Hisoka rushing towards him again, he cursed in his heart, "Damn it, it seems like it won't work if we don't show our true skills."

Li Haoran suddenly turned the fire spirit core in his body, and a golden flame burst out from all over his body. Under Li Haoran's control, the golden flame turned into a golden dragon and wrapped around Li Haoran's body.

The golden dragon hovered, and Li Haoran's whole person was enveloped in the golden dragon.

Under Li Haoran's control, the golden dragon suddenly wrapped around Xisuo's body.

Hisoka was ejected by the force erupting from Li Haoran and fell hard under the ring.

Seeing Hisoka being thrown away by the golden dragon, everyone was dumbfounded and looked at Hisoka in disbelief.

When Hisoka was ejected, he was extremely shocked.

How could Li Haoran have such unpredictable strength? Has his strength reached a higher level?

Thinking of this, Hisoka felt his heart trembling. He was a proud man, but he was defeated by a new kid. How could he accept it?

Hisoka got up from the ground and looked at Li Haoran on the ring, his heart filled with anger.

Hisoka has never been looked down upon like this before, and he wants Li Haoran to pay back a hundredfold for today's humiliation.

Thinking of this, Hisoka's eyes darkened.

Li Haoran stood on the ring and looked at Xisuo.

"Hisoka, you do have some strength, but you are still far from it. I advise you to admit defeat!" Li Haoran looked at Hisoka and said.

"Admit defeat?" Hisoka smiled, his smile was evil and ferocious.

Li Haoran looked at Xisuo's expression and frowned, feeling a sign of crisis in his heart.

Li Haoran's body suddenly took a few steps back, dodging Xisuo's attack.

Hisoka did not pursue him. He stood up straight, looked at Li Haoran and said, "What is the name of that move you just made?"

After hearing this, Li Haoran smiled and said, "Do you want to learn? But unfortunately, you can't see it."

After saying that, Li Haoran's figure disappeared and appeared in front of Xisuo.

Hisoka's pupils shrank, and he quickly jumped to the side, but at this moment, he suddenly found a huge palm hitting his head.

Hisoka's face turned pale with fright. He knew that if this slap hit his shoulder, one of his arms would be destroyed even if he didn't die.

He wanted to escape, but Li Haoran was already in front of Xisuo.

Hisoka only felt that his neck was squeezed tightly by an iron-like hand, and no matter how hard he struggled, he could not move.

Chapter 870: An Evenly Matched Showdown

Hisoka felt like he was about to suffocate.

At this moment, a familiar voice came to his ear, "Don't move. You have tried my methods. I am not bragging. You are no match for me."

When Xisuo heard this voice, he trembled all over. He finally understood the horror of Li Haoran.

Xisuo knew that there was no point in struggling anymore, as his life was in Li Haoran's hands.

He was unwilling to do so. He didn't want to die like this.

Hisoka's eyes became much firmer. He suddenly raised his right foot and pushed his knee into Li Haoran's abdomen.

Li Haoran didn't expect that Hisoka would dare to hit him with his knee. He was unprepared and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Then Li Haoran's body flew out directly and knocked over a chair before he stopped.

Li Haoran's body fell to the ground, feeling as if his internal organs had been displaced, and he bared his teeth.


Li Haoran spat out a mouthful of blood, curled up on the ground and twitched.

The referees who saw this scene panicked because this was the second time Li Haoran vomited blood, and the extent of the vomiting was quite large.

Li Haoran exuded a strong aura, his eyes widened, staring at Hisoka opposite him.

"Hisoka, your life is really short!" Li Haoran gasped, sat up with difficulty, and looked at Hisoka with gritted teeth and said.

"Haha, Li Haoran, I didn't expect that you are actually a talented person!" Hisoka looked at Li Haoran and said, "It's a pity that you met me, otherwise, your future will definitely be limitless."

Hisoka's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"You want to kill me?" Li Haoran looked at Xisuo and asked.

"As long as you don't stop me from successfully advancing, I won't do anything to you." Hisoka said.

"Well, in that case, let's see who wins first!"

"no problem!"

Li Haoran and Xisuo fought together again. This time they both showed their full strength. At this moment, both of them were fighting desperately.

Both of them released a destructive aura, making the surrounding audience shudder.

Li Haoran punched Xisuo hard in the lower abdomen, and Xisuo's figure was directly thrown away.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Hisoka's mouth. He felt suffocated for a while, and then his body hit the ring hard with a loud bang. The whole ring shook, and the stone slabs around the ring also shattered. .

Li Haoran saw that Hisoka was injured, and an excited smile appeared on his face.

When he saw Hisoka still standing up, he rushed over and violently attacked Hisoka again, punching Hisoka's chest one after another.

At this moment, Hisoka felt like he was going to be beaten to death.

His body kept moving back, but Li Haoran's speed was too fast, and he had no way to retreat. Li Haoran's fist kept hitting Xisuo's chest.

Punch after punch, Hisoka was knocked backwards and forwards.

Seeing Hisoka's embarrassed look, a successful smile appeared on Li Haoran's face.

Hisoka looked at Li Haoran with a bitter expression on his face.

He never expected that Li Haoran's strength would be so strong. This was simply unbelievable, but with the facts in front of him, Xisuo couldn't help but not believe it.

Chapter 871 Hisoka takes the third-grade heavenly healing medicine

Li Haoran's strength has exceeded his imagination!

thump! "

Hisoka was finally defeated by Li Haoran. Li Haoran punched Hisoka to the ground. Seeing Hisoka lying on the ring, Li Haoran snorted and said: "Sisuo, you lose!"

Hisoka climbed up with difficulty. He looked at Li Haoran and said through gritted teeth, "You're dreaming!"

Li Haoran sneered and said disdainfully: "Humph, admit that you are not as good as me, what's the big deal?"

When Xisuo heard Li Haoran's words, he coughed angrily.

Li Haoran walked to the ring, looked at Xisuo condescendingly and said: "I don't care who you are, but in my eyes, you are just an ant! Do you think I am really afraid of you? You don't weigh your own weight either. , do you really think you are a master?"

"Hmph... Oops!" Xisuo looked at Li Haoran and cursed.

When Li Haoran heard this, he scolded in a cold voice: "Shut up! If you are not convinced, come again!"

Hisoka looked at Li Haoran and gritted his teeth.

"Come here if you're not convinced! Don't pretend to be dead, I'm still waiting for you to continue the challenge!" Li Haoran looked at Hisoka and shouted arrogantly.

Xisuo gritted his teeth and looked at Li Haoran, feeling unwilling but helpless.

If he couldn't defeat Li Haoran in a short time, he would have no choice but to lose this competition.

Such a result would do too much damage to his reputation.

Hisoka took a deep breath to calm down the anger in his heart.

He looked at Li Haoran and said, "Li Haoran, this game is not over yet!"

When Li Haoran heard this, he laughed and said, "Oh? What do you want?"

Although Li Haoran was smiling, his tone was full of sarcasm.

Hisoka saw Li Haoran's mocking look, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes. Then he took out a pill from his arms and swallowed it.

"Li Haoran, let me tell you, I have taken the third-grade heaven-level healing holy medicine. You can't even think of hurting me!" Hisoka said viciously: "I will make you pay the price!"

Hearing this, Li Haoran frowned slightly. Unexpectedly, Hisoka had already refined the heaven-level healing medicine. No wonder Hisoka would be so rampant.

But Li Haoran was not afraid. In the face of absolute strength, everything seemed pale and powerless.

Hisoka finished taking the heavenly healing medicine, and his breath began to slowly recover.

Soon, Hisoka turned back to his previous appearance. He looked at Li Haoran and said calmly: "Li Haoran, let's continue the game."

"Not only do I want to win against you, but I also want to convince you that you lost!" Hisoka said word for word.

Li Haoran looked at Hisoka and laughed, and said, "Do you think you can defeat me after taking the healing medicine? Stop dreaming."

"Whether I am dreaming or not, you will know soon!" After Hisoka said this, he flashed and disappeared instantly. A dagger appeared in his hand and stabbed Li Haoran in the back. .

Li Haoran saw Hisoka suddenly making a move, and he quickly turned around to avoid it.

Hisoka didn't expect that Li Haoran actually dodged his fatal knife, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Li Haoran took this opportunity and punched Hisoka in the abdomen, but Li Haoran still underestimated Hisoka's reaction ability. He was not injured by Li Haoran's punch, and was not even affected much.

Chapter 872 The final blow determines the outcome

When Li Haoran saw this, he quickly took a step back.

"Hmph, your strength is good, but your moves are too bad." Hisoka sneered and said: "Do you think you can defeat me with your little ability? I advise you to surrender obediently, otherwise, you The end will be even worse!"

When Li Haoran heard this, he couldn't help laughing. This guy was so reckless.

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