"No...impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Li Haoran told himself over and over again that this was impossible, but when the facts were in front of him, he had to admit that this was the truth.

However, Li Haoran did not lose his fighting spirit because of this. He believed that this move of his could definitely eliminate Xisuo, and he would definitely gain both fame and fortune by then.

But Li Haoran didn't know that everything he thought was not true, but all lies, and his ending was not very optimistic either.

Because at this time, Li Haoran used the soul blade again. After Li Haoran's soul blade drew an arc in mid-air, it immediately shot towards Hisoka.

Hisoka sneered when he saw Li Haoran displaying the Soul Blade again.

The ending was that Li Haoran, the soul blade, was easily thrown away by Hisoka.

But Li Haoran could only take a slap from Xisuo head-on.

Li Haoran felt a pain in his chest, became unstable and flew out.

Li Haoran looked at the flying body, and bright red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Li Haoran felt the pain coming from his chest and frowned immediately.

He didn't expect that his physical defense could not withstand Hisoka's move, which made him a little unexpected. However, this was not the most important thing. The most important thing was that Li Haoran's aura cover was actually hit by Hisoka's move. Broken, which made him feel a little unbelievable.

Hisoka looked at Li Haoran who was flying backwards, laughed loudly and said: "Haha...boy, you still can't resist my move after all, you lose!"

After speaking, Hisoka waved his hand and turned to look at the referee in the audience.

Li Haoran watched Hisoka's back turned to him, and wanted to stand up to resist, but he was too weak to move, so he had to look at the referee.

The referee looked at Li Haoran who was lying on the ground and vomiting blood. He immediately shook his head and cursed in his heart: "This guy is so ungrateful that he managed to hold on for so long!"

But Hisoka looked like he was sure of victory. He looked at the referee and said: "Referee, do you think it is necessary for us to continue the competition?"

After hearing Hisoka's words, the referee hesitated for a while, and finally looked at Li Haoran who was lying on the ground and asked the player what he meant.

Li Haoran nodded and said coldly: "I give up!"

The referee finally came to the stage and announced that the winner of this match was Hisoka.

Hisoka had a bright smile on his face after hearing the result.

Li Haoran stood up and looked at Xisuo with eyes full of resentment. He secretly swore in his heart: "Sisuo, one day I will defeat you and save you from today's shame."

However, Li Haoran's wish obviously could not be realized. Hisoka had already left the ring and walked out of the competition arena. He looked at Li Haoran and said with a smile: "Li Haoran, I hope we will not meet again. This time I can spare your life. But next time, you won’t be so lucky.”.

Chapter 877: Demon Kingdom Tianlongmen, what is that?

After Hisoka finished speaking, he laughed and left.

Li Haoran looked at Xisuo's retreating back, with two strong flames coming out of his eyes.

But now he doesn't have much energy to catch up, so he can only wait for the opportunity.

This round of challenge was over, and Hisoka felt proud, but he still had a gloomy smile on his face.

Hisoka needed to wait for the next round of challenges, so he left the ring and prepared to return to the resting area to rest.

The referee team is arranging each player's opponent for the next round based on the points from the first round.

After Hisoka returned to his rest area, he sat on a chair and closed his eyes to relax.

Unknowingly, it was already night, and Hisoka slowly opened his eyes. He stood up and walked towards the ring.

When Hisoka came to the edge of the ring, he saw that the ring was full of people. Seeing this scene, Hisoka frowned slightly, and then quickly came to the high platform.

Hisoka looked at the crowd around him and asked in a cold voice: "Where are we going now?"

At this time, a slightly younger boy walked up to Hisoka and said, "Brother Hisoka, this game has just ended. The next game is your elimination round."

After hearing this, Hisoka nodded and said, "Yes, I understand."

After saying that, Hisoka walked towards the competition room for the next game, because if the previous game had just ended, his own game was about to begin.

"Who will we meet this round?" Hisoka said to himself with a playful smile on his face after walking to the waiting area.

Hisoka had no idea who he would face, but he guessed that his opponent would be a talented player of this age group.

Genius players of this age group have average training talents, but they have strong talents because of the skills they practice.

If his opponent is another talented player, then he will definitely be very excited, because he can also use this game to improve his strength.

But who is his opponent?

His opponent was not only stronger than him, but also extremely talented. In this way, his advantage became negative, so Hisoka was a little worried, not knowing who he would run into.

Just when Hisoka was thinking, he suddenly heard the referee announce: "In the second round, Hisoka will face Wu Shuang, a disciple of the Demonic Kingdom's Tianlong Clan. Please come on stage!"

Hisoka became even more uneasy after hearing what the referee said.

Because he had already thought that his opponent would not be simple, but he never thought that it would be someone from a family that he was not familiar with.

"Demon Kingdom Tianlongmen, what is that?" Hisoka muttered in his heart, but he did not show any emotion on the surface and walked to the high platform calmly.

The Demon Kingdom is a mysterious country.

Although people in this world know about the existence of the Demon Kingdom, few people know that there is a Tianlong Gate within the Demon Kingdom.

After Xisuo got on the high platform, he glanced at Wu Shuang and thought to himself: "This kid is so unlucky. I can defeat Li Haoran, but he still wants to fight me? Isn't this looking for death!"

Wu Shuang also noticed Xisuo at this time.

Seeing Hisoka's appearance, Wu Shuang's eyes lit up.

Because although Hisoka's appearance was not very handsome, his figure and his dressing taste gave Wu Shuang a special feeling, which made Wu Shuang couldn't help but feel excited.

And he also felt a hint of murderous aura from Hisoka.

Chapter 878: Hisoka’s opponent, the person who was guided by the Demon King

"It seems that this Xisuo has a very bad character!" Wu Shuang thought to himself.

But he also knew who his opponent was. He was the person most valued by the Demon King in the Demon Kingdom, named Wu Shuang.

But Wu Shuang does have pride. After all, he is one of the few people who has been guided by the Demon Emperor.

With the help of the Demon Emperor, his cultivation speed is several times faster than that of his peers, and his own talent and strength are not bad either.

Therefore, Wu Shuang is not afraid of Xisuo, and is even full of provocation towards Xisuo.

However, he also knew that the opponents he encountered before were different from Hisoka, who was a genius.

Hisoka looked at his opponent Wu Shuang with a playful smile on his lips. He knew that the opponent had always been hostile to him.

Xisuo was too lazy to talk nonsense and asked: "You are Wu Shuang, a disciple of the Tianlong Sect. Let's learn from each other!"

After hearing what Xisuo said, Wu Shuang snorted coldly and said, "That's exactly what you meant!"

After hearing this, Hisoka looked at the referee with a smile and said, "Oh? Referee, can we start?"

The referee nodded after hearing this.

Immediately, Hisoka took out his black sword, got into a stance, and shouted to Wu Shuang: "Wu Shuang, come on!"

After Wu Shuang heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he took a step forward and punched Hisoka. At the same time, his right hand turned into a palm and swatted towards Hisoka.

When Hisoka saw Wu Shuang's punch coming, with a playful smile on his lips, he dodged the punch on one side of his body.

Wu Shuang looked at Xisuo who was avoiding him, and a flash of brilliance flashed in his eyes. He was indeed a talented player from the Demon Kingdom!


After seeing Wu Shuang's punch miss, Hisoka immediately slashed at Wu Shuang with his palm.

Wu Shuang looked at the incoming palm and narrowed his eyes slightly. Then he raised his left hand and turned his right hand into a palm to meet Hisoka's attack.


A violent force exploded in the palms of the two men, and a deafening loud noise spread throughout the entire arena. Both the contestants and the audience were frightened by the loud noise and their hearts twitched violently.

Sisuo watched Wu Shuang resist his attack and exclaimed in his heart: "Yes, it seems that Wu Shuang is not weak at all. No wonder he dares to challenge me! But he still wants to defeat me, but he is still delusional!"

When Xisuo thought of this, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he raised his right arm again and smashed it towards Wu Shuang.


Another terrifying force erupted, causing the entire arena to tremble violently. Countless stones shattered. Some warriors with low cultivation levels were directly knocked off the stage by this terrifying shock wave. They kept coughing up blood and collapsed. Under the ring.

Xisuo and Wu Shuang had fought countless times, but the two still couldn't decide the winner.

Neither Xisuo nor Wu Shuang expected that the other party was so powerful, but they did not give up and continued fighting.

"Bang bang bang!"

The two kept fighting, each attack bursting out with terrifying power.

Both of them are geniuses in the Demon Kingdom, and their strength is naturally extraordinary.

Hisoka saw that he could not gain any upper hand, so he increased his speed.

The next second, Hisoka disappeared from the ring.

Seeing that Hisoka suddenly disappeared, Wu Shuang's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, with a solemn look on his face.

"So fast!"

Wu Shuang was shocked. There was no trace of Xisuo within his sensing range, which made Wu Shuang wary.

Chapter 879: Your blood carries the smell of the Demon Emperor

At this time, Wu Shuang suddenly took a step to the right, stepped on the ring with his right foot, and moved his body instantly. At the same time, he waved his hands and slapped out with a palm.



As Wu Shuang struck out with one palm after another, a strong gust of wind blew by, blowing the long hair on his forehead, and circles of ripples visible to the naked eye appeared around him. After the ripples dispersed, A huge palm print appeared on the ring.

The shape of this palm print is very much like a palm, and above this palm, there is a rich black mist.

"This is..." After seeing this palm, Hisoka's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Is this the Demon Emperor's Shadow Palm? How could he learn it?"

Hisoka thought in horror as he watched the moves Wu Shuang performed.

He had heard of the Demon Emperor's move before, and although he had never seen it in person, he probably thought it was the move just now.

Thinking of this, Hisoka's heart couldn't help but beat violently, and he suddenly felt a lot more nervous.


Xisuo hit Wu Shuang's body with a palm, and Wu Shuang's body was immediately shaken back a long way, and he also spurted a large mouthful of blood in the air.

However, Wu Shuang's face did not show an expression of pain, but an expression of excitement.

When Hisoka saw this scene, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "It seems you are very confident in yourself!"

"Of course!" Wu Shuang said proudly after hearing what Xisuo said.

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, I like it. In that case, I will make it happen for you!" Xisuo laughed after hearing Wu Shuang's words.

After Hisoka finished speaking, a strange green light flashed in his eyes.

There was a corrosive aura in this green light.

After Wu Shuang felt this aura, he frowned and said, "What's going on?"

After hearing Wu Shuang's words, Xisuo laughed and said: "As expected of the person brought out by the Demon Emperor, your blood carries the taste of the Demon Emperor. Yes, you have successfully attracted my attention."

At this point, Hisoka's figure disappeared.

"Not good!" Wu Shuang looked at Xisuo who suddenly disappeared, and his heart suddenly sank, knowing that something might be going on.

Although he could sense something moving in the surrounding space, he couldn't sense where it was.

Wu Shuang knew that this must be Xisuo's concealment technique, and it was an extremely clever concealment technique.


Just as Wu Shuang was thinking, a black light flashed across his face instantly.


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