Chapter 5 : Even if I face the ancestors to the sky, how can I reduce my compellingness at all? !

“The ninth has finally begun!”

“You said, who will this ninth person be?!”

In the wild world, countless people are staring at the projection of the heavens, and they have been completely aroused!

“Will it be the True Monarch?”

“The three eyes have a dead face all day long, and they look like everyone owes him money! Pretend to be tight!”

“It should be the little old man of Jade Emperor who wins the face!”

“By the way, has anyone found this man named Eliquis?”

“Is it a strong man hidden by someone from the Western Tu Buddhism?”

A Daoist shadow, holding the projection of the heavens, all waiting nervously!

Guessing in my mind!

The breeze is cool and the green grass is like green grass.

On a hill not far from the daughter country, Sun Wukong and other four masters and apprentices are also squatting on the ground, looking at the projections of the heavens!

“There will definitely be my grandson this time, right?”

“The tenth place really doesn’t match my old grandson’s reputation!”

Looking at the projection of the heavens, Sun Wukong has bright eyes and full of confidence!

If it is compelling, who in the whole The Three Realms can compare to him?

Back then, he alone broke into the Dragon Palace, made a big noise in the Heavenly Palace, overturned the Pantao Banquet, and entered Nine Heavens alone, and the 100,000 heavenly soldiers and geniuses flee in embarrassment!

Dou Shigong has nothing to do with him, and the sky is like itching with swords and axes!

Even in the end, the Buddha was invited to take action, and he was worthy of town under the Wuzhi Mountain!

In that battle, the world broke and the ground broke, and the ghosts were crying and howling!

“The only black spot is probably those stinky eyes, and my grandson with a dog’s yin, left the stain!”

Sun Wukong was indignant, and his eyes shone brightly: “If this matter prevents my old grandson from editing, I…”

“Brother Monkey! Brother Monkey! Stop talking, let’s start, let’s begin!” The Drifting monk beside him suddenly exclaimed.

“Huh?! Have you started! Quick, let’s go!”

Sun Wukong was so excited that he hurriedly moved forward and cautiously opened the next projection of the heavens!

In fact, not only Sun Wukong but also Ten Thousand Worlds existed more, and they all opened the next projection of the heavens in the first time!

Melodious faintly sounded.

A few lines of small subtitles gradually disappeared in the picture and wanted to surface.

In Ten Thousand Worlds, everyone closed their breaths and stared at the screen.

But in the next moment, a thunderous sound appeared in the picture!

[Thousands of mountains wind and rain roar Qingfeng! 】

[Born for war, live for war! 】

[This is the pride of the world, the calmness of the lonely mountain, and the real strength of the strong! 】

[With a sword in hand, all directions move! 】

[Ancient people said that “Tianjiao pays and madness”, so should a big man! Ask the world, who is the hero! 】

The huge voice shook the Quartet!

Along with this voice, there is also a sea of ​​thunder!

‘Crack! ’

The endless ocean, tumbling and howling, in which there are countless corpses up and down!

These corpses are different, some of them are as brilliant as Star, hot like Star, the bones are crystal clear, you can see the Galaxy Cluster flowing through them;

Some are extremely small, just the height of a normal person, buried by black shadows, pale and decayed, bones are magnificent, and dilapidated in the thunder!

Hundreds of millions of bones, floating in the thunder ocean, each one is different!

Some are calm, some are unwilling, some roar, some are hideous…

But they have the same characteristic!

That is, everyone stands up and looks up, holding a weapon in hand, looking down at the sky!

“What are they doing?!”

“Where did these corpses come from?!”

In Ten Thousand Worlds, countless people were shocked to see this scene!

Can you pretend like this?

Are there corpses buried in the Thunder Ocean?

Hundreds of millions of corpses!

Everyone in the world!

Every one of them clenched their weapons and looked up at the sky, as if they were looking at something!

Just looking at it, there is an indescribable sadness overflowing in my chest!

what are they doing?

Countless people are guessing!

And just as they were speculating wildly, suddenly there was a long and desolate war song that quietly sounded!

[Repair my sword, kill Nine Heavens, sprinkle my blood, and move forward…]

The old ballads are like someone humming.

“Huh? A song?”

“Sprinkle my blood, repair my sword…a bit of blood! But who is pretending?!”

“Who is talking!”

In Ten Thousand Worlds, countless people squinted their eyes and stared at every picture!


The blood-stained figure, holding the blood-colored banner, appeared at the center of Thunder Corpse Sea at some unknown time!

[Don’t worship heaven, don’t kneel, just respect myself…][The strong are not afraid of loneliness, they are afraid of standing still forever on the road of seeking power…][Zhantian, battlefield, and all beings…]

The ancient voice sounded in the sea of ​​thunder!

A magnificent formation rose up beside that Daoist shadow, shaking his remnant body into the sky, with a blood-colored banner behind it!

At this moment, everyone in Ten Thousand Worlds finally saw the existence of sentient beings, and finally saw clearly!

In their hearts, at the same time a kind of chilly feeling rose up!

War days! !

This Daoist shadow!

Actually fighting against the sky? !

Countless hearts are shocked!

My limbs were frightened by the idea of ​​own!

What is he doing to kill Nine Heavens?

Are you fighting against the sky? !

“Fuck! This man! Pretends so much!”

“Fuck! Can you pretend like this?”

“He pretended to be! My blood is boiling!”

But before everyone came back to their senses, the next moment, the picture changed!

The broken sky disappeared, Lei Hai and the corpse disappeared!

The man covered in blood with a broken flag in his hand seemed to be in a battle.

Yue Hua Jiaojiao.

The golden Galaxy Cluster is used as a chain, pierced from all sides.

He broke his hand and foot, and the blood hole behind his chest was transparent.

There are so many people.

The man was stained with blood, holding a broken sword in his hand, fighting spirit boiled, and raised his finger to heaven!

Use your own strength to fight against thousands of opponents!

The endless moonlight shines on all directions, the chains are trapped in all directions, and the moonlight Earthly Branches are torn apart!

The black hair was scattered like a madman, the man’s eyes were blood red, and thousands of chains were broken, and the sky was cut with a broken sword, roaring into the sky!

[Great ancestor, second ancestor, third ancestor…][There is no need to resurrect the distant ancestors, give me time, I will surpass the distant ancestors! 】

[I, never die! ! ! 】

Never die!

Countless people were shocked to see this scene!

It seems that the blood is boiling!

But at the same time, they are gnashing their teeth!

“The strength is okay, but I have to say that this is a real force!”

“Those people are his ancestors? In order to pretend to be coercive, this person really gave up!”

“There is no need to resurrect the distant ancestors, I will surpass the distant ancestors… stepping on the ancestors to pretend to be forced, Gan! You really have you!”


The man’s side suddenly exploded, erupting endless laws, the faint white mist curled up, his eyes faded, and he shouted softly, causing lightning and thunder!

The above Yuehua boomed and thundered and became Wang Yang!

All are transformed by the electric light, the stunned waves hit the sky, and the waves are surging!

The man tore the world away, came to the edge, and looked back.

It was a handsome face, with black hair like a waterfall, and an expression of determination, as determined as a knife.

The eyes are shining with the luster of wisdom, like the thunder of the sky, you can see through the sun, the moon and the stars and smear the years of mysterious and yellow aura!

“You must have a low self-esteem when you climb high, and you must be self-conscious when you travel far. In this world, the important thing is not where you are standing, but what direction you are moving!”

“With a sword in hand, all directions are moving, and I can ask the world…”

“Who is the hero?!”

[Ten Thousand Worlds Ten Thousand Worlds Forced Characters Inventory! 】

【Ninth place】

【God tomb world】

[Four Souls of the Battle Sky·Chen Ninth][Reason for being on the list: Pretending to be forced all the time! 】

[Even if you face the ancestors, how can you reduce me to the sky? ! 】*

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