Until Mirona finished the last vase in Drew’s house, no one was able to stop her frantic behavior... This kind of powerlessness made Lin Tianyin feel helpless, and finally, under the chase of those furious family members, Lin Tianyin The group finally fled.

Originally, Lin Tianyin was still looking forward to taking this opportunity to get rid of Mirona in one fell swoop. But unfortunately, the girl who had gone crazy also escaped, and the whole person turned into that weaker and pitiful appearance again, which made Lin Tianyin even more angry.

Feelings, is this release of anger or dual personality...

However, after destroying so many valuable properties, Master Drew obviously did not intend to let Lin Tianyin and the others easily. When they fled to the street, Master Drew’s family members also chased them up, and finally released Ah Fu. Worried ice wolves.

"Oh...Why are they so cruel? Don't you plan to let Afu go..." Mirona rubbed the stick in her hands anxiously, showing a sad expression as she ran.

"What?! Didn't you hurt this?!" Ah Fu jumped up immediately, as if he could not believe that the culprit responsible for all of this was in such an unusual appearance that he was almost speechless.

"Eh, I, is it me?" Mirona showed a shocked and hurt expression, "but I just want to help Ah Fu...they are so annoying!"

"Are you helping?! It's just that you become a "Porcelain Bottle Destroyer", okay?!"

Ah Fu blushed with anger. Obviously Lin Tianyin and Gagaf didn't think that was any help, and both remained silent at the same time.

Afu's reaction made Mirona more at a loss, but now it was not a time for infighting. The two ice wolves behind quickly chased up, and the monkey ran ahead, squeaking in horror.

"No, I can't run anymore! Hurry up and think of a way!" Ah Fu's physical strength was obviously weakened, and he started shouting again.

"Hold on for a while, didn't you run fast when you stole our things?"

Lin Tianyin scolded Ah Fu angrily, Ah Fu closed his mouth immediately, relatively speaking, he was more afraid of this fat girl.

The group of people rushed all the way and was about to run out of this town. In fact, according to the current situation, it doesn't matter how far it goes, but Lin Tianyin didn't run away to escape, she was looking for an opportunity. Gagaf beside him had very firm eyes, and his goal was the same.

Lin Tianyin and the others currently only have the only obstacle, so as long as they reach a place where the prince and the leader of the knights can't reach it, they can do it!

Hold on for a while, one more thing.


At the moment when they rushed out of the town, Lin Tianyin and Gagaf exchanged glances, Lin Tianyin stopped abruptly, turned around and took a fist to meet the silver-white ice wolf who was leaping forward.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!"

No one can underestimate her power! Lin Tianyin hit the ice wolf who was leaping towards her with a punch, and then knocked the beast into the air in an instant.


The ice wolf screamed and fell to the ground, and his body still rolled on the ground a few times. Lin Tianyin felt his fists numb, and this blow didn't even blow his opponent. Sure enough, isn't this a powerful enemy that the early adventurers should encounter? !

Of course, Lin Tianyin obviously forgot the skeleton soldiers and red dragons that she killed when she was hungry and irrational... After temporarily repelling an ice wolf, she quickly adjusted her fighting stance, and rolled and avoided the other ice. The wolf's bite. Suddenly, there was a particularly warm feeling that surrounded Lin Tianyin, and even made her feel that her emotions became inexplicably happy.

what happened? Lin Tianyin was stunned, and then discovered that Mirona, who was hiding not far away, threw a healing technique on her. Lin Tianyin was speechless immediately, and could not help but shouted at Mirona: "What are you doing?! I haven't been injured yet!"

"Sorry for being so nervous..." Mirona twisted nervously.

"Don't waste blue!" Lin Tianyin continued to be speechless.

"Huh? Blue?" Mirona obviously didn't understand what Lin Tianyin was talking about, and looked confused. Lin Tianyin had to say nothing, she didn't expect these people to understand her cold jokes about online games. However, at the moment when she was distracted, Gagaf suddenly yelled "Caution".

However, the moment of shouting was too late, the downed ice wolf had jumped from the ground and bit Lin Tianyin's shoulder.

"Wow!!" Lin Tianyin suddenly screamed heartbreakingly, "Now it is, hurry up and heal me!"

"Come on! Cure!" Mirona immediately stretched her arms and began to chant. At the same time a healing technique fell on Lin Tianyin, Gagaf had already shot an arrow into the eyes of the ice wolf who bit Lin Tianyin's shoulder. Just as when the blue-headed bird leader was shot down before, the arrow hit very accurately, and suddenly dark red blood spurted out of the ice wolf's eyes. The beast screamed, and immediately let go of Lin Tianyin's shoulders, and took a few steps back.

"There is a flaw!"

Lin Tianyin strode forward one after another, and did not give the ice wolf a chance to continue to retreat. Gagaf began to shoot another ice wolf to prevent it from leading forward. In such a blink of an eye, Lin Tianyin counted his punches and beat them, and quickly killed the ice wolf that had been hit in the eye.

"Sanoya is amazing!"

Mirona exclaimed, wondering whether this was a compliment or a satire for a girl. And seeing the scene where someone killed the most ferocious beast ice wolf with bare hands, the families who chased with sticks were also shocked, they stopped not far from Lin Tianyin, but who I didn't dare to move closer. These guys stared at Lin Tianyin in horror, all of them shuddering.

"Go on, kidding! He killed Mao Mao empty-handed! Is that a human?!"

"How could we be opponents of that kind of monster... Wangcai! I'll rely on you next!"

…What is this name full of Chinese vernacular flavors? Lin Tianyin hardly knows how to complain about the author's ridiculous taste. However, Lin Tianyin disagrees with the reaction of these family members. The fat girl in the original book is extremely powerful, and it seems that her strength has not been weakened by losing weight.

However, another ice wolf named Wangcai didn't dare to approach directly after seeing its companion being beaten to death by random punches. It began to slowly circle around Lin Tianyin and the others, roaring in his mouth.

"What's the matter with Wangcai?! Don't be afraid! Come on!"

The frightened families clamored in the distance with sticks in their hands, but no one dared to step forward. At this time, Gagaf began to be inaccurate again. Although he took a aiming position, the guy didn't even shoot a single hair off the wolf. Mirona is still standing in the distance to release the healing technique, Lin Tianyin has no expectations for his two teammates.

…Hurry up!

Lin Tianyin stared at the ice wolf, and the wild beast stared at her fiercely. Everyone hated each other... and then in the next moment, they seemed to have a spirit in their hearts. At the same time, they violently rose from the same place. Pounced brutally at the opponent.

Lin Tianyin knew that the speed was not as fast as the ice wolf, so he deliberately exposed a flaw in his left hand. The beast was really fooled and bit Lin Tianyin's arm in one bite. Lin Tianyin screamed in pain immediately, but she didn't waste any opportunity to start slamming the wolf's head with her right fist.

Bang bang bang!

After several punches, Lin Tianyin instantly knocked the wolf to the ground.

opportunity! Lin Tianyin lifted his spirits, enduring the tearing pain of his left arm and shouted, "Milona!"

"I'm here!" Mirona immediately responded to Lin Tianyin's call. However, she did not release the healing technique as Lin Tianyin expected. Instead, she picked up the stick that broke all the valuable jars in Drew's house and suddenly dropped it. Gagaf with a bow rushed to the fallen ice wolf and started punching and kicking.

"What?! I asked you to treat me!" Lin Tianyin was immediately shocked by Mirona's reaction, enduring the pain and shouting at Mirona. But Mirona didn't stop and beat the ice wolf together with Gagaf. Even the monkey screamed when he saw that the situation was getting better, and jumped over to join the beating.

"I'm sorry! I'm busy now! Shanuoya, you can treat yourself first!" Mirona turned her head and shouted at Lin Tianyin while smashing the ice wolf that had almost died with a stick.

…Can your teammates be more unreliable? ! Why didn't he even lose his original duty of treatment and become a DPS to fight monsters? !

"Oh my God! They are besieging Wangcai!"

"Should we help... But even Wangcai was beaten like this..."

The family members who were hiding in the distance started talking in horror, and still hesitated to approach. Ah Fu was completely frightened, and Lin Tianyin also remembered that he, who has the same blood line as Mirona, seemed to be a cure. Looking at her **** left arm and Mirona had given up treatment to her, in desperation, Lin Tianyin could only learn from Mirona and began to chant a spell on her left arm.

"Cu, Cure!" Lin Tianyin said tremblingly.

The moment the mantra was finished, a warm white light fell on his body, the torn wound disappeared quickly, and the whole person was suddenly full of strength. Lin Tianyin suddenly became energetic again, rolling up his sleeves and preparing to join the queue of the beating, as if he had missed something if he didn't fight. However, the moment Lin Tianyin rushed to open the crowd, Lin Tianyin suddenly saw that the ice wolf called "Wangcai" was already dead on the ground with blood and tongue. There were imprints and scratches from the stick, which looked even better than the front. Maomao is still miserable.

This, these guys! Is it because of multiple hands?

Lin Tianyin couldn't help being shocked by the cruel two people. The family members who saw Wangcai's tragic death were also stunned for a few seconds, and then I did not know who shouted: "Take revenge for Wangcai!" Then the family members were like Suddenly awakened, one by one raised the stick in his hand and screamed at Lin Tianyin and the others.

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