After following John's exploration in D7 and 8, Lin Tianyin judged at least 5 hours based on his belly hunger. This place is like a garbage dump. John stopped when he got close to the water and told the two of them to be here today. Their main job is to find useful things to take back, or to remove the dead monsters that fell here.

It seemed that there was no gain today, so John told them they could rest, and after regaining some strength, they went back.

"But you obviously have a rubber raft, why don't you go further?"

After sitting down in front of the water, Celer suddenly asked curiously. John looked at him and shook his head: "It's not for exploration, it's just to prevent accidents."


"Yes." John took out a cigarette, took a sip after it was lit, and said with a little emotion: "This kind of high-end goods can only be obtained after finding a new shipwreck... Oh, you don't know yet, in the sea. In the monster’s stomach, the water level in each area is different every day. Although we can’t feel it moving in Umm’s body, once the sea monster turns over, the place where we are sitting may be filled with sea water. Of course, it is also possible that the water level drops and more land appears. In short, if you don’t bring a kayak, even people who are good at water may accidentally bury themselves in the water. Please be aware that the water level changes here every hour. Moments, and irregularly."

At the moment when John spoke, they suddenly felt the ground under their feet shake, and then the sea next to them suddenly receded a lot, and more land was slowly exposed. A cave appeared in the place where the water was originally submerged. It may be the road to other places.

"Still going on?" Celer looked at John and asked.

"No, I don't know when the water level will recover. Today I walked far enough." John took a cigarette and said with mist, "You are the first day today. I will also take you to get familiar with it. Circumstances... Hey, I don’t do risky things. I don’t want to die so early."

"If you don't want to take risks, wouldn't it matter if you were trapped in such a place for the rest of your life?"

Lin Tianyin suddenly couldn't help but speak out. Celier didn't seem to expect that she would ask such a question, so Wei Wei looked at her unexpectedly.

"So what?" John seemed indifferent, and the words from his mouth were as ordinary as his face: "Although there is a lack of resources and boredom, once you get sick, you can only resign yourself to fate. Who is it? Don’t want to escape? But we are more afraid of death than taking that kind of risk. Really, all the people who want to go to Area A are dead, and no one comes back alive. You may be unwilling, but I sincerely persuade you. You guys, don't do stupid things."

"We have heard of someone who claimed to have come out of the belly of a sea monster. Have you really never heard of someone escaping?" Lin Tianyin asked unwillingly as if he hadn't heard John's words: "Or enter A After the district, his body did not float back. Has this happened?"

John's expression was stagnant, and then he became angry, "So what? Can you prove that they escaped here? Don't be stupid! Those people are just chewed by the monsters that there is nothing left! You are not like that. Believe that you want to go to death?!"

"Nonsense, of course I don't want to die, no one wants to die." Lin Tianyin replied calmly: "But I'm so entangled, painful and humble to live, I would rather choose to take risks and explore the truth."


John was stunned. He looked at Lin Tianyin blankly, and was speechless for a long time. Celir suddenly laughed and clapped aside: "Amazing, worthy of being the descendant of a brave man."

Lin Tianyin didn't care about him. John looked at Celer, but Celer's smile looked a little sarcasm, "But if you only have courage, it's reckless, because your kind of behavior is equivalent to suicide, and you will definitely die. Now that it's here. Here, you should abide by the rules here and try to live longer, right?"


Celir’s words were a bit unexpected, and Lin Tianyin was also stunned. At this time, John seemed to have found a helper, responding: "Yes! If you want to die, don’t stop you, but don’t drag others down! People who know current affairs should Understand the law of survival here!"

Then John stopped talking to Lin Tianyin, but patted Celier on the shoulder with admiration. Lin Tianyin suddenly became a little angry, what the **** is this guy doing? Didn’t you say you want to cooperate? Why did you suddenly change your mind? She was so optimistic about him before losing her!

So Lin Tianyin stopped talking to these two people. The journey back took a relatively short time, because they didn’t need to explore four weeks, and it took them less than an hour to return to the safe area on the same route.

On the limited land in the safe zone, many houses have been built, many of which are built with rocks and monster slime. In Area C, there is a sea beast called Birum with a hard shell. It secretes a very viscous liquid after foraging or being frightened. The residents in the sea monster’s belly will regularly catch that sea beast. , And then use its slime to build houses. However, in addition to simple houses, there is a small palace that looks magnificent and is said to be built with gems from a pirate ship. I don't know who lives there. Lin Tianyin didn't ask much in order to avoid trouble, but how many people can guess that people who can live in such a place must have a very high status.

However, there is obviously no plan in this kind of place, and the residents' houses are built in a mess, like a strategy game map played by a little girl. John led the two through a house, and finally entered a simple shed.

"You stay here for the time being. This is the dormitory of the exploration team." John pointed to the kang head in the shed, and Lin Tianyin frowned as he looked at the pile of bottles and cans—this condition is really bad. , There is not even a bed!

Not only that, there is also an unpleasant smell in it, a musty smell mixed with alcohol, and some other smells. Lin Tianyin subconsciously pinched his nose: "It smells so bad."

"Oh, that's because after the last member who lived here died, no new people joined for a long time." John explained with a grin, "If you die, this place will also be vacated. Give it to new members. Of course, you can apply for your own house after your resident's rank improves. Before that, you can either live here or lie outside on the ground. It has nothing to do with me."


Faced with such a face, Lin Tianyin also had nothing to say, but Celier accepted all of this happily. Then John told them that today's mission is over, and when the bell rings three times here, they can go to the central area to queue up for food.

"Food is only distributed once a day, it is the amount of one day. If you miss the time, there will be no food. You can only wait for this time the next day.

John gave them a meaningful look. "Next you will take a break. But there is one thing to warn you. Your current residents are too low, so don't wander around. If you accidentally break in, you shouldn't enter. Place...Be careful to cause trouble to yourself."

"...What kind of trouble will there be?" Lin Tianyin asked with a frown.

"You'd better not know it." John smiled, and at this time his ordinary face showed an unfriendly look. Lin Tianyin kept watching John leave Jian Peng, then turned his head and gave Celier a vicious look.

As if feeling her anger, Celier suddenly grinned, and casually found an empty seat to sit down, "Are you angry?"

"Isn't that nonsense?!" Lin Tianyin looked at him angrily, his voice a bit sharp, "Isn't you the person who proposed to cooperate? It's fine to dismantle my station, but what did it mean just now?"

"Idiot, don't you see it." Celer looked at her and sighed. "Little John was obviously sent by Captain Eugene to watch us, little girl."

"What?" Lin Tianyin was stunned and asked, "How did you see it?"

And this guy is really rude, even if you call her a little girl, Mr. John is obviously older than him, so he is called little John...

"Isn't this very obvious." Celer shrugged. "It is logical to say that they are all the victims who unfortunately fell into the belly of the sea monster. However, the people who survived in this place treated people as stricter than the royal city. Hierarchy... Obviously they don’t trust outsiders. Of course, it’s probably because there has been an outbreak of competition for resources. Without strict management, it’s impossible to be as organized as it is now. You didn’t notice. Isn’t it? Little John is very cautious about us. So I think it’s not easy to be formally accepted as one of them... They are obviously screening the residents."

"In this case, why are they still looking for survivors? Now their living environment has just reached a balance. If they find people in a boat, then their resources here are not enough to share, right?"

After listening to Celier's analysis, Lin Tianyin's anger disappeared unknowingly, and he even felt that what the other party said was very reasonable-this person has very clear thoughts, why didn't he think of this? I must have read too many mentally handicapped novels, my brain is rusty!

Yes, these residents who have lived in the belly of the sea monsters for so long have long given up their hope of going out, and in order to survive, the order they have finally established will naturally not be allowed to be destroyed. Now it is the rules that support them to survive, so the idea of ​​wanting to go out is simply unrealistic to them, and it will shake people's hearts.

"This is indeed something worth thinking about." Celier lifted his chin, seeming to be meditating. "I can't figure it out. This safe area is in a very secret place. It would be too difficult to find it without anyone leading the way. If they just want the resources of the shipwreck, obviously they can wait for the victims to die before taking their things..."

"Unless they need a living person for some reason." Lin Tianyin's expression became terrified.

"That's right." Celier tapped his left palm with his right fist, "I'm so curious, let's go and investigate it secretly."

"How to investigate?" Lin Tianyin asked. Celier hummed, playing with the energy spar slowly, Nunu said: "I haven't considered it yet, but first, let's see what they plan to do with the captain grandfather who swears to die and refuses to cooperate. .

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