After the water level in the belly of the sea monster gradually receded, the place under its feet became like a swamp, with deep or shallow puddles everywhere. Maybe the whole person will fall into the pit.

In the process of advancing, the fat old man fell in three times, almost drowning in it each time. In the end, Lin Tianyin couldn't see it anymore, and couldn't help but persuade him: "I said, Grandpa Gruene, it's not a problem for you to go on like this... I think it's better for you to stay with other people."

"No, never!" Gruny stood hard with the support of others. His white and plump complexion turned red at this time, but he refused to give in and glared at Lin Tianyin loudly and yelled, "I don't want to be there for the rest of my life. Spent here! I... I have to go out and hug my daughter again! I figured it out... When I go out, I will take Ilya and her mother to the city to live with me! I am no longer afraid of the mother at home Yasha!"

"Hey, don't say anything like that. It's like the soldier said something like'Go back to my hometown after the battle.' When we got married, the death flag was already up." Lin Tianyin yawned, heartless. To spit out.

"Stop, stop! You uncultivated stinky kid!" Gruny was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, turning his head and yelling at Celer and Leo, "If you can ensure that I get out safely, I, I will divide my property. Half of you!"

"..." Leo gave him a cold look, completely ignoring this stupid old man. As if he hadn't heard it at all, Celier grabbed the monkey from Lin Tianyin and started to pull it around in circles.

"What is your reaction!"

"In short, none of us can guarantee that we can leave alive."

Gruenie was going crazy. Lin Tianyin sighed helplessly. She was the most honest, and explained to the old man blankly, "We decided to leave because we blocked our lives... This is not a trifle, nor No one can guarantee anything. We can only work hard to do what we can. We are still in Zone D, and we still have time to go back. Grandpa, you have considered it clearly. Do you really want to go with us?"


Lin Tianyin's words were like a bucket of cold water, which made Gruny calm down immediately. He was still full of momentum just now like a discouraged ball, and his appearance became very depressed. Looking at the appearance of this old man, Lin Tianyin could understand his feelings to some extent, but letting him go with him to the Demon King City was looking for death. The rest of the exploration team who led them also meant the same. Everyone suggested that Gruner stay in harmony. Come down.

Grouney didn't know if he listened to other people's words. He lowered his head in depression for less than a minute, but suddenly seemed to have made a decision. He pushed aside the two holding him, clenched his fists, raised his head and roared.

"So... so what! Old, even if I die, I have to leave here! I don't have many years to live! I might have a chance to see my daughter Ilya with you guys... if you stay here …There will be no chance again! I know you may regret it if you go together, but if I stay today, I will definitely regret it for the rest of my life!!!"

The teary old man shouted hoarsely, and his words echoed in the slightly silent space. Everyone was a little surprised by Gruny's reaction, and Leo still gave him a cold look. At this time, the captain of the exploration team, Eugene nodded. He was still serious, but he said to Gruney with a little encouragement: "You will definitely see your daughter. If you go out, you will also give me my old man. My friend Malev Schulonig’s greetings. Before I came here, he was the commander of the Knights. Now he should abdicate to his son... He must have thought I was dead too, I hope that guy is still alive. "

"Of course! It's on me!" Gruny and Eugene agreed, and he gave Eugene a high-five and made a promise. At this time, the old man looked particularly energetic, just like the hero in the comics.

"In this case, try hard not to die, old man." Celier bared Bai Sensen's teeth and grinned.

This kind of scene is really unbearable... It's obviously just a story of Mary Su with various unreasonable logical settings. What is it that makes such a passionate blood? My eyes seem to be sweating, bastard!

"...Stop wordy! Go ahead!"

Lin Tianyin hurriedly turned her face away, she didn't know what she should say at this time. I hate people of this age. Is it really good to be so second? !

"Don't walk too fast, it's easy to slip under your feet." Eugene warned Lin Tianyin who ran to the front of the team suddenly. Lin Tianyin walked faster, she didn't answer, but secretly made up her mind in her heart.

Since being forced to become the cannon fodder villain of this story from the beginning, Lin Tianyin has been trapped in anxiety and fear. She is afraid of the prince, afraid of the devil, afraid of Mirona-but what is she really afraid of? Suddenly Lin Tianyin didn't understand it, was it his own destiny?

No... why should I be afraid? As the protagonist, there will be a protagonist aura, but these people who are not the protagonist are also struggling hard? It would be ridiculous to give up the struggle with a phrase like "the established destiny". Didn't she just stand up and resist because she didn't want to accept the fate of Shanoya?

Even if there is no natural beauty and good luck, everyone here is not limited to action because of the story set by the author. They are all living and flesh-and-blood people with their own independent thinking and judgment!

On the contrary, she is the confined person. She is right... After reading the original book, she feels that the story is already like that, so she subconsciously thinks she can't do anything?

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyin suddenly felt a sense of openness. She cares too much about Mirona, that's why she didn't see her true direction! So from now on, Lin Tianyin will not be afraid. She decides to move forward according to her own wishes, even if there is a hopeless future ahead, the so-called enlightenment is to open up a path by herself!

All the people with their own thoughts are hesitating at this moment, and the pace of advancement is getting faster and faster. After the sea water receded, the ground of area D was full of saber-tooth carcasses that did not return to the water in time. Since they have just died, they can be roasted and eaten directly, saving the trouble of finding food. Walking through the tunnel formed by the flesh wall of the sea monster, after moving forward for nearly a whole day, they finally came to a black hole with a white opaque diaphragm.

"There is area C." Eugene held up the torch and explained to Lin Tianyin and the others, "This layer is a partition film. Although I don't know the reason for its appearance, it can effectively prevent the invasion of high-level monsters. It's those ferocious monsters, they can't pass through this membrane when they are alive. On the contrary, those weak monsters will be rushed in along with the sea water."

Speaking of Eugene suddenly holding the torch, as if being sucked in, the whole person went straight through the membrane.

Lin Tianyin was taken aback, feeling very strange in his heart, so he was planning to pass along with him.

But just when she lifted her foot to take a step, she suddenly heard a scream from the other end.

"No—how can there be an emperor octopus here! Ahhhhhh! Don’t come over—!!!"

Eugene's screams immediately stunned everyone. Several members of the exploration team turned blue when they heard the sound, and even their legs trembled involuntarily.

"The emperor octopus... isn't that a monster hiding in the darkness of Area A! Why does it appear in Area C..."

"Captain Eugene was caught! He told us not to pass... what can we do?!"

"What else can I do? Of course it is to save him. If you are afraid, just stay where you are." Lin Tianyin picked up the harpoon without thinking and rushed directly to the film. At this moment, she didn't know why the members of the exploration team were so scared. Isn't it just an octopus monster? This is so scared that the captain dare not save it?

However, when Lin Tianyin passed the white film, she suddenly understood why those people were so afraid of it.

This emperor octopus... is simply bigger than a pirate ship!

Eugene's whole body was rolled up by the octopus's tentacles, and he struggled with his spear in his hand to pierce the octopus. But this gap is too great. His attack can't cause effective damage to the big octopus, and this provocative attack can only anger the monster. It doesn't seem to be anxious to eat Eugene, but is waving. The tentacles smashed Eugene fiercely on the ground.

"Stop! You bastard!"

Lin Tianyin immediately rushed towards the octopus monster angrily, but at the same time she suddenly felt a sharp murderous aura coming from behind her. She looked back subconsciously, and next to Celil who had followed him, she saw the beautiful young Leo, who seemed to be 159 the same height as her, swung down his sword coldly.

The sword light flickered in the dark, and the sharp sword aura cut the air, cutting off the octopus entangled Eugene's tentacles.


Lin Tianyin was shocked at once, this trick "Empty Breaking" in the original work was not as proficient as many people could use it. Lin Tianyin remembered that in the original work, only the prince could use such excellent skills except for the sword saint. She seemed to underestimate the son of the governor. Didn't expect that there is such a talent in the belly of this sea monster? !

After being severed with a tentacle, the octopus monster was completely irritated in an instant. It angrily dropped Eugene and crawled towards Lin Tianyin and the others with its teeth and claws. Lin Tianyin quickly clenched his fists and was about to rush up to meet him. At this moment, Leo suddenly passed her side like an afterimage, and rushed towards the giant sea monster.

"Get in the way! Get out!"

Leo didn't seem to want to cooperate with others at all, in fact he didn't need help from others. The speed of this young man is simply the fastest Lin Tianyin has ever seen. He moved around and jumped up several times in a row, while dodge the octopus monster's tentacle attack, while rapidly swinging his sword. Those sword lights made a fierce tearing sound in the air, just like cutting vegetables, and effortlessly chopped off the monster's tentacles.

This, this is...too amazing...

Lin Tianyin thought that even he couldn't tell the victory or defeat with the monster in front of him so quickly. Leo seemed to have a good sword, but obviously his skills were better. Even Celier was slightly surprised by the boy's performance. Finally, when Lin Tianyin saw the boy jump up and drew his sword to pierce the emperor Octopus's eyeballs, she thought it was a winner. However, the octopus monster suddenly moved his mouth and stared at the beautiful boy who was swinging the sword at it with terrifyingly dark eyes.

Eugene seemed to have noticed something at this time. He was still trapped in the squirming tentacles, and while trying to struggle, he yelled at Leo, "Be careful! Its ink is poisonous!"


Leo was stunned for a moment, but Eugene's reminder was too late. They ignored the most important point. The octopus had already puffed up his mouth and sprayed black ink all over Leo's body.

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