"you are……"

Because this woman appeared a little abruptly, Lin Tianyin and the others looked at the woman with long black hair in surprise.

The woman looked like she was in her early twenties, with a very delicate and beautiful face, her eyes drooping, she looked a bit pitiful, and she looked a bit like Leo on a closer look. .

God, is she...

"I'm Lilia, Leo's biological mother."

Before Lin Tianyin and others could ask this question, the woman slowly straightened her waist, folded her hands in front of her skirt, and looked at the crowd very calmly.


This sudden change made everyone feel at a loss what to do, especially Lin Tianyin. She stared stiffly at the woman who didn't seem to be hostile, and her heart began to get entangled again.

That woman is Leo's mother, she has a dark aura on her body, and she must have been resurrected by the power of the demon lord. But under such circumstances, Lin Tianyin is very confused about what he should say? Did you say that she just killed the mother's son? No, what is the situation now...

Lin Tianyin thought for a while, and felt that she had nothing to say. She had nothing to explain, so in the end only spit out two words.


"You don't need to apologize, that is the child's own choice." Lilia gave Lin Tianyin a light smile, she looked beautiful and dignified, even if it was Mirona who was known as the number one beautiful girl in Farus. In front of me, I'm going to lose my color a bit.

The most important thing is that the woman who is Leo’s mother doesn’t have a trace of hatred in her tone, as if she’s narrating something that couldn’t be more ordinary, she said calmly: "I always thank you for your care Up."


Lin Tianyin really didn't know what she should say at this moment. She stared at Lilia blankly. At this moment, she seemed to have a lot to say, but she seemed to be unable to say anything.

Fortunately, at this moment, Celer suddenly broke the awkward silence.

"You're welcome, he also helped us a lot during our time with us."

"Really? That's good." Lilia said, bending down slightly and bowing to everyone. "Although this request may be excessive, I still hope you don't hate him. For that child, you are him. The first time I made friends."

"I don't hate him." Lin Tianyin sighed weakly and said sadly, "He has already told all the truth, and now we only feel regret and regret."

"Really... So the kid has already said it." Lilia faintly showed an expression like this, and said in a slightly emotional tone, "He feels that he can't say it, so please guide me here. You...that kid, he originally wanted to take away all the secrets by himself, even if you hate him, he doesn't want to make you sad."

"..." Lin Tianyin squeezed her fist, finally adjusted her mood and had a tendency to collapse. She sniffed, and then calmly nodded to Lilia.

"What a troublesome guy with no frankness." Celier patted his head lightly and sighed. "If he is still alive, I really want to beat him up. But now, Has become a formidable enemy that people can't win..."

Everything about Leo was doomed to tragedy, and they were powerless to change all of this, so they could only move on. Although doing so will experience more pain, but they still have to be strong.

In life, it seems that there is only one way to go forward.

Lilia gave up her position, and Lin Tianyin went straight forward and picked up the hidden seal stick. At this moment, the girl suddenly felt a sacred power pouring up continuously from her palm.

"We have to win." Lin Tianyin turned around very firmly, staring at his companions and said. You can't let the things that Leo uses his life to protect in vain.

"That's for sure."

Celir raised his chin: "We also came here with a mortal consciousness."

"After those ancestors, it is our turn to perform miracles." Rey smiled.

"In any case, our consciousness can't be lost to humans." Lufas snorted slightly, and finally a slight warmth rose on his cold face, "Send all the filth back to where they should go! "

"For tomorrow!" Everyone stood in a circle and touched their fists in unison.

Definitely win! !

Leo’s mother watched these passionate young people with a faint smile. When they realized that they were about to fight, she finally said: "Then, let me tell you how to seal Kaos. ."

"Yeah. Let's listen!" Lin Tianyin looked at Lilia, as if ready to go.

"Hehe..." Lilia smiled again, and then she slowly bowed to the crowd, and said slowly, "Then, please evacuate this place now."



After hearing Lilia's request, Lin Tianyin couldn't help but stunned for a second, and then everyone cried out in surprise: "Why?! Isn't the devil in front?"

"Do you mean to let us run away?" Rey frowned slightly, his face showing a distrustful expression, "I'm sorry, I don't understand your reason for saying that."

"You are not the opponents of Kaos." Facing the questioning gazes of the people, Lilia was not humble or overbearing. She seemed completely unaffected by the outside world and stared at the people calmly. It's just going to die for nothing."

"Although so..."

"Be brave and intrepid, if you die like this, Leo's efforts and persistence will be in vain."

"...So do you have any suggestions."

Lin Tianyin hesitated for a moment, looked at the woman and asked.

"Kaos is a chaos, born of an evil heart." Lilia closed her eyes slightly, her temperament was very dignified, and her tone was still flat. "As long as someone is here, Kaos will never be resurrected continuously. Its power The supply is endless. There will always be new heroes after you, but now, if you want to eliminate Kaos, there is only one way."

"What way?" Lin Tianyin asked.

Lilia paused, staring at Lin Tianyin intently and asked: "Do you still remember that there is a spring eye that can digest anything in the space of Ums?"

Are you talking about acid springs? Lin Tianyin was stunned for a moment, thinking that of course he remembered that the nucleus in the sea monster's stomach needs people to keep dropping living creatures to provide energy. When those guys wanted to kill, she just kicked the governor right there...

"That is the energy source of Kaos." Before Lin Tianyin could answer, Lilia continued, "Kaos is resurrected, and it will need more energy supply. Ums has begun to devour ships and the ocean in a frenzy. Life, as long as the spring eye is sealed, the power of Kaos will become weakened.

"What about the people in there..." Lin Tianyin looked at Lilia, her body trembling slightly because of anxiety, "If the spring eye is sealed, the nuclear power supply will not be able to provide energy, won't those people die..."

"They are dead." Lilia looked away and sighed softly, "The kid made an agreement with Kaos. If he kills you, he will spare those people in the Umms space. At the moment he failed, those people were all killed by the monsters inside..."


This topic is very heavy, and no one wants to accept this truth. Lin Tianyin squeezed his fist slightly in pain, then gritted his teeth and asked: "Then you want to seal Quanyan...what should I do?"

Lin Tianyin had never thought that the truth of the acid spring turned out to be such a thing. He couldn't help but feel the creeps. It turned out that those people had to throw living things into the acid spring every cycle, just to maintain the devil. And all the people who survived in it were just used props...


Lilia fell silent suddenly, as if hesitated to speak.

At this moment, Sydolum and Rufas, who had never reacted, showed slightly uncomfortable expressions.

"Need... to replace the fountain eye offerings with the life of the elves."

After Lilia was silent, she finally spoke.

"The power of the elves has an inhibitory effect on the demons. If the elves are used as sacrifices, the spring eyes will be disintegrated. Originally, Dr. Richard's experiment worked. But after his death, his experimental data and all The spar has been destroyed..."


For a while everyone was quiet, and everyone looked at Lilia in disbelief.

No one can speak at this time, no one can propose to sacrifice an elf. Sydolum lowered his head and said nothing, but at this moment, Rufas suddenly seemed to have decided something, and slammed his fist against the wall.


"No, let me do it."

As Rufas was about to say something, Sydolum interrupted her suddenly, and she took a step forward, putting her hands on her chest, as if she had made a mortal consciousness.

"My life was saved by everyone, so I was asked to do it for everyone..."

"Hey, no need, we still have this."

Before Sydrum's words were finished, Celil suddenly and slowly took out a crimson transparent stone from his pocket, and gently threw it into the air.

"This is not..." Everyone opened their eyes in astonishment, "Why do you have this..."

"Don't forget how I met Shanoya."

Celir caught the falling spar, squeezed it firmly in his palm, and grinned lightly.


Lin Tianyin looked at Celier in astonishment. Of course, she would not forget that this guy sank the ship just to **** this thing back then! Swallowed by the sea monster! But if all this hadn't happened, they wouldn't have encountered Leo. It was destiny that ran through everything from beginning to end!

"This... is really great." Lufas stared at the EX spar in Celir's hand, the expression on his face finally moved.

"Then next, I just figured out how to throw this spar into the spring's eye." The inspired Lin Tianyin nodded, but he was still a little embarrassed, "But the question is how we should enter the center of Umms... "

It would be too dangerous to be swallowed. If they entered from the Demon King City, they would have to cross that dangerous sea again. She really didn’t want to go back to that place again, and it must have become very dangerous now... Thinking about it makes people feel desperate.

"Please don't worry about this."

When she was in trouble, Rey, who had not made any comments, suddenly smiled at everyone with a "rest assured" smile, and then he took out a beetle-like thing and broadcasted the button on it.

"This is the latest mobile phone developed by the Second Research Institute." His Royal Highness explained the thing in hand while connecting to the opposite line.

"His Royal Highness, do you have any idea?" Lin Tianyin and the others looked at Rey suspiciously.

"Yes, although Shanoya, you told me before that the Demon King of Demon King City is just a little useless character. Don't care about him, but just in case, I still went to'visit' after that. He once."

Rey's tone seemed very pleasant, and then his phone was connected, and during the conversation, Rey's style of painting suddenly began to change.

"Is it your Royal Highness Pizarro? It's about time you came in handy...Huh? Do you have any complaints? Oh, just fine.

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