Chapter 54: A family should have one quilt! A storm is coming and the building is full of wind.

One on the other side

A woman got into a van anxiously.

"Your mission is completed, this is your reward."

As soon as she got in the car, a burly man in the driver's seat turned around and threw a bag of things to her.

When I opened it, I saw that it was all banknotes.

Xiang Yu's face flushed with excitement.

Unexpectedly...she really got money from this group of social people.

These days, she has been staying with the young master of the Liu family as instructed.

Various provocations are made against the protagonist.

Seeing that Liu Shao couldn't beat Chen Mo, it was she who asked for a killer and provided the address of the dark web...

The news will spread through the blood massacre.

If we kill the sixth brother of the brother gang, we can successfully find a scapegoat.

The reason is to let the Brotherhood fight with the Liu family to death.

Let the storm come harder.

Xiang Yu's eyes shone, he quickly put away the bag, and said to the man tremblingly.

"Thank...Thank you, brother."

"You know what to say and what not to say? If you dare to leak this matter, you should know the consequences..."

Lao Mo threatened in a cold tone.

This woman played a big role in it, but her presence was very small.

No one should notice her.

But Lao Mo still warned him out of caution.

These were all given to him by Xu Hao.

"I know, I know, I won't tell you even if I'm killed...

Xiang Yu nodded in assurance.

After Xiang Yu got out of the car, Lao Mo stepped on the accelerator and gradually disappeared into the dense night.

The night sky is filled with dark clouds.

There is a depressing smell in the air.

There is a feeling of storm coming.

Time flies by……………………

In the blink of an eye it was the next night.

The battle in the ghetto begins again.

The Brotherhood and the Alliance are also forces, but they are no longer as close as they were yesterday.

It was a complete one-sided massacre.

On the brothers' side, the other four brothers joined the battle.

Among them was Chen Mo, the most powerful person.

At this time, all of them were red-eyed.

I vowed to avenge Lao Liu and let these people accompany me……

Although they knew that Lao Liu died in the hands of a killer, these people could not let him go.

There is no doubt that Lao Liu died on the battlefield.

These people are going to die.

Chen Mo was covered in blood, and he was the strongest among the brothers.

But it has never been done before.

But today, because of guilt and self-blame, he broke the precept.

Lao Liu's death was all because of him, and he wanted revenge.

[Ding... Chen Mo felt guilty, his emotional value +786...]

[Ding………………Chen Mo is furious, his mood value is +867……]

The dark corners are full of murder, and evil is being staged.

The feasting and feasting in the bustling city is not affected.

A car drove out of the Xu family villa.

The car was filled with the Xu family, preparing to go to the Magic City Concert Hall to attend a concert.

As early as half a month ago, the concert hall was promoting it.

Edward, the top international piano master, will come to Shanghai to perform.

Edward is one of the top people in the music circle.

He has composed many famous songs, similar to Taishan Beidou in the medical field.

As soon as the news spread that he was coming to Shanghai to perform, the effect can be imagined……

Countless music lovers flocked here.

There were so many people that the concert hall couldn't fit in.

As a result, ticket prices have skyrocketed, making it difficult to get a ticket.

Of course, Xu Hao is not included in this group of people who cannot buy tickets.

He just gave an order.

After a while, several tickets appeared in his hands.

The reason why Xu Hongzhuang came back was not only to worry about her two younger sisters, but also to attend this concert...

She originally wanted to go alone today.

Unexpectedly, Xu Hao also bought tickets and the whole family went.

She didn't want to take Xu Hao's car and asked her two younger sisters to come with her, but they were rejected without mercy.

Xu Shiqing and Xu Huayi expressed their insistence on taking their father's car.

Xu Hongzhuang was heartbroken.

In the end, he was persuaded by his two younger sisters and pulled him into Xu Hao's car.

To put it nicely, the Japanese people should be in a good position...

The largest concert hall in Shanghai.

It seems deserted on weekdays.

After all, there are only a few people who know how to appreciate the piano.

Only those upper-class people who are not busy with life can have such leisurely music.

Unlike before, the concert hall was full of people today…………

Many of them are fans of the piano master Edward.

People who thought they were gentlemen walked into the concert hall one by one, well-dressed and well-groomed.

"That's the chairman of Hongyuan Group. Normally, Shenlong is invisible, but he didn't expect to appear here.",

"Those are the boss of a seafood chain hotel and his wife. I didn't expect them to appear in Shanghai.

"Many big names who usually can only be seen on TV appear here. This is Mr. Edward's influence."

“I didn’t expect there were so many piano lovers…………

Seeing the big names entering the concert hall, countless people felt emotional.

The arrival of Xu Hao's family completely set off the atmosphere.

"Oh my god, there are so many beauties. "Did you stab the beauties?"

"A pair of innocent twin sisters, a mature and sexy lady, and a charming and sultry young woman. There are really all types."

"Isn't that man too happy? If he gets such a beautiful girl, his ancestors' graves will be filled with smoke, and he actually has four of them with him...

"Haha...are you from out of town? Xu Hao from the Xu Group doesn't even know? That young and mature woman is his wife, and the other three daughters are his.

"What the hell? That man is so young, he looks to be in his 30s, and he actually has three daughters?"

"What a fuss. All seven daughters of this family are the queen of the country.

Still, the effect of beautiful women is explosive.

The four of them are beauties that are rare to see and come across.

Each one has a different temperament.

In the eyes of everyone in amazement, Chen Hao led his family into the concert hall.

Countless people looked at their backs in shock.

Among them were two people in the crowd.

This is a beauty who is on par with the four beauties in the nearest concert hall just now.

She was wearing a purple evening dress, her face was delicate and beautiful, and she had light makeup on her face.

Her silky hair was pulled into a bun, and her noble air arose spontaneously.

Xiao Wanling withdrew her surprised gaze.

My classmate and best friend Xu Hongzhuang came as expected.

I wanted to go up and say hello, but when I saw their family together, I couldn’t help but give up the idea...

Let's talk for a while after the concert.

Not far from her, a young man stood, not as calm as she was.

The expression on his face is very wonderful, and his eyes are full of incredible.

"Isn't that Xu Hao, the CEO of Xu Group, who came to visit after hearing the bad news about his father last time?"

That's right, this guy wearing street clothes and his clothes turned white from washing is Zheng Feifan...

These days, he has been dealing with his father's funeral.

It was finally processed today.

I was about to start investigating the cause of my father's death when I accidentally saw the beautiful landlady dressed beautifully and going out.

For this beautiful woman, she needs good looks, good figure, and good temperament.

Zheng Feifan took a liking to it at first sight.

A person goes out dressed so beautifully and it’s late at night. What should I do if I encounter danger?

Therefore, Fan willingly became the flower protector......

Xu Hao left a good impression on him.

I remember that a woman said that he was greedy for his father's property, and Xu Hao tried to excuse him.

Unexpectedly, he not only has such a beautiful wife, but also has three beautiful daughters.

No, I heard from people around me that there are seven in total.

Seven fairies, this is……………………

Zheng Feifan couldn't help but think to himself.

After investigating the cause of father's death, should we go find Uncle Xu?

He also left a business card for himself at that time.

Let yourself go to him if you need anything.

Don't get me wrong, he is not interested in Xu Hao's daughters.

I just want to get closer...

His ears moved slightly, and Zheng Feifan heard footsteps next to him.

It turned out to be Xiao Wanling, the landlady's beauty, walking towards the concert hall. Zheng Feifan came to his senses and quickly chased after her.

"Sister Wanling, wait for me..."

Xiao Wanling paused, frowned, and said to him coldly.

"Can you stop following me?"

There was nothing she could do about this rogue guy.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have been kind and rented the house to the other party.

It was a rainy night. Zheng Feifan was carrying his luggage and wearing rags.

Looking for a house in the rain.

After some inquiries, I learned that Zheng Feifan came to work from other places.

Xiao Wanling thought for a while, who hasn't had difficulties?

I rented my house to him.

Unexpectedly... Zheng Feifan actually said that he had no money and promised to pay it back to her when he made money later. work

Xiao Wanling was not short of money.

Her parents left her an inheritance of tens of millions.

Renting out a house and being a housekeeper, I just want to find something to do for myself.

Seeing how pitiful he was, Xiao Wanling agreed...

Now she regrets it very much.

This guy is careless, his eyes are always squinting, and he often talks nonsense.

Where is the slightest sign of serious work?

She even suspected where the ruffian came from.

But people have moved into rental houses, so she can't drive them away, right?

I want to force the other party to move out early by pressing for rent.

Xiao Wanling still underestimated this guy's shamelessness and helplessness...

It was impossible to pay rent.

Turning a deaf ear to his rent-driving behavior and talking to him coldly, he actually enjoyed it.

"Sister Wanling, don't be so fierce. Isn't this for your own good?"

"It's so dangerous for you, a girl, to go out at night. I'm not doing this to protect you..."

Zheng Feifan raised the corner of his mouth and his tone was frivolous.

"Haha...I really thank you. You'd better take care of yourself.'

"You're welcome, as a five-year-old

As a young man, it is my duty to protect beautiful women, and this is what I should do.

Zheng Feifan seemed not to hear the sarcasm in Xiao Wanling's tone and waved his hand modestly.

Xiao Wanling was so angry that Xiong Mennai felt pain.

Several times I wanted to curse.

Don't you understand people's words?

When the words came to her mouth, she swallowed them back.

Keep comforting yourself in your heart.

Xiao Wanling, you are a well-educated woman, don’t be like this scoundrel...

"."Since you are so graceful, when did you pay the rent?"

Xiao Wanling could no longer hide the anger on her face, and said in a cold tone.

"Sister Wanling, don't you still believe in my character? When my salary comes down this month, I will leave it to you...

Zheng Feifan patted his chest and said with certainty.

The corners of his mouth curved.

He has worked hard in the dark world for many years and performed countless missions.

How could he be the leader of a mercenary group without money?

Renting a house is just a small trick he used.

As long as he doesn't pay the rent for a day, the beautiful landlord will keep looking for him.

Over time, won’t the relationship improve?

He could even imagine the scene in which he would embrace a beautiful woman in the future.

This sentence is used to prevaricate again.

just you?

And character?

Dogs are better than you.

Xiao Wanling was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

Stomping his feet, he turned around and walked towards the concert hall.

"Hmph...just keep following me. I don't see how you can follow me if you don't have a ticket. 2

Zheng Feifan shrugged his shoulders, disapprovingly, and followed behind with a smile.

Nothing unexpected.

Xiao Wanling walked into the concert hall smoothly.

And he was stopped outside by the security guard.

“Please show your ticket……………………”

Zheng Feifan finally understood the meaning of Xiao Wanling's words.

Thinking he couldn't get in without a ticket.

Hey, sample.

"Brother, can you be accommodating? I'm with that beautiful woman."

Zheng Feifan smiled and took out a pack of Hongtashan.

He handed cigarettes to the two security guards very casually, as if they were two good friends.

The two security guards looked at him disdainfully, with deep mockery in their eyes.

They work as security guards in a concert hall, and the people they see every day are elegant, gentlemanly, upper-class people...

Naturally, he looked down upon the shabby guy in front of him.

"Where are you this stinky beggar? Get out of here, you're blocking the way of other distinguished guests.

"Hurry home and pick up trash. This is not the place you should be."

The two security guards scolded him coldly.

Zheng Feifan put the cigarette back angrily.

Isn't he just a security guard? What's so great about him?

Dogs look down upon people...

Swearing, Zheng Feifan came to the other side of the concert hall, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Do you really think (okay, okay) that he can’t get in without a ticket?

A small concert hall wants to stop him?

That doesn't take him seriously.

Zheng Feifan jumped lightly and climbed up to the second floor skillfully...014005516 Feilu 103521121]

Third floor——

Xu's family came to a VIP box.

Looking down from here, you can see the big stage clearly.

The concert starts at eight o'clock, but it's not time yet.

Two sisters, Xu Shiqing and Xu Huayi, looked at the decoration in the box curiously.

It is indeed a VIP box. The decoration inside is extremely luxurious. The coffee table is filled with desserts and fruits...

What’s surprising is——

There was actually a piano in the box.

This concert hall is prepared for distinguished guests.

If you attend a concert and you are inspired, you can play a song on the spot.

The sound connects the entire concert hall, allowing more people to appreciate your masterpiece.

But few people use it.

It was obviously not the first time for Xu Hongzhuang to come here and she told her two sisters about the purpose of this piano.

The sisters were very surprised.

Is there such an operation?

Then his shining eyes looked at Xu Hongzhuang.

"Third sister, you play the piano very well. Why don't you try playing a song after that piano master finishes playing?"

"If you play better than that guy, you will be famous..."

Xu Hongzhuang smiled bitterly.

My sister really dares to say it.

He is an international piano master and his reputation is well-known at home and abroad. How can she compete with him in terms of pregnancy?

In fact, when she rushed back to listen to this concert, she felt that her piano had reached a bottleneck.

I want to listen to this concert someday and see if I can break through myself.

Comparing yourself to other piano masters?

She hadn't thought about it.

Time passes slowly…………

When the clock hits eight o'clock, the concert... finally begins!

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