Chapter 34 Space Appearance (1)

Shu Yue shook her little hand, "It's okay, it's okay!"

 Actually, I feel much better now than yesterday morning when Erya snatched the sweet potatoes and I felt dizzy and hungry, my stomach was on fire, and my whole body was still weak.

Seeing Bai Lie's nervous expression and concern in his eyes, she smiled sheepishly: "I'm just sleepy."

Shu Yue really felt sleepy. Anyone who had stayed up late knew the feeling of being top-heavy and feeling light on the soles of her feet when she walked. She felt almost the same now.

 And this morning she said she would catch up on her sleep after getting the sweet potatoes, but she hasn't been able to sleep until now.

"I'm sleepy!" Bai Lie's tense expression relaxed.

Thinking about it, Shuyue slept very late last night. She was woken up by him at three or four in the morning. She got up again at five or six in the morning to have breakfast. She probably didn't sleep during the day. Children just need more sleep. When you are growing taller, it is appropriate to take a nap.

 Sleeping is not that difficult to do, so Bai Lie discussed it with Shu Yue in as soft a voice as possible.

“Well, daddy will make you a cup of milk powder, and you can simply eat something and then go to bed after eating, okay?”

Shuyue slowly nodded her head. She drank a glass of milk that Bai Lie had prepared, and ate a piece of pig's trotters and half a piece of peach cake. She washed her hands and face, and then got into bed.

Shu Yue closed her eyes, but she felt that she was not as sleepy as she thought. She did not fall asleep for a while and then opened her eyes again.

At this time, Bai Lie was sitting on a small bench. He was weaving something with the light coming from the window, which was not very bright. His straight and handsome side face looked attentive. His big hands with clear joints were holding bamboo strips one by one. It swings according to a certain pattern and is pleasing to the eye.

 This is her father, this scene seems to be engraved in her heart.

Looking at Bai Lie and listening to the pounding rain outside, Shuyue closed her eyes with great relief. However, Shuyue, who was asleep, did not notice that the beads on her chest were getting slightly hot.

Invisible to the naked eye, a strange energy is transmitted from the beads, entering Shuyue's body through the tiny pores on her body, gradually improving the cells in her body and repairing the damage in her body.

Shuyue was half asleep and half awake when she suddenly noticed a sudden pain in her head. Fragmented pictures in her mind were stirring intermittently. She vaguely seemed to have someone saying something, but she had no time to listen carefully. Her head was hurting so much that it was about to explode.

 “Shu Yue, Shu Yue, my daughter…Xiao Yue’er…”

 She sat up suddenly, covering her head, and faced Bai Lie's worried and handsome face.

She was confused for a moment, and felt a sense of closeness and solid security in her heart. Then a picture of Bai Lie making something up in the house appeared in her mind...


Shuyue got directly into Bai Lie's arms and held on to his clothes without letting go.

 Her mind was in chaos, and when she tried to think about it, her head started to hurt again.

Shu Yue's little look of dependence made Bai Lie's heart melt.

Bai Lie was really relieved to see that she was awake.

“Hey, are you having a nightmare? Don’t be afraid.

 It's okay, be good, dad is here, are you hungry? It's already the next morning, dad has cooked porridge for you. "


She was really a little hungry. Shuyue made a sound and shook her dizzy head, but suddenly she saw a square box-like place inside her body, about one cubic meter in size.

 Shu Yue: “…”

   ! !

This is…


 (End of this chapter)

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