Lin Ao had completely lost consciousness.

Long Aotian and Uncle Zhang immediately carried Lin Ao into the medical room in the house, where Qin Yun was still asleep.

A group of medical staff surrounded Lin Ao and began to perform various examinations.

Lin Ao opened his eyes again and found that he was in a vast white space. Why did he feel that this place was familiar?

A huge golden ball of light floated over. Why did this ball of light feel familiar again?

Before Lin Ao could ask any urgent questions, the ball of light transformed into a hand and snapped his fingers.

A wave of memories flooded into Lin Ao's mind.

【congratulations! Lin Ao! 】

"Congratulations to you too, Tianming!"

Lin Ao raised his head and showed a victorious smile.

[This is a good start, but it will become more and more difficult in the future, because with the death of Xiao Fan, fate will definitely notice. 】

"It shouldn't just wake up and kill me, right?"

Lin Ao thought this was not a victory experience ticket, right? Just let you taste the sweetness of changing your destiny, and then return to that hellish life?

[Haha, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet. Listen to me slowly. 】

The corner of Lin Ao's mouth twitched, why did this sentence feel so unworthy?

[Don’t worry, it is still sleeping and will not wake up directly. My destiny energy is not something that is easy to absorb. 】

[Once it falls asleep, it will focus on absorbing my power at a faster pace, and accelerate the accumulation and conversion into its power through its destiny puppet. It is afraid of any accidents, and must absorb all my energy as soon as possible. 】

[After all, I am "destiny". Destiny is unreasonable sometimes. 】

[The most it can do is increase the difficulty for you. Xiao Fan's death should trigger some of its defense mechanisms, but I believe you can handle it. I have confidence in you. 】

"So this time I really completely eliminated Xiao Fan?"

Lin Ao needed to confirm, otherwise he would really be worried.

[Xiao Fan is really dead. All the destiny energy in his body has been recovered. You were right to make those last few shots, haha. 】

After receiving the confirmation, Lin Ao completely relaxed. If there is a first time, there will be a second time. For the rest of you, please wait for me. I will avenge this revenge slowly!

[Congratulations on truly breaking away from the destiny route. 】

[Oh~ It should be the pseudo-destiny route. 】

"Destiny, am I doing any good? Although I am doing it for myself, can this be considered helping you?"

Lin Ao thought he could always get some benefits, right? They are all bosses of this level.

"It can directly improve my strength and make me invincible. Wouldn't it be nice to just find them and deal with them one by one?"

[Haha, even though I got rid of Xiao Fan this time and got back some of my power, it's not enough for you to directly sweep the world. I can't resist your current fate either. If things were that simple, I wouldn't have to carefully accumulate strength through your many rebirths. 】

[But there are definitely benefits. With this power, I can help you at no cost at most. You can go back in time three times, and the time will not exceed three days. 】

[You have to choose which time to use it. Every time you use it, the energy you finally recovered will be consumed by one point. You should use this carefully. 】

"No need to seal my memory this time?"

[I will not seal the memory of the ability. I will leave an insurance that triggers the ability. It will be triggered when you face real danger. Don’t worry about this. 】

[Also, as I told you last time, every time you disrupt their destiny process, you will disperse some of their destiny energy, thereby weakening them. 】

[At the same time, it will help you remove the marks left on you by fate. Absorb more of their destiny energy. 】

[Do you know exactly what it is? 】

Lin Ao looked at this light group and always felt that it was smiling evilly.

He lowered his head to recall, then suddenly raised his head.

"So it's you? Does this mean I've changed from a puppet of fate to a puppet of your destiny?"

He understood why he couldn't get rid of the woman he couldn't avoid at first. It turned out to be destiny.

"So these are the keys to breaking the course of their destiny?"

[Yes, everyone who has been in contact with you will obtain a part of the destiny energy from you, thereby breaking their pseudo-destiny route controlled by fate, so I made a little arrangement. If you were my puppet, would I give you freedom? I'm just going to help you push it a little bit. It never actively affects your thinking, just... that time on the beach, it just releases your inner thoughts. hehe! 】

[Another thing you need to pay attention to is that you will definitely come into contact with some people in the future and help them break the route, but whether you can get their help still requires your efforts. 】

[I just provide you with this method, but the actual operation still depends on you. I can't interfere too much, otherwise fate will really wake up and fight me. 】

"Then the condition is that as long as you are touched by me?"

Lin Ao thought that every time he came into contact with a girl, he would change.

【Yes. 】

"For example, Xia Qiange, I didn't have any specific incidents with her in the previous timeline. After leaving the pseudo-destiny, whether she chooses to help me or not depends on her personal choice, such as making her completely trust me, or Be my woman?"

【Yes. 】

[I am fair. Everyone has a chance to choose. Just like whether you will face Xiao Fan alone, I will also give you a choice. The same goes for them. Since they have broken the pseudo-destiny route, let them choose for themselves. You can interfere with this choice, but I can't. 】

"Why should I fight Xiao Fan alone? Can't I find help?"

Lin Ao thought about the destiny in his mind that asked him to face Xiao Fan alone, which made him a little confused.

[Because only you can kill them completely and recover all the destiny energy. If other people are involved at a critical moment, this energy will be diverted and some unnecessary butterfly effects will be triggered. If you end up fighting alone, this can minimize the defensive counterattack that fate has arranged for them. Also, if the energy is diverted, you cannot recover the energy unless you kill the person. 】

"I have another question, why are they all women?"


[You ask fate. 】

[Okay, this conversation should be over. Be prepared, fate will slowly come to your door. I hope you won’t disappoint me. 】

Lin Ao closed his eyes and meditated. When you gods fight, you should let us mortals suffer.

He did not trust Tianming 100%, but the stage victory this time was indeed related to it.

Let’s take one step at a time. I am still too weak now.

This time is the beginning of a new life.

Lin Ao had been unconscious for several hours. The doctor checked and found no other problems except for some trauma.

It is inferred that the coma was caused by excessive use of force.

Father Lin and Mother Lin are also back.

After the Qin family's birthday party, several girls searched for him all over the world because they couldn't contact Lin Ao.

In the end, it was Gu Wanqing who called Uncle Zhang and found out that Lin Ao was unconscious in the manor.

At once everyone came over.

Gu Wanqing and the others hurried to the medical room and panicked when they saw Lin Ao lying on the bed.

Gu Wanqing saw Long Aotian standing aside. This person from Longmen actually dared to stand here.

She turned around and went outside to find a feather duster, took it and walked back in.

She didn't know that Xiao Fan was dead at this time. When she saw Long Aotian standing here, she thought that he must be involved in causing Lin Ao to fall into coma.

When anger comes from the heart, just find a convenient tool.

He walked towards Long Aotian fiercely.

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