Lin Ao returned to the table with a few drinks and found Joanna and Liu Nian talking and laughing.

He let out a breath, relaxed his body, and returned to the dining table.

"Hey, a big cup of Coke, one for each person~"

Joanna rolled her eyes at Lin Ao.

"Don't you know that children can't drink too much of this drink? How do you become a father?"

Joanna immediately asked the waiter to bring a cup of freshly squeezed juice to Liu Nian.

Lin Ao was a little embarrassed. He really didn't know how to be a father. I've only been on the job for two days...

In this way, the three of them finished their dinner happily. Joanna picked up Liu Nian and prepared to go back.

Lin Ao frowned when he followed them to the underground parking lot.

10 people? More than that, it should be more than 15 people.

He noticed that there were many hidden auras in the parking lot. He reached out and grabbed Joanna's forehead and pulled her behind him.

Joanna's body instinctively resisted the boy, and she wanted to struggle away, but Lin Ao was too strong, and she was confused by Lin Ao's movements for a moment.

Liu Nian was also frightened in Joanna's arms, but then his face became serious. Uncle Lin Ao must have discovered something to be like this. There was an ambush here.

Joanna stabilized her figure and seemed to notice the change in Lin Ao's momentum. He stood in front of her with a serious look on his face.

Lin Ao didn't look back, he said softly: "You guys go to the door and wait for me, soon~"

Joanna didn't reply. She followed Lin Ao's instructions and went back to the door. At this time, she also realized that someone probably wanted to kill her.

It's not that Joanna doesn't want to help, she just feels that she needs to protect Liu Nian in her arms at this stage.

After returning to the door, Joanna immediately dialed the phone and asked someone to come over here. While comforting Liu Nian, she called for someone to come over. Liu Nian had nothing to be afraid of. She knew clearly that Lin Ao would definitely handle it.

"Lin Bei, why don't you come back and hide with me first? I've already called people, and they are already on their way."

Joanna reopened the door, hoping that Lin Ao and her would go back up there and hide there until they were safe.

Lin Ao didn't reply. He kicked his feet and used the bunker and the master's perception to find the enemy's location.

It was a rare opportunity to show the value of his own force. How could Lin Ao miss it? This time was a shortcut for him to enter the Palace of Hell, so how could he let it go.

Joanna felt that Lin Ao suddenly disappeared from her eyes. She had heard Liu Nian say before that Lin Ao and Long Aotian were both warriors. She thought they were just ordinary minions.

As a result, it is now discovered that Lin Ao's strength is stronger than her innate Dzogchen, at least in terms of speed.

A group of people were hiding in various corners of the parking lot, and the cameras were destroyed by them.

I obviously saw them preparing to come, so why hasn't there been any movement yet?

One of them poked his head out curiously, wanting to see what was going on.

Lin Ao didn't know when he appeared behind him, looking at him with a funny look on his face.

He activated the Yang Shen Jue and punched him in the head, quietly solving one of them.

"Well, it should be discovered next, but it doesn't matter (?)."

After solving one, quickly move to the location where the next qi machine appears.

As he expected, there were 7 or 8 people gathered here.

His arrival was soon noticed.


A cry of surprise appeared, and everyone here took out their guns at once.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, how about setting off some firecrackers to celebrate the success of your performance tonight."

For a moment, the gunshots here were really like firecrackers.

"Bang" "bang" "bang" "bang" "bang" "bang" "bang".

The remaining people on the other side were also alerted and quickly rushed to the side where the gunshots were heard.

There are a few who have a relatively calm temperament and are full of tendons. These people should be warriors.

Joanna naturally heard a noise in the parking lot, and she couldn't help but worry about Lin Ao.

Even a grand master has to guard against cold guns, let alone other warriors, unless you are a ninth-level grand master or a true martial artist.

She hugged Liu Nian tighter. Why are these men so competitive? Why don't you hide with me and wait for our people to come?

Later, Luluu will lose his father as soon as he has a mother.

Joanna's lips were bitten fiercely. She couldn't leave Liu Nian. She didn't know if there were other people ambushing nearby. The only thing she could do now was to pray that Lin Ao would be fine. Their people would arrive in two minutes. arrive.

Lin Ao took care of the 7 or 8 people very easily, using the surrounding cars as cover. After a while, these people were lying on the ground.

Sample, the gun line of my defense system is much stronger than yours, haha.

Lin Ao looked up and found that the last few people had already run over to support him.

He picked up a few pistols on the ground, removed them from his waist, and quickly changed positions, hearing another burst of firecrackers.

Now there are only the last three people left. These three people, judging from their speed and movement skills, should be in the innate realm. The three of them are hiding behind the pillars.

They should be sent here by Joanna's enemies. Who could they be?

"These brothers are warriors at first glance, how about we practice?"

After Lin Ao finished speaking, he threw a gun and it slid onto the aisle to show his sincerity.

Upon seeing this, the three men also threw away the guns in their hands.

Lin Ao walked to the aisle easily, waiting for them to come out with a smile on his face.

When those people saw Lin Ao coming out, they also walked out together. The three of them walked out with their muscles moving, and they will see if we don't beat you until you call mother!

Do you dare to offend three innate combat powers by yourself?

"Brother, I didn't expect you to be pretty good. Who is Joanna? Why haven't I seen her before?"

One of the men with short hair looked at Lin Ao with contempt and curiosity, and licked his tongue as he spoke.

The other two people looked at Lin Ao curiously. There was no such person in the information as Lin Ao, who was so powerful. When did he appear next to Joanna?

"I am her husband."

All three of them were shocked and stunned for a moment. It was impossible. Joanna had a man-hating behavior. How could she have a husband?

Lin Ao showed a strange smile.

"The distance is enough, I don't need to go to all the trouble of chasing you around."

The three of them looked up, what did he say?

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

Lin Ao pulled out a gun from nowhere and fired three times, hitting the three of them in the thighs.

Lin Ao immediately ran over, punched one person, and the three of them curled up on the ground with their stomachs covered.

"You... don't follow martial ethics, you are despicable!"

Lin Ao rolled his eyes at that person.

"You talk about martial arts, so many people ambushed a woman. You still talk about martial arts in life and death. You deserve to be lying here now. If you don't die, remember this lesson."

After Lin Ao finished speaking, he kicked one of the children, and they were all knocked unconscious by him.

Lin Ao then skillfully took off their belts and tied them up one by one.

The injuries sustained by those people were not fatal, and they were all knocked unconscious by him, leaving them for Joanna to interrogate and deal with.

As for Lin Ao, why did he take off his belt so skillfully? Don't ask, just ask because you have seen too much and experienced too much.

Lin Ao walked back to the door he came in from. As soon as he opened it, he was attacked by a figure from behind the door.

Lin Ao tilted his head and hid, grabbing the man's hand and preparing to throw him over his shoulder.

Just a familiar scent penetrated his nose.


Then he immediately let go and distanced himself from her.

"it's me!"

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